MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

President Trump says “No more sharing half of the property of a rich man because of divorce – That scam is over.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 5:51 pm Sat 25th January 2025

President Trump says “No more sharing half of the property of a rich man because of divorce.” That scam is over.

If you want to leave, leave with what you came with or a fair share of what you built, but no longer half of what a man owns.

If what you own can’t take care of the kids, then leave them with their father.

Are NZ’s matrimonial property laws outdated?

Up until the early 1970’s women stayed at home and raised kids. If they got divorced, they were left with little or nothing. Divorce was rare.

Another reason was because a man’s income could buy a house, a car, food, pay rates, power, gas, birthdays, Christmas, go on holiday in the weekends. Shops closed every weekend.

Today women work. Even with a baby, many go back to work straight away.

Today around 74% of our universities are women. They have cornered education, health and women’s government workers numbers are much higher than men.

What are the knock on effects?

Are you a man with property and are worried about getting into a relationship? Is this causing a problem with undisciplined kids? Is serious crime a result of how we live today?

Again, are NZ’s property matrimonial laws outdated? Would it be fair to say, only capital gain?


In an ideal world would woman still want to work Gen Z liberals and conservatives debate. (PART 1) Watch the Swing States Debates with #thebenkawaller #fyp #pov #tiktok #fyp #fypシ #funny #foryoupage

♬ original sound – leotpughy


  1. NZ First will lead the NZ MAGA movement and restore NZ to a sane nation, it will take time but Kiwis while sluggish on the uptake of global culture shifts are smart enough to see the wood through the trees. Make NZ Great again ! If you vote for the commies your compounding the problem, but there are alternatives, choose wisely boys and girls we have options.

    Comment by Jim — Fri 31st January 2025 @ 12:30 am

  2. It’s about the money, lawyers are making fortunes.
    It’s not just the end of the relationship, it’s also protecting yourself.
    People are forced into hiring lawyers, for prenups and trust funds.
    If a common sense law was made, all the nonsense could go away.

    I think NZ relationship property laws, are sexually predatory.
    You may not like the person, but stay in the relationship.
    All you need to do is wait a few years, then you get half.
    If it look likes the relationship will end, pregnancy fixes that.

    You have extremes in the argument, regarding circumstances.
    You can both start with nothing, half each is a rational outcome.
    But what if you had life savings, then it is stolen in a predatory way.
    The person did nothing helping, they did nothing to deserve half.

    I suspect feminists love NZ law, they won’t give it up easy.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 31st January 2025 @ 7:58 am

  3. Trump is like an enigma, he almost can’t be explained.
    On one hand he has good ideas, then he does something crazy.
    Presently there’s lots happening, it’s near impossible to keep up.

    There is of course the Palestinian, that problem is far from over.
    Imagine meeting Netanyahu, a person who decided to mass murder.
    Even today the war continues, the West Bank is obscene.
    There is no free trade for the Palestinian, the acts of war continue.
    Then Trump abandons justice, attacking the International Criminal Court.

    I certainly wish Trump well, but I also see things I don’t like.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 8th February 2025 @ 7:24 am

  4. I have watched many videos, of women bragging on this issue.
    They took a man to the cleaners, some with a string of men.
    The level of respect is zero, men are nothing but prey.
    Dare not ask about honesty, because those women may have none.

    Was the marriage vows real, how quickly did they go for half.
    Did the pregnancy have consent, him just good for child support.
    To get everything, did the person lie about things happening.
    Was she a master manipulator, he just stupidly fell for the trap.

    So what do you do then, when living in a culture of sexual predators.
    If that is the culture supported in law, then how to defend yourself.
    Do you race to save some sperm, and race to get a vasectomy.
    Then exclude the mother from the child’s life, with surrogate babies.

    Don’t blame God for any of this, stealing stuff is not his thing.
    I imagine my own circumstances, my relationship like many.
    If we were to end the relationship, half would certainly be fair.
    Laws are like humans playing God, it looks good but it’s not good.

    Am I just lucky because I am not rich, any outcome was good.
    But if I was rich and she was not, then all of a sudden it becomes bad.
    We have nothing now, but either one of us could get an inheritance.
    Our money is pretty much separate, she invests in Lotto but I don’t.

    Maybe a question for eternity, can law on the issue be perfect.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 13th February 2025 @ 7:56 pm


    Comment by SEO KONTOL KUDA — Fri 14th February 2025 @ 8:22 pm

  6. It’s one thing to want fairness, but how do you make it happen.
    There is endless scenarios, how do you legislate everything.
    Do you have to make new things, so fairness is possible.
    Whatever the solution, it needs to be easy for people to do.

    If you have assets, you would need to define them legally.
    You would need to prove it, from shares to your house.
    It would basically be a requirement, if you want to protect yourself.
    Then when the relationship ends, there’s nothing to argue.

    If you got an inheritance, what happened with the things or money.
    Did you keep the house, was all the money invested in proven ways.
    Did you throw a party, and otherwise spend everything gained.
    Can law separate those two things, protecting invested inheritance.

    Could personal assets be the same, registered as your stuff.
    My stamp collection an example, my partner could want half.
    Little treasures from my teenage years, some of my good memories.
    How do I separate what I gained, from collecting more stamps.

    See the scenarios get complicated, fairness is difficult physically.
    Can law or process eliminate arguments, rather than being perfect.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 16th February 2025 @ 9:26 am


    I find this chap Richard Cooper very insightful

    Comment by Jim — Tue 25th February 2025 @ 10:21 am

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