Film about prenuptials, request
A Production Company is producing a film on ‘prenuptials’ or as they are now referred to under the PRA Act 2002 , ‘contracting out agreements’.
The producer wishes to hear from anyone who has experienced an attack on one whether or not it went to a full court hearing. If it did not proceed to a hearing please advise why. Was blackmail utilised in order to have the decision settled out of court?
The program is about the “process” of defence in terms of Section 21 of the ACT. How was your contract attacked? The strategy of attack, first strike technique, domestic violence allegations, EXPATRE orders, solicitor incompetence in failing to advise other party adequately, other party not understanding contract, other party under undue pressure to sign etc.
Most importantly, did the contract supply you with ‘clarity and certainty’ as promised by the author of the ACT?
Your identification will be kept confidential and consent will be requested should the story be used in a dramatised format.
Please send succinct stories to
The CON-tract
Living Pictures Ltd
Box 56-459
Dominion Rd
Auckland 1003