MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

CYFS protester held at gunpoint

Filed under: Gender Politics — Julie @ 10:35 pm Fri 4th February 2011

At 4.45pm, February 4th 2011, a CYFS protester was held at gunpoint by police while on a mobile phone to another police officer. He was also on his landline [home phone] at the same time, to his lawyer over his case when the police phoned and asked, “Had he phoned the hospital?”

The police kept him on the phone arguing that he’d phoned the hospital, says our protester and so he went next door to see if his sister and disabled niece were OK. When coming back to his cave, lol, he saw another policeman standing in the drive-way with a gun pointed at him.

He asked the policeman on the phone why he was there. The cop on the phone ordered him to walk up the driveway, turn around and put his hands behind his back. The gunman then ordered our protester to drop his mobile phone, which he did, and it broke. Once up the drive-way and on the ground, our protester was dragged to the neighbours property, read his rights and handcuffed.

They ordered his sister, her 2 children and his son out of the house at gunpoint also.

One officer had a gun pushed into his back right where his heart is once on the ground and handcuffed. He saw 2 other police officers with tazors in their hand and another 3 officers with hand guns pointed at him too.

All the while a child advocate officer looked on – you know them as the CYFS law enforcers. [there is no such thing as a CYFS social worker, they are just government workers enforcing the law the government makes]. The child advocate did not care that the children were being held at gunpoint, only that he was dealt to. Our protester says he tried to get everyone pointing a gun at him rather than his son and nieces.

The police told him someone phoned the hospital and said they heard shotguns from his address – this is the excuse they gave to do what they did and for sure it doesn’t make sense.

He was released from their hold, as well as his sister, son and nieces once the police searched the house for what we assume was guns and came up empty. Our protester said nothing had been touched but the computer. Oh my God, I feel like I’m in nowhere land. We were in the process of passing taped information online between people.

The neighbours were also scared after the incident.


  1. Really? – Onward – Together-4-FAMILY — Jim

    Comment by JimBWarrior — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 7:06 am

  2. is there a link or anything to this story

    Comment by ford — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 7:42 am

  3. Sorry Ford, there’s no link and I’ve fixed the post up. As you can see, with 40 facebook likes, it’s doing the rounds.

    You will be interested to know that we had a National protest last Wednesday and all the targeted CYFS offices were shut down. It’s getting dangerous for these men, particularly one.

    On the 14th February, Valantine’s Day, there’s international protest as well as national protest like Wednesday.

    Comment by julie — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 9:03 am

  4. Yes, really. I think you’ve had more than a million chances. I’ve heard that once you turn 50 you can’t change or that it’s almost impossible.

    I’m going to make sure I’m good enough for my own values before I get to 50. Then I’ll ask others if they want to do the same so they don’t have a fate of hate or bitterness etc.

    Comment by Julie — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 9:40 am

  5. so angry when he told me this, they need to find out who made that call and make them face the consequenses ASAP

    Comment by kelly depmsey — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 10:01 am

  6. Tried to take down any websites resently Jules? – Onward – Jim

    Comment by JimBWarrior — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 10:02 am

  7. Jim, You will notice the advertising of yourself isn’t showing. Now I understand why you were complaining that some parts of your comments don’t show. It’s not only impolite to come onto someone else’s site and advertise yourself as their enemy but to try and take their readers is … well, it’s disrespectful. How can you be a leader with bad values yourself?

    Tried to take down any websites recently Jules?

    How can you call me Jules while you challenge me? I know you and I get along when offline and I hate that you attack me online. Plus how can I trust you when you say I tried to take down a site? I never did that. I asked you to take my phone number off a comment I didn’t make. You put a personal email on your site and my phone number is at the bottom of my emails.

    I asked wordpress if you were allowed to do that and asked if you weren’t, could they please ask you to take my phone number off your site. They didn’t say you were being closed down, they just told you the rules.

    But you didn’t like it because you wanted to hurt me. Why do you hurt the people you like?

    Comment by Julie — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 10:16 am

  8. Hi Kelly, I think we need to go one smarter and ask what is going on around this man. Hospital staff can’t do this. They’re far too busy.

    They would tell someone to phone 111. It’s got to be a setup.

    Comment by Julie — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 10:31 am


    Comment by Gamma Jean — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 10:52 am

  10. I see I can’t reply to your latest twisted dig – So will try here – Clever Spin Jules – I look fwd to the day when more wake-up to you and yours – Onward – Jim

    Comment by JimBWarrior — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 1:31 pm

  11. Where were the 40+ when needed?

    Feeding on others FAMILY Anguish?

    Receiving Govt funding?

    Getting Kudos for leading those in FAMILY Anguish deeper into the **Empire of Injustice**?

    Manipulating the internet to BLOCK the stampede of protesters neccassary to change NZGovt attention to the carnage caused daily by those who purvey NZFamily Law and Social Policy for profit?

    Well where were they?

    Onward – Jim

    Comment by JimBWarrior — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 1:57 pm

  12. Seeking a lawyer to sue the nz government for social terrorism.

    Not content with oppressing and terrorising law abiding and responsible parents within it’s own borders, it chases refugees across the globe.

    Obviously they are above humanity and therefore care not for the effects on myself, my children and other dependants. Maybe if they changed a few thousand soiled nappies we could find some common ground.

    Perhaps if I spoke in a language they understand and worship we would make some progress. Considering that you illegaly and ruthlessly prevented me from working both in my former home country and abroad….

    …are you willing to take responsibility for the payments to support Supria and Elva? What of thier fate?

    Dunne are you out there?

    Comment by Peter — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 2:26 pm

  13. That’s it for me Jim. Any comments from here on will be left for someone else to moderate. Have a nice weekend. 🙂

    Comment by Julie — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 4:14 pm

  14. That was good going Julie.

    Pity the has beens cant remember the world has passed them by! Keep up the good work


    Comment by Alastair — Sat 5th February 2011 @ 7:38 pm

  15. Helen Clarke, how about using the resources of the UNDF for it’s intended purpose? What can you do for Supria and Elva?

    Comment by Peter — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 1:00 am

  16. Once we understand we live in a feminist dictatorship, we’ll stop being confused and start organizing public discussions and demonstrations.

    Comment by Ivan Zverkov — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 11:49 am

  17. Julie- how can this story be confirmed?

    Comment by John Brett — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 5:41 pm

  18. I will work on this. Good point.

    Comment by Julie — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 6:18 pm

  19. john have the prove right here and all the kids and neighbours to prove it feel free to come find out and and yes i will be going for them about it

    Comment by daniel ryder — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 10:17 pm

  20. A Police Officer leaked police data to his wife so she could use it in a custody battle.

    Comment by Julie — Sun 6th February 2011 @ 10:19 pm

  21. There are many awesome MRAs (advocates + activists) online with words of wisdom. One says, “The good men do, do them no good.”
    (seems to go for women also)
    I haven’t yet seen a time someone has to prove their story on this site. This is a first.

    Comment by julie — Mon 7th February 2011 @ 7:23 am

  22. Does anyone know a website where you can post documents etc?

    Comment by Peter — Mon 7th February 2011 @ 8:04 am

  23. You can upload files here if they are under 250 Kb.

    Click the star to ‘upload media’, where it says Upload/Insert (just above where you type the text of your Post)

    If they are larger than that, search for “free file hosting” and you’ll find dozens of options.

    In either case, remember that the rules of this site prohibit copyright violation, so you must have the legal right to publish the material in question.

    Comment by JohnPotter — Mon 7th February 2011 @ 9:30 am

  24. Elva lives in Honduras.

    Supria lives in Bangladesh and wants to be a doctor.

    Comment by Peter — Wed 9th February 2011 @ 10:25 pm

  25. Jenny can you please help?

    Comment by Peter — Wed 9th February 2011 @ 10:53 pm

  26. I don’t understand what Peter’s issue is about exactly.

    Comment by Hans Laven — Thu 10th February 2011 @ 9:39 pm

  27. does anyone here know of a reporter or laywer that can expose the web of deceit within cyfs and help me fight to keep my 3yr old daughter. Child Youth and Family Nelson have lost signed contracts and failed horrendously and now my daughter wants to stay with me but i need help to keep her??? i’m on the DPB at the moment so if legal aid is a option???

    Comment by Joe — Tue 9th October 2012 @ 7:39 pm

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