MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

New Media

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:51 am Sat 20th November 2021

New Media

When MENZ started out it was ‘new media’ based on new technology, back in the day. Looking back by comparison that was not long after the somewhat radical “Scoop News” had launched in 1999, but that’s another story.

In the last two decades, media has seen phenomenal changes through the rapid development of technology and very much so in the last few years.

Through that entire time ‘men issues’ and the non-woke-bloke have been on the outer, censored, and without any real voice in the narrative.

That social censorship has allowed the male voice to be decidedly absent from parliament as well. That I think is not so readily realised, that the media has that subtle effect on politicians who rely so much on the women’s vote to keep themselves in parliament that they’re horse whipped into silence within parliament. 

In this despondent climate it is also easy not to observe and realise that change is taking place now.

Recently on this site we saw a video from Iain Fergusson. We’ve had a couple of trial efforts in the last few years but that hasn’t unleashed a wave of enthusiasm and a multitude of videos from New Zealand men.

There is a tendency to link to overseas videos as a form of protest which really is a testimony to male oppression in New Zealand. It may be hard to admit but the male psyche has suffered social suppression and subsequent damage. The inclination towards anonymous or faceless presentation, is in anticipation of real and expected intimidation – it happens.

In the underground of the 5th Estate, new media, citizen journalists (and I’m not going to give anyone free advertising) there is an “abundance of enterprise” out there at the moment, right across the country. I’ve meet some of them, on and offline.

They come in different forms, from Facebook lives to aspiring journalists and new media outlets with a team effort involved.

Some start out ‘issue oriented’ but then grow legs. And that’s not going unnoticed. Stuff News always had one eye on this site and I’ve written about that before.

So, when I see citizen journalists breaking a story and then Stuff News all over it shortly after, I know they are feeling threatened by the competition.

If you’ve watched the situations vacant you’d know the PM’s office has recently employed young talent as social media watchdogs and they’ll be giving the tips to the mainstream outlets.

Your tax dollars hard at work there as much as they are in other recent formations of aberrant media.

Having said that by way of an introduction here are the two main reasons for this post.

1. When I look at these 5th Estate projects and the people involved they are not your typical feminised media personalities that we are so used to experiencing. Not all but most of these new enterprises are pro male, if not just normal and talk about men with a passion that’s quite refreshing.

That in itself makes for more balanced news and it’s obvious now this will have an impact on our next election, too.


2. There is the opportunity for those that may not have the energy or the technical aptitude to make themselves and their stories available to be told through these new agencies.

The technology is hard to keep up with as it changes weekly if not daily sometimes.

I’m not talking about anyone broadcasting the entirety of their side of the truth but specific occurrences and new trends that wouldn’t otherwise make the news in our mainstream media 


That said, once those videos or interviews exist they can be transferred to or linked to this site.

It’s a real time change but it will be up to readers here to seek out these new age journos, if you’re not ready to engage in the trending technology yourself.

As far as the comments go, it would be good to see links to these new individuals or groups where you find more balanced news provided if not overt male support for social issues affecting men.


  1. In a broader context you’ve got media research companies like Curia (David Farrar) a fairly well known political research organisation (and others but he features in this example) to research options on a broader range of topics which may not suit the tight political control we see now. It’s more business for him.

    The opportunity to create changes exists beyond just these new platforms.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sat 20th November 2021 @ 1:33 pm

  2. Here’s a good example of a video produced on the day and puts some context around what the individual can do with the technology we have available now.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Mon 22nd November 2021 @ 9:18 am

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