Wanted – men to work with fathers
We have found a number of gaps in the community sector and we’ve got the opportunity to not only put these concerns forward, but put forward groups who can fill these areas to CYF and soon government for funding. We have been told if we can fill the gap (a number of groups) it will be implemented throughout NZ.
What we are looking for is groups/individuals able to work with fathers and their children. We would like to offer weeks where fathers are monitored + helped, + given confidence and SKIP is interested in funding this. We need fathers who have walked the walk as fathers to teach new fathers through workshops as role models – all expenses paid. We would love to have fathers who have been there/done that and can give a training.
If you can help in this area, we would love to hear from you and put your costs forward as well as camp plus, plus, plus costs.
This is and area I would love to be involved in. Feel free to contact me Julie. I would like to help.
Comment by David Hardy — Fri 1st April 2011 @ 3:49 pm
Hi David, thank -you, I believe we have good fathers to put forward.
Comment by Julie — Fri 1st April 2011 @ 5:01 pm
I’m keen as you already know. Since our phone conversation about this subject I’ve spoken with Joel who is also looking forward to helping out wherever he can. This sounds very exciting indeed
Comment by Wayne — Fri 1st April 2011 @ 5:18 pm
Another gap in the community is helping men and women with children as a whole unit. The national organisation of women told me they have such a proposal on the table but lack the funding. They said, “If you can get the funding, we will do it”.
I want to let people know that we all have the power to fix things, that we are not hopeless and that once we show a few cases gained from our thinking rather than feminist thinking, and then add what Glenn Sack’s and other overseas men’s groups are doing in our proposal, we will show a better way.
The big thing IMO that we have on our side is volunteers. We are not charging ourselves out at minimum $300 an hour because we do this from the heart. And we are every qualification they are.
Comment by julie — Sat 2nd April 2011 @ 1:10 pm
first bringing children&men in problems, next offering ‘help’, a workforce for the making of feminized homphile shitizens, to make figurants in a devastating theater, to destroy normal families, to ridiculize-belittle-enslave men, asif females are another superspecies, femini$$m-samesex-atheism destroy our world !
Comment by Ad Verdiesen — Sun 3rd April 2011 @ 2:44 am
Almost all fathers do not need help from anyone. What they need is just the opposite – for the mothers and other women and the government to stay out of their lives and stop interfering with them and their relationships with their children. I thought that was the problem. It sounds like this article is trying to suggest that a solution to the problem of government interference with fatherhood is more government interference. Are these people complete idiots? I’m in the US and that’s like saying that the solution to paying down an unmanagable debt load is to accumulate more debt. Did I miss something in this article?
Comment by Darryl X — Sun 3rd April 2011 @ 7:21 am
Just a bit of background Darryl X:
I was asked by Julie if I would volunteer my time to help give confidence to young fathers who might benefit from my experience of raising my own 3 children as their primary caregiver, from their births. The focus appears to be on the practical aspects of child care rather than the traditional role society expects of fathers. My 17yr old son, Joel, was also invited to contribute as he is evidence of an outcome that can be achieved by being raised almost exclusively by Dad. Besides being the primary caregiver of my children all of their lives, I was also one of that minority of fortunate fathers who beat the odds and won full custody in our Femily Caught system almost a decade ago.
My understanding is that there are some young fathers who lack confidence during weekend visits, or holiday visits, and so proceed to contact the child’s mother for advice which results in unnecessary conflict. There are some mothers who refuse visits to their children’s fathers, citing the fact that those fathers contact them constantly for advice and those mothers feel that they are not getting their expected break from caring for their children.
The solution to this problem is not more government interference but rather using taxpayers money to fund weekend camps where experienced, confident fathers, like me, might volunteer to help increase the odds of young fathers and their children maintaining their relationships with each other.
I see this as an opportunity to help fathers and their children in a practical way. It is not the perfect solution however neither is sitting back doing nothing while mothers use that common reason to deny children and their Dads from having a relationship with each other. If I am able to help other fathers, I will.
Comment by Wayne — Sun 3rd April 2011 @ 10:24 am
Thanx for the clarification.
Comment by Darryl X — Sun 3rd April 2011 @ 1:20 pm