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Communication What Goes On in NZ Jails and Caught$

Filed under: General — MurrayBacon @ 6:44 pm Mon 26th August 2019

Fellow jailbirds,

we need to communicate to the NZ public about the realities of what goes on in her magesties caught$ and jail$.
Should we be more active in communicating to the public by holding art exhibitions?
Opening Monday 2nd September // 5.30pm

Prison doesn’t just affect the incarcerated. Families are left without a parent, a child or a sibling. Communities left with a hole where a person once was.

Kōrero Pono, a multimedia exhibition created by JustSpeak, is travelling the country, giving a voice to those with lived experience of the justice system.

The exhibition features the intimate stories of sixteen people who have been affected by incarceration. The stories run alongside portraits by a number of Kiwi artists including Marianne Muggeridge, Xoë Hall and John Crawford.

JustSpeak Director, Tania Sawicki Mead, says the project shares the importance of investing in solutions that resolve harm, rather than believing that punishment will provide accountability.

“Kōrero Pono simply translates to honest talk, which is what we need when it comes to incarceration in New Zealand,” she says.

“The stories, and accompanied artworks, come together as a powerful exhibition that speaks to the long term consequences of prison on family members, on job prospects and our collective failure to address the complex drivers of harm such as family violence, drug and alcohol addiction, and mental distress,” she says.

The exhibition challenges the stigma faced by people who have been affected by the criminal justice system. The project seeks to build awareness of the collateral consequences of imprisonment on people, whānau and communities.

Starting from June, Kōrero Pono will travel New Zealand, starting in the South Island and finishing in Auckland – at Studio One (which used to be the Auckland City prison cells).

Full dates and details:

Nelson | Refinery Artspace / 3 Halifax Street | 3 June – 26 June

Christchurch | Exchange Gallery / 376 Wilsons Rd, Waltham | 30 June – 6 July

Dunedin | Otago Museum, HD Skinner Annex / 419 Great King Street | 8 July – 15 July

Auckland | Studio One Toi Tū / 1 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby | 2 Sept – 15 Sept


  1. Murray, I cant see it, when you are talking of Men who have been pulled into and punished by the system whilst their childs Mother is the angel yet chesire cat that used that same system who the hell cares but that Man and his Family. There is no doubt Men are painted bad and even horrible mothers are painted as good to adequate enough to raise that Mans child without him, even though this may be to the detrement to that child both short and especially long term. I do not believe there is a mamby pamby way to show this in the shit light that it is! Only banding together to be the BIG voice will suffice as a beginning.

    Comment by mama — Sat 21st September 2019 @ 2:08 pm

  2. especially when i talk of the men who have not even gone to bloody jail!

    Comment by mama — Sat 21st September 2019 @ 2:11 pm

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