MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of April 2015

Who are the Female Heroes of today?

Sat 25th April 2015:

The pony-gate scandal fascinates me due to the interest given to its trivia. It has piqued my scientific curiosity concerning the human brain and the paradox of its complexity and how poorly this potential is utilised. I recently attended a public lecture at Waikato University from Warwick Holmes, an Avionics engineer who worked on the […]

Man shaming and victim blaming by Karen Woodall

Man shaming and victim blaming: an A-Z of male suicide Apr 14, 2015 I caught the end of the Panorama Programme on male suicide in the UK last night. Whilst I know something about the statistics around male suicide and understand some of those things which stack up against men, causing loss of hope […]

The ponytail ‘pulling’ prime minister

Wed 22nd April 2015:

Today Prime Minister John Key sparks debate on the issue of ponytail pulling. (I’m not pulling your leg) Should men be allowed to pull women’s pony tails? Should men in power be allowed to grab hold of a woman’s power pony?

Sexism in Television

Sun 19th April 2015:

I just watched what I think was the first episode of “I am Innocent” (TV1 18/03/15), that I recorded some weeks ago. Interesting that it focused on three female teenagers unfairly convicted and jailed for a sadistic mob attack on another young female teenager. I guess the show’s management team realised that they could only […]

The denigration of men: Ridiculed, abused, exploited

I suspect most of the men here already know how poorly they and their mates have been treated in today’s society. Left broken and unable to recover financially and mentally. Barred from some professions, less covered with health issues and totally unprotected in regard sexual allegations the moment the allegation is made. Paying for but […]

Photographing Boobs and Bums is ok

Thu 16th April 2015:

The case of Errol Standeven The police had no complaints from any of the women, who did not know that Standeven was photographing them walking and exercising, but it had a complaint from a man who said he was “disgusted” when he saw what Standeven was doing. These are photos in the open in public […]

Student Loan Debtors Choosing Bankruptcy

Mon 6th April 2015:

The big question here; If a student loan debt (a debt to the State) is expunged by bankruptcy, why does a child support debt still exist after bankruptcy?

Japan’s Support of International Child Kidnapping Continues

Sun 5th April 2015:

(despite its ‘show signing of the Hague convention’) In the first known case to make it to Court after Japan’s signing of the Hague Convention the judge did exactly as many of us knew it would. It made its entire rulings based entirely on Japanese Family Law and ignored The Hague guidelines which Japan stated […]

How to have a working Child Support system.

Thu 2nd April 2015:

I have been on both sides of the NZ child support system. It is a system that has completely failed by any useful measure. It is an income tax on some people based on their marital status which has nothing to do with supporting children.

Opposition parties welcome CYF overhaul Anoither possible waste our taxpayer money…….

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