MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of February 2011

Men Going Their Own Way

Thu 24th February 2011:

More evidence of “Market Failure” in the Marriage Contract market- From Wall Street Journal: Where Have The Good Men Gone? Kay S. Hymowitz argues that too many men in their 20s are living in a new kind of extended adolescence. “nearly seven in 10 25-year-olds were married; by 2000, only one-third had reached that milestone” […]

Child reaches Three – Off to Work

Tue 22nd February 2011:

Interesting. Today a new way forward is being announced requiring solo parents to seek work when the youngest child reaches three years of age. Goff reckons it is a dumb idea, – well because he is in Opposition, and that is his job. He says the costs of childcare will offset the benefits of working. […]

Another protester being harrassed by police

Mon 7th February 2011:

An Uncle of a niece has been protesting outside ‘Child, Youth & Family Services’ (CYFS) for years, trying to find a way to bring her back to the family. His sister had hooked up with a man who had a negative past and CYFS took her child from her. The man then told the extended […]

CYFS protester held at gunpoint

Fri 4th February 2011:

At 4.45pm, February 4th 2011, a CYFS protester was held at gunpoint by police while on a mobile phone to another police officer. He was also on his landline [home phone] at the same time, to his lawyer over his case when the police phoned and asked, “Had he phoned the hospital?”

False accusations in custody cases

Wed 2nd February 2011:

Scotland’s DIVORCED fathers falsely accused of abusing their children during custody hearings are demanding a change in the law. Pressure group False Allegations Action’s spokesman, Eamonn Kelly said: “There are doting dads who have been falsely accused of the worst kind of abuse against their own children. It’s calculated to destroy a father’s relationship with […]

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