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Who would think, politicians are self serving.
It’s not millions going around, it’s billions.
Contacts for this, and contracts for that.
Many make millions, with government policy.
Lawyers voting on laws making more work, is self interest.
Landlords voting on tax and rent subsidies, is self interest.
Women voting for women only things, is self interest.
Would any politician, vote against themselves.
Can we point out, his decisions being self serving.
Maybe there is no bad decision, and he did his job well.
This a bad mistake, that shouldn’t have happened.
A new standard of behaviour, few politicians can reach.
Who can meet the standard, who is next in the job.
Is there a single person, not already getting crown money.
Part of the club and well paid, with no risk of conflict with government.
It’s hard to see, anyone biting the hand that feeds it.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 17th June 2023 @ 1:37 pm