MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Men’s Rights on the Political Table

Filed under: General — Rob Case @ 2:21 pm Thu 19th July 2007

I read the following voting strategy recently on an American forum (full text here):

“…you take out a target (offending legislator) in the next election by financially backing his opponent. Legislators are like sheep. Their behavior is flock-like and is governed by fear. They are virtually all in it for the status — if you can call it that — and are usually achieving more status and even income than they are worth (esp. at the state level). Ergo, they respond to negative incentives — i.e., fear of loss. That is fear of loss of their cushy, silly little job. So as I have advised before, all you need to do is cause the highly-visible de-electing of an anti-father legislator, and make it clear to all the other sheep that this is why it happened. The flock with come to you.”

Nominations anyone?


  1. Thats what Operation 2008 is about. Peter Dunne has passed the selection process as has Judith Collins.

    Comment by Scrap_The_CSA — Thu 19th July 2007 @ 4:17 pm

  2. Ha 🙂

    since writing this morning I cannot event write on posts that have more than I think one reply. Now that’s funny! So I’ll have to answer your last post here Rob, because I am limited. These people who would limit me do not recognise that they do not have control over me at all and it is they who need to comply to a subservience to the public interest. And there is no other choice for they have not elected to use any alternative until forced to an end! However, there are two I know of Rob who would be pleased to help you organise this site and Beatrize ( i cannot remember her last name) has begun organising this idea internationally. The other is Dave Crosby. I think he is still in Orewa and likely to read this site. He has been to a couple of protests as well and would I am fairly sure want you to contact him to see if he is keen. Email me on [email protected] if you want me to give you his email.

    BTW – by the time we get to the elections if you and everyone else keeps up at this rate, no oplitician will have any choice but to make their individual stand public: so we have a lot of talking to listen to – and in some case do ourselves! Cheers.

    Comment by Benjamin Easton — Mon 23rd July 2007 @ 1:09 pm

  3. Surprise

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Sun 17th February 2019 @ 10:58 am

  4. And Italy is making noises about leaving the EU with the Brexit.

    That at the moment is politics but it’s a huge threat to the stability of Europe.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 17th February 2019 @ 11:16 am

  5. @3 Of course you have to appreciate that any smart fellow asked to be a politician who reply “Do I look like I’ve got “D” on my forehead.”

    I guess they bought the line, let’s have a bit of fun and suddenly found themselves elected.

    Not the first time a problem has been solved like that.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 17th February 2019 @ 12:52 pm

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