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International Links
Australian sites
USA sites
United Kingdom sites
Canadian sites
European sites
Indian sites
International Publications
International Men's Network. The IMN is non-profit, nor political nor sexist.
Our aims can be seen in the International Men's Manifesto but in brief we support family values, masculinity, and yes, MEN'S rights.
Whilst supporting equal opportunities we are anti-feminist, for the term "femi-nazism" is an apt description of todays deliberate persecution and slander of MEN.
The principal purpose of the IMN is to help bring together various men's groups, local and national, into a global coalition.
WikiMANNia: Share knowledge without feminist lies. That's our aim.
This Wiki is a knowledge base covering the topic of the discrimination of boys and men. Evidence for this kind of discrimination is scattered throughout the internet. Hence, the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming at times and different accounts of the same problem can be very confusing. This is why information about the discrimination of boys and men is collected, structured and inter-linked on this wiki. WikiMANNia is the antithesis of the feminist victim culture and hate ideology.
Australian websites
Men's Rights Agency
The Queensland based MRA has created a national network of dedicated professionals - solicitors, barristers, counsellors, psychologists,
accountants, financial advisers and other consultants, who have a special understanding of the issues from a man's/father's point of view.
Dads in Distress
is a dedicated support group of men (in Australia) whose immediate concern is to stem the present trend of male suicide due to the trauma of
divorce or separation...Current statistics that have been published, indicate 5 men per day will take their own lives in preference to facing
family, friends and importantly their own children with the failure of the relationship...We aim to prevent this incidence from
occurring by showing the men and the community at large that someone really cares.
Australian Family Support Services Association Inc. "Fathers for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow". We want you to ask questions, research
information, tso seek support and to use the services the various companies, associations & organisations have provided for men within your State or
Territory. We at AFSSA support and are actively promoting the ideal of shared parenting arrangements amongst separated or divorced couples. We believe
equality and equity should be paramount for our children.
Stepfamily Australia
Stepfamily Zone - Newsletters, Articles, Stepfamily Corner, Stepfamily Community, Online Counselling, Links and lots more.
Australian Camp Connect Association A not for profit organisation that conducts programs for separated / divorced fathers and their children. The programs consists of day workshops and weekend dads' & kids' camps.
Malenirvana This site is all about malenirvana - health, relationships, family and divorce in the modern age of the modest woman with a little sport and adventure thrown in.
USA websites
Men Against Discrimination
www.MADMenUnited.orgM.A.D. is an incorporated non-profit, 501 C-3 tax exempt organization dedicated to bring organization and awareness to issues concerning men. Issues where men are not getting fair representation in the media or the courts. Issues that we believe are so discriminatory as to be actually against the law. Issues that when looked at in depth are not just injustices against men, but also to society as a whole. These issues are contributing to the destruction of marriage and the traditional family. This is contributing to children in our society being raised fatherless.
Dads Now provides the USA national platform for organized political and social
activism. It has links to:
- American Coalition for Fathers and Children
- American Fathers Coalition
- Family Forever Project
- Second Wives Crusade Website
National Congress for Fathers & Children USA Nationwide Advocate for Equal Parental Responsibility and
Protector of the Father-Child Relationship.
Mensactivism A news site with regularly updated content, trying to promote membership
in men's organizations by giving good PR to sponsoring groups.
Men, Fathers and Children International Men's and Father's groups around the world joining together to promote Men Fatherhood and
Children's Rights!
Father's World is a USA-based web ring. Our mission here at Father's World is to promote
and celebrate fatherhood and family as the leading source of information, resources, support and education for all types of fathers and
their families.
National Center for Fathering (USA) Our mission at the National Center for Fathering (NCF) is to inspire and equip men to
be better fathers. In response to the dramatic trend toward fatherlessness in America, the Center was founded in 1990 by Dr. Ken Canfield
to conduct research on fathers and fathering and to develop practical resources for dads in nearly every fathering situation.
Father's Rights Network
Huge lists of links on this site.
DA*DI (Dads against the Divorce Industry) is an organization devoted to reinstating the societal role and valuation of Marriage and the nuclear American Family, with particular emphasis on Fatherhood - Fathers Matter! Our mission is to provide timely and useful pointers on raising Kids, being a Mom or a Dad, building a Marriage, and commentary on those cultural forces which continue to threaten the traditional American Family and its kids.
The Fathers' Rights & Equality Exchange F.R.E.E [tm] FREE is a member-supported, not-for-profit organization dedicated
to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition. Both fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of
their children.
The Equal Parenting Party is a SINGLE-ISSUE party registered under the Registration of Political Parties Act 1998. We aim to raise public awareness through the democratic process of the worst social problem of our time - children being taken away from one parent after a separation FOR NO MATERIAL REASON. Get involved, Support our Campaign.
At-Home Dad A Quarterly Newsletter Promoting the Home-Based Father is devoted to providing connections and resources for the 2 million fathers who stay home with their children.
Millennium Divorce - information on divorce, separation, custody, child support and more. USA based, but with well-organised links to international resources.
'I Want a Divorce, Now What?' Book by USA attorney Alf Langan answers the essential questions: Who's going to get the kids? Can I keep my house? How much of my retirement plan will I have to give up? Will I have to absorb my ex's debts? How long will I have to pay alimony? How do they calculate child support?
Custody Reform is a group COMMITTED to fairness in the child custody process,
since before the new millennium. Within this site, you will be able to:
- Discuss your concerns, either in a public forum, or in private.
- JOIN US to help change the family laws that govern the family courts.
- Find the text of all family laws (and any other laws also) in any state in the U.S.
- Find the contact information (office address, email addresses and/or phone numbers) of any elected official in the U.S.
- Find many other resources, such as support groups, legal resources, research, local and international contacts, within our collection of links.
United Kingdom websites
The Equal Parenting Council aims to raise public awareness through the democratic process of the
worst social problem of our time - children being taken away from one parent (usually but not always the father) after a
separation for no material reason.
Fathers 4 Justice Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) is a new civil rights movement campaigning
for a child's right to see both parents and grandparents. The group comprises Fathers, Mothers, Grandparents, Teachers, Doctors,
Company Directors, Policemen, Barristers - a complete cross section of society - all whom believe that Britain is needlessly creating a
nation of children without parents and parents without children.
A sister [sic] site: Fathers 4 Justice Swansea & West Wales has up-to-date news about protest action and recent political developments in the UK.
Real Fathers for Justice Campaigning Direct Action Parenting Group, raising awareness and pressure for changes in UK Family Law, and investment in families and co-parenting support services.
SPIG Shared Parenting Information Group UK Shared parenting: the concept that, following divorce or separation, mothers and fathers should retain a strong positive parenting role in their children's lives, with the children actually spending substantial amounts of time living with each parent. Important information available on the SPIG site:
- Guidelines for separating parents - how to avoid common problems
- Parenting plans / Separation agreements - samples and things to consider
- The arguments for shared parenting - as used in court
- The arguments against shared parenting - how to overcome them
- Joint custody FAQs
- Law reform - samples from around the world - check the recent additions
- Child Support
- The Good Courts guide - see their track records (England & Wales)
- Family Mediation - organisations which will help
- Access Centres / Family & Child Contact Centres - help get contact going
- Contents list - titles and section headings of all our website pages (around 700 refs to 300 pages)
UK Family Court protest movement
Check out Britain's most
legally harassed father. Currently serving ten months in Pentonville prison, alongside criminals, for saying 'Hello' to his children
in the street. Previously jailed for four months for waving to them as they were driven past him on their way to school.
He wanted them to know that he still loved them and had not deserted them. He was held in custody by the Plymouth (UK) police for 19 hours,
while they raided his home and confiscated his address book, for the alm ighty crime of ...STICKING UP POSTERS! YES BILLPOSTING, FLYPOSTING
- using the offensive weapon of paper. Mark's only wish in life is to see his children and be a good parent.
Families Need Fathers All who access this site have one thing in common.
Be they FNF members or supporters, politicians, journalists, lawyers or other professionals,
they will all have an interest - either personal or work-related - in the making, interpretation
or effect of some aspect of family law. FNF is a charity which represents those on the
receiving end, rather than the vested interests of the practitioners. It was
founded by people who had direct experience of the way the law actually affects
families. They understood, in a way which even the most respected judge,
barrister, legislator or social worker can only imagine, what it is like to be
one of the 'ordinary people' whose lives are determined by the decisions of
family law professionals - in the case of the average FNF member, the decision
to restrict or terminate his contact with his own children.
UK Men and Father's Rights Home Page Every year 85,500 UK fathers have their children taken from them. Major assets are taken such as a house and car. They are fined annually and many are denied access to their children. Please act now to stop this terrible injustice to fathers and children which is imposed by family courts from behind closed doors.
- articles on Men's Issues from around
the world dealing with them truthfully. Our aim is to include a wide spectrum, some serious, some humorous.
Man2Man is a site that aims to give UK sufferers of female domestic violence a voice and a place to express their feelings, or tell their stories.
Parents 4 Protest Wales/Cymru The Parent Protest Group fighting for Justice and Equality in the Welsh Family Courts.
Canadian websites
Fathers for Life An extensive website that
addresses the issue of fatherlessness. Part of the Shared Parenting Advocacy web ring.
Fathers Are Capable Too is one of the largest fathers' and children's rights
organizations in Canada dealing with custody and access. F.A.C.T. is an organization of
both men and women working to support our children's right to have a relationship with
both parents. We are a not-for-profit father support group and advocacy group.
BC Fathers: The British Columbia Fathers Website. The Canadian courts enforce the separation of fathers and children, to everyone's great loss... except: feminists, politicians and lawyers. This site is:
- A resource for fathers who have had their children taken without just cause.
- A source of hope for fathers and families who are being extorted and impoverished by the
- Family Maintenance Extortion Program (FMEP) being funded with our tax dollars
- A notice that fathers will not stand idly by while our children are used as political pawns.
- A warning to all those who would use our children as the means of extortion
- For a better future for our children, especially our sons. They deserve Justice - not what we got.
- The beginning of the end of male slavery in British Columbia, and hopefully in all of Canada.
- Dedicated to our families, the people who bear the brunt of the injustices inflicted by the courts.
Fathers Without Children Counselling and Advocacy Services Handbook to Shared Parenting. The documentation contained in this Canadian site has been used to argue for the rights of fathers, as well as for changes in social attitudes.
Ottawa Men's Centre
Ottawa Men's Centre is a dedicated support group whose primary goal is to stem the trend of suicide by fathers. We provide divorce resources, impartial attorney referrals and support for men or fathers who are victims of false allegations, parental alienation and or gender bias.
Our annual ( English) report on the Dutch fathers and familyrights situation is published on the site "Het zal vaders een zorg zijn"
Fathers 4 Justice - Netherlands
Dutch F4J News in English
Dwaze Vaders ("Mad Dads") at
France Fathers' protests. Photos and information about future action in Paris and Berlin.
SOS PAPA Founded in 1990, SOS PAPA, with its 4000 members is the largest and most influential association of fathers in France. English content.
SOS DIVORCE pour les Hommes , J'aime papa. French site, some English content.
Rights for men and children.
Germany German protest / support site, English content on International Page Hickman's Resource Center (English version): activities, initiatives, backgrounds, resources, reporting, documentations by a foreign parent of German children.
Switzerland An organisation promoting responsible fatherhood. The VeV is dedicated to the premise that parenting is a 50/50 proposition. The relationship between parents and their children should be left as unrestricted as possible despite of separation or divorce. Both fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of their children. We want to contribute to the realisation of joint custody. We welcome and support mediation for divorcing parents as a constructive way to manage conflict.
Sweden Custody Law website where we give advice to fathers in custody cases
Chronicles from Absurdistan "As a separate father, I'm concerned with matters relating to postdivorce arrangements for parents (particularly, fathers) and children; but also, and increasingly, I'm interested in feminism as a deviant historical trend."
Indian Websites
All India Men's welfare Association
Indians against the anti-male, anti-family criminal law
Fight for Equality among gender, Justice to all and Family Harmony.
Family Safety
International Publications
Backlash Magazine (USA)
Manhood Online (Aust)
Everyman (Canada)
Angry Harry
(USA) links to articles from some of the best writers, columnists, journalists and thinkers
from around the world.
DesertLight Journal
e-zine of the international men's right's movement - editor: Trudy W. Schuett.
Fathering Magazine (USA)
on-line magazine for men with families - articles, reviews, columns, information.
Men Web Magazine (USA)
The Slowlane Express.
I am an at-home dad of three children and the Director of Web Development for the At Home Dads
of Greater Dallas. We at Slowlane hope to continue to be your resource for stay-at-home dads,
primary caregiving fathers and their families.
Down To Earth Dad.
Patrick Mitchell's monthly newsletter for fathers.
Links to male-friendly women's sites are here
New Zealand Links are here
Masculinist Evolution New Zealand
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -