Doctors For Sexual Abuse Care and Domestic Violence
“In the mid 1970s my colleagues and I made the disturbing discovery that women physically assaulted partners in marital, cohabiting, and dating relationships as often as men assaulted their partners. This finding caused me and my former colleague Suzanne Steinmetz to be excommunicated as feminists.”
– Murray A. Straus: ‘The Controversy over Domestic Violence by Women’ in Violence in Intimate Relationships by X.B. Arriaga & S. Oskamp.
At the 1996 DSAC AGM, the organisation voted to change its rules so that it could expel honorary members without reason or right of review. Dr Goodyear-Smith wrote: “Expelling or suspending members without any reason given; denying them an opportunity to be heard and removing their rights for review and appeal are not regulations becoming of a professional body. These actions of censorship, secrecy and suppression are counter to the principles of transparency and open exchange of information which should be guiding standards for organisations such as DSAC, a society dedicated to education, empowerment and healing.”
Dr Goodyear-Smith was subsequently expelled.
Turning the Light on Domestic Violence Behind Closed Doors. Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care (DSAC), the main NZ promoters of the now discredited Recovered Memory Therapy, are hitching their wagon to the domestic violence gravy train. On 25th and 26th June 1999, DSAC presented a seminar at AIT on the North Shore.
A group of male protesters from Dad’s Army 2000, ranging from pre-schoolers to pensioners, greeted social service workers attending the conference.

Doctors for Sexual Abuse Creation
DSAC and Sexual Abuse:
Fuelling hysteria: ISPCAN Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care were the organisers of a controversial Auckland conference in September 1998 for the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.