The curse of Testosterone???
Testosterone has a bad reputation. Its public image is always linked to the idea of dumb aggression, to the caveman. But this is misleading.
Satoshi Kanazawa at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, studied the biographies of 280 scientists and plotted their intellectual achievements against their ages. He discovered something extremely revealing: the curves of age-achievement in scientists was not only repeated in jazz musicians, painters and authors, but mirrored the curves of age-criminal activity in criminals. Furthermore, both criminal activity and intellectual achievement seemed to drop off when the scientist or crock got married and started a family.
Check out this site as it will give you a first hand account from a female Ethan, a 24-year old Veterinary Medicine student. She is also an FTM transsexual — Ethan diaries her experiences during her transition to a man through the use of Testosterone treatment.
These are some of the mental changes that Ethan documents throughout her/his course of taking testosterone:
After 1 month: “I’ve found it much, much harder to be as patient as I’ve always been. Patience is something that is very important to me so I’ve found this difficult to deal with. I find I need to sometimes just stop and take a 10 second breather so I can continue being patient, which is a foreign feeling to me.”
After 2 months: “I don’t feel that I’ve gotten more aggressive, but I have noticed that it’s much more difficult for me to just let something go. Perhaps it’s an aggressive or impatient impulse, but it’s not like I have to catch it or else it would escalate. The impulse is there (for example, to talk before I think in an argument), but it’s not like I would start yelling or cursing if I wasn’t aware the impulse. It’s just been harder to let things go that in the past I would have just sucked up and gone on with my life. ”
After 3 months: “It’s been much harder to notice the little subtleties that I once noticed………….more
If your a male it might help to understand yourself a bit better and appreciate what make you different to the female from a chemical perspective.
I often say to people.
Patience is a virtue.
Or practicing the art, of positive procrastination.
Waiting for the solution to, come to you.
Recently I made a few purchases.
Collecting Stamps, but my purchases never arrived.
While the cost wasn’t high, they were definitely things I wanted.
Things I collect.
So instead of even contacting them.
I have waited weeks.
Well past, when they should have arrived.
I could have rushed to judgement.
Downvoting them.
Spoiling there reputation.
Instead, I get renewed faith.
In people, and the postal system.
It is good I was patient.
Now as I examine my purchases.
Putting them in my collection.
They then serve, as a memory, to events.
A fine reward, for patience.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 7th July 2021 @ 5:30 pm