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More PAS links on my website
I have a PAS DVD to view here at home
It does not leave my place
Regards – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 11:42 am
I hope you don’t mind Jim but I copied this site from your site because it is very good.
This is the first time I have heard of PAS and I am sure I am not the only one.
The question I have is, “Does the NZ FC take this into account. Does anyone in New Zealand?
Comment by julie — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 1:49 pm
Some say the NZ-FC is begining to recognise PAS. I am not so sure. I have not yet used this info/approach in Court.
I think Paul of Paul’s News has. You may like to ask him
Regards – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 8:21 pm
Do you talk to groups about equal parenting and if you don’t well you need to get prepared.
Comment by julie — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 9:06 pm
From the Coaching toward HandsOnEqualParenting that I do will come a power point presentation. Been planed for a while but not yet ready. Murray Bacon is pushing me hard so no doubt with his bothering and skill will come the real thing.
Regards – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 9:18 pm
The NZ FC promote PA as it is has not adopted Equal Shared Parenting nor does it currently foresee the same.
This subject walks hand in hand with unjust Child Support Liability, Abduction, False allegations etc… expect the stone to gather moss unless we coerce the System to alter the way they conduct themselves in administering Family Law equitably.
Comment by paulc — Wed 3rd May 2006 @ 10:53 pm
Jim and PaulC
I was talking with a Canadian last night and heard that we are looked upon as being behind (SLOW)in bringing about equal parenting. We rely so much on the powers running this country to be doing the right thing for us because the majority of us just follow the leader. And funny enough but that majority love their children yet are unaware of the dangers when domestic problems occur. (by using domestic I am meaning private issues that flare into breakups.) I have created PAS for my children at probably a low-medium level yet lucky for me they took the reins themselves because they were old enough. Many others are doing this while their children are younger. And it is not that they don’t love their children but they don’t think of consequences. The consequenses need to be consistantly and persistantly in their face. I am aware people know that something bad will come from domestic problems whether the children see it or not but during spare of the moment actions, consequenses are not considered. That’s why it needs to be as loud as the dangers for smoking.
The people want to know. They are asking for advice. We cannot just rely on changes at a political and law level to make our country a safe place for families. So we are/have organised meetings with speakers and venues and advertising. Need speakers for equal parenting to speak on the same night as Child Support speaker. Please keep 7th June free.
I have to talk with Murray.
I may be last to know but Inland Revenue has decided to be more user freindly towards payers of Child Support in that they will become more lenient on penalties. This is the work of Parents for Children, no doubt.
Comment by julie — Thu 4th May 2006 @ 7:59 am
Sorry Julie can’t do. Javan is with me that week
Regards – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Thu 4th May 2006 @ 8:32 am
Don’t get confused between GOOD Parenting and PAS. Gardiner never meant to inhibit GOOD Parenting by making us aware of PAS.
The balance is sometimes difficult and another good reason for real “Equal” Parenting in that the Child receives the point of view of BOTH Parents. Not that I suggest raming it down their tiny throats but your point of will be perceived in the way you live.
Javan often asks me why his Mum goes to Church get Steals the Fathering part of my Invalids Benefit.
Onward – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Thu 4th May 2006 @ 8:47 am
I think I need to learn more about PAS because nearly everyone I know falls into the low catagory.
As to the speaking at meetings, I need to know what dates you have free for July, August and September. I will come and see you in before the month is over.
Comment by julie — Thu 4th May 2006 @ 10:04 am
Dates to speak to your coleagues in the west.
Wednesdays free at present
12 & 26 July
09 & 23 August
06 & 20 September.
If they are School Hols you may like to include some Kids and have a gentle discussion in circle as part of the presentation
Looking forward to you coming over
Regards – Jim
Comment by JimBWarrior - HandsOnEqualParent — Thu 4th May 2006 @ 10:29 am
Bravo. Well done digging this one up.
Comment by Stephen — Fri 5th May 2006 @ 1:48 am