Raising children in New Zealand
1) Licensing Parents, John Hudson.
Should parents be required to pass a warrant of fitness to see if they are up to the job of raising their child ? That’s what some experts are saying should happen in New Zealand. It’s a radical idea as a way of reducing child abuse and preventing kids from growing up to commit serious crime.
Please watch Parent video that Sunday has provided of the documentary online.
It is in the middle columne when you get to Sunday’s page. (Click Parent video)
The extremely frightening thing about an idea to decide from a child’s birth which parents are suitable to raise their children is that who are the one’s deciding??
Yes, you guessed it. The young girls and boys straight from university. How many times have we seen this already go wrong from CYFS. Every young male and female who decides with good intentions to be social workers and enter NZ’s highly researched opinionated education system come out with all the answers in theory. But you and I both know that theory and practical when it comes to raising children is not the same.
And then we will add all the PC crap and the responsibilties to get it right on these young ones. Now we have no risk taking. Basically, we are all imperfect and everyone of us can be found through one form or another to be unfit parents.
So, now we are going to need homes for all these excess babies, especially the first borns as most parents grow through their children and are learning as they go along. (once know as experience) So CYFS needs to go back to the old system of owning government children’s homes where male’s cannot be left one on one with children because of fear of accusations and women will become reluntant to speak up.
But then we will go further and raise these children with newly out of school Psychiatrists and Psychologists. I’ll cut it short. We are going to breed killers…. Unloved, unwanted, undisciplined, babies raised by the system, given only the bare essentials of a roof over their head, food, a chance to an education, clothing and that’s it. And then when they turn 17 we will throw them out the door onto the the streets where the WINZ system can pick them up and they can spend all their time using drugs and alcohol and kill each other.
But we will lock them up when they start to kill the other’s in society, build more prisons and start the whole thing all over again with our next lot of babies.
Perhaps I should draw your attention to a previous social experiment to deal with the same problem of Government sanctions of parental paliatability.
A young forward-seeing Austrian named Aldolf Schickelgruber, better known as Aldolf Hitler who created Hitler Youth (which was a resounding success and loved by all except the Jews, Gypsies and the rest of the world) who took children from their parents at a very young age and turned them into the ‘Master Race.’
We all know how that went belly-up.
New Zealand is such a beautiful country to live in?????
Reeks of big brother.He knows best and will make all your decisions.
Comment by keith — Wed 15th November 2006 @ 7:19 pm
The above profesions have alot to answer for
Comment by KevinOwen — Sat 18th November 2006 @ 11:58 am
I think what the problem is that the bigshots won’t listen to us little shots. And what is upsetting me even more is that the bigshots are telling little shots like me that I should be more focused on my personal life.
I don’t give a shit if they make more money than I do and if they get to holiday around the world in their time off. They are killing us little shots.
Do you know that I am looking at this whole situation just as I did when I was a teenager. And I get what the teenagers are saying in Tonga. And these middle class people are wondering what the hell is going on and listening to these bigshots like they actually get it.
Give us all a better life and we will live it. We know this is all coming down to MONEY.
Comment by julie — Sat 18th November 2006 @ 6:44 pm