Domestic Violence in New Zealand – A Masculinist Perspective

“Domestic violence programs provide a gravy train of government funding that empowers the divorce industry to seize control of more children, with predictable results: more divorce, more single-mother homes, more abused children.

Stephen Baskerville, Professor of Political Science, Howard University. Washington Times 9th December 2001.

Real Data from the Dunedin Study

The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health & Development Study (Dunedin Study for short) has been ongoing since 1972-73. Its findings expose the truth about domestic violence in New Zealand. Women hit men just as often as men hit women. The danger of feminist insistence that domestic violence is a problem with males, according to Professor Richie Poulton:

Whilst men can hit harder, women, adult women can hit very hard when the victim is a child.

Information Kit for People Experiencing Female Violence.

According to the original lesbian authors of this kit: "Female violence is: any behaviour which is adopted by a woman to control you, which causes physical, sexual or psychological damage or causes you to live in fear."

Important papers

The Other Side of Partner Violence:
A Counter-Balancing Review of International Studies and New Zealand Reports on Intimate Partner Family Violence

by Craig Jackson, Hans Laven and Dr Viv Roberts, November 2014. Download: the-other-side-of-partner-violence [586 KB PDF]

Women Can be Violent Too
A Review of the Hidden New Zealand and International Literature on Female to Female Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships

by Craig Jackson, March 2015. Download: women-can-be-violent-too-hidden-nz-literature-on-female-violence-in-intimate-partner-relationships [548 KB PDF]

What About Us?
Selective Reporting And Systemic Anti-male Gender Bias In The Media Coverage Of Intimate Partner Violence: A Human Rights Issue

by Craig Jackson, July 2015. Download: what-about-us-selective-reporting-of-ipv [485 KB PDF]

News and discussion on MENZ about Domestic Violence in NZ

More pages in this section:

Men’s Centre Experiences with Domestic Violence
Trying to help a male victim in 1995, co-ordinator of New Zealand’s first Men’s Centre Martin Lewis faced a wall of disbelief.

Hitting Home Report Winner of the NZ Skeptics Society ‘Bent Spoon Award’, this is a classic example of advocacy research designed to produce a pre-determined outcome.

NZ Domestic Violence Act 1995 The definition of violence is extended and Protection Orders made easier to obtain.

Battered Woman Syndrome An attempt to have this discredited construct entered into NZ legislation ‘through the back door’ of the Social Security Amendment Act is foiled.

Positive Partners, Strong Families – an intervention which supports New Zealand families is developed by Men’s Centre, but repeated attacks by pro-feminist organisations make the project unviable.

Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care One of the promoters of Recovered Memories in NZ jumps on the domestic violence gravy train. They change their rules to allow expulsion of members who question the party line.

North Harbour Family Violence Prevention Project Our local ‘Living Without Violence’ course providers are funded to educate and network with community groups, but only feminists are allowed. Clients who feel abused by facilitators turn to Men’s Centre for support.

National Network of Stopping Violence Services
Three member groups are expelled and others sidelined in the exercise of power and control, feminist style.

Panel breaches Bill of Rights over the dumping of male antiviolence group
An antiviolence counselling service has won a court battle against a government-funded quango that tried to run it out of business. The High Court at Auckland ruled that the Northern Region Domestic Violence Approval Panel breached the Inner City Group for Men’s right to natural justice.

Other Articles on Domestic Violence from MENZ

Noteworthy Research and Papers on domestic violence.

Aggressive Acts and Assaults – Understanding the Literature

Books and reviews on domestic violence.

Lesbian and Gay Domestic Violence

NZ Men’s Stories of Female Violence

Links to other pro-male Domestic Violence websites

Applications for Protection Orders in NZ 1998 – 2003

Next: Men’s Centre Experiences with Domestic Violence

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