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Shared Parenting in Japan

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 4:38 pm Fri 17th May 2024

Legislation changes in Japan are expected to pass by 2026.

The new system will be implemented by fiscal 2026 and allow couples divorced before the implementation to switch to joint custody by filing a request with a family court.


  1. Some change is better than no change, so good news.
    It seems now a copy of NZ, bets all the Japan lawyers are happy.
    It’s not 50:50 just like NZ, it’s a contest and lawyers love that.
    There’s nothing like false allegations, for fortunes to be made.
    If the female wants the male gone, lawyers are there to help.

    What was worse then, for the Japanese man.
    That it was automatic, the mother got full custody.
    There was no battle of the mind, your fate is automatic.
    Now it’s just like NZ, the lawyers use the children as pawns.
    Tormented and ruined by the fight, they will suicide just like in NZ.

    There may be change, but it’s just a copied version of evil.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 21st May 2024 @ 7:48 pm

  2. I guess Japan is desperate, population decline is real.
    They are not like NZ, we hide our problems with immigration.
    There laws were insane, you could plan to get custody.
    If you had the kids at the relationship end, you got custody.
    There was nothing fair in Japan, for the victim parent.
    How much it affects birth rate, I’m guessing is unknown.
    Time will tell with the new laws, if they solved the problem.

    Meanwhile we have the same problem, we have a low birth rate.
    Since Japan is copying NZ, you can also expect a low birth rate.
    Either women don’t want babies, or men don’t want babies.
    So what will NZ change, to fix its birth rate.
    What laws are insane, so you can plan to get custody.
    The victim gender, has no choice but to not have kids.
    The risk of bad outcomes, is greater than the rewards.

    Things are bad, 1/2 of babies are conceived without consent already.
    Women do want children, but it is hard to find willing volunteers.
    The statistics say everything, the deal can really suck for men.
    There is no guarantee, you’re at the whim of someone’s planning.
    Countless babies are born in NZ, the father is automatically gone.
    The predators win, the law in NZ is there to help.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 28th May 2024 @ 7:46 pm

  3. When did we surrender our rights, to our children.
    In terms of making laws, they were probably the first laws.
    Every part of the world, had a version of family laws.
    All nations then inherited laws, so is there an inevitable norm.
    Your rights as a parent, becomes the same in every nation.

    When the state removes your rights, is it a good reason.
    The child abuse conviction, the drug addicted parent.
    How long does list become, how many parents fail something.
    Can you provide for the child, that’s real if there’s no benefit.
    With rights is responsibility’s, if you fail do you have no rights.

    So for many men today, they lost there rights to there children.
    The law was used against them, they failed something.
    For nearly all of history, no law took his rights away like that.
    Some protection order, or other lawfare can easily do that today.
    The state has all the laws, your rights are so easily gone.

    What are your rights, what can law not take away.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 22nd August 2024 @ 9:49 pm

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