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Ah ha, but read on! The reason for this allegation is that school boards tend to favour – Wait for it – Males.
No wonder they are villified 🙂
Comment by Alastair — Sat 6th December 2008 @ 10:47 pm
‘Illiterate, sexist and anti-intellectual scholl boards (i.e the parents themselves) are appointing poorly qualified principals’, according to the feminist researcher. I would place my faith for good judgement in everyday people more than with those who have been through the universities as they are no longer places of learning but are now places of intolerance and feminist brainwashing IMO. I would only encourage my children to university if they were particularly dull-witted. The internet is making a huge change in the way people operate at many levels. Accountants are being dumped by all smart people in business who are now using MYOB consultants. Advertising and marketing professionals are being recognised as a crock of shit, and in the USA less and less people are wasting money in the legal process, having mediation and arbitration agreements written into contracts and otherwise dropping litigation as a viable or smart option. In many states lawyers rates are down to $60/hour, below tradespeople. I would encourage young men with any talent to learn a trade
Comment by Joshua — Mon 8th December 2008 @ 4:09 pm
I encourage you to post your comments on Stuff (below the story in the link above). I have.
Comment by Dave — Mon 8th December 2008 @ 6:50 pm