Separating from Relationships - Information Kits
Disclaimer: This information is given out in good faith from the Men's Centre North Shore - BUT - we are not lawyers, and this is not formal legal advice.
Divorce First Aid Kit For Men August 1998. An overview of what you may face in a acrimonious separation, and some of the steps you can take.
Useful Family Court Precedents Examples of useful Case Law which you can use in your own hearing.
Avoiding ex-parte Protection Orders If you think there is a possibility your partner may apply for a protection order as a tactic to separate you from your children, send this letter to the Family Court.
McKenzie Friends If you are representing yourself it is highly recommended that you take someone with you to be a McKenzie Friend. This person is allowed to sit beside you in Court; take notes; give suggestions or advice to you; and propose questions and submissions for you to put to witnesses or the Court.
Applying for a Judicial Conference To make an application for a Judicial Conference (eg: to re-establish access while waiting to defend a Protection Order) you will need to write a letter to the Court Registrar giving the reasons.
Filing Affidavits You will need to file sworn affidavits when making applications for court orders or making submissions in your defence. There are forms you can obtain from the counter or use the format here.
Information Sheets If you are starting a new court action, (eg: applying for a Court Order), you will need to provide an Information Sheet in the following format.
Dealing with Section 29A Psychological Reports If the court has ordered a Section 29A Psychologist's report, you do not have to attend but it may be prejudicial to you not to do so. Here are some hints on how to handle the situation.
Responding to a Domestic Protection Order alleging child abuse
Enforcing Access Orders without lawyers DIY Kit
People Experiencing Female Violence
Dealing with the Police includes details on how to contact the Police Complaints Authority.
Complaining about a Judge information on the Judicial Complaints Lay Observer.
False Sexual Allegations in Access & Custody Disputes
False Sexual Allegations: Criminal charges
Contacting CYFS Child Youth and Family Service in Auckland: download PDF (170KB)
Download Videos by author of "Fathers After Divorce"
Australian Lawyer Michael Green QC.

Video #1 Don't run to lawyers - get support from men's groups [1192 KB MPEG]
Video #2 Look after yourself [1248 KB MPEG]
Children and Separation (link) by Stuart Birks. What you do in the first few months and years after separation, with all their confusion, can have a big influence on the future. However short the time appears to you, it can seem like a very long time for a child. How can you both do your best for your children? This sheet raises some points that it might be helpful to consider if there are children affected by your separation.
Join the Union of Fathers: Visit to find the contact person for your area of New Zealand.