Santa comes to Family Court
Santa Clause visited the Waitakere Family Court on Christmas Eve to deliver a present for the Judges and court staff. In some European traditions, children who are very badly behaved are said to get a lump of coal instead of presents – this Family Court received a whole bag!
Afterwards, Santa joined Union of Fathers protesters across the road from the court. He said that he was very upset that so many children would not see their fathers this Christmas because of the court’s unjust rulings. “I have met up with the Ghost of Christmas Future, and he tells me the future for the NZ Family Court is not looking good”, he told MENZ Issues.
“Next year I might have to encourage more Santas to come down from the North Pole and let the court know how unhappy we are with their performance.”
Union of Fathers chairman Jim Bagnall said: “we’re here today to ensure that children become the source of co-operation, not conflict.” He is very critical of organisations and individuals who make their money from encouraging disputes when relationships split.
Also protesting outside the court was Sonia Robinson (holding the purple banner in the photo below), who is active with Fathers 4 Justice in the UK. She said has been delighted to find so many like-minded activists on the far side of the world. She said that next year after she returns to England, she and some friends are planning to get arrested at one of the many protests orchestrated by F4J.
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must,but you don’t quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow –
Success is failure turned inside out –
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
VC 216 Lith in Italy
Comment by Peter Burns — Fri 24th December 2004 @ 8:44 pm
Join the Santa March-4-Family Justice on Dec 17, 2005:
Comment by [email protected] — Fri 2nd December 2005 @ 8:50 pm
I got some presents today.
Unfortunately my daughter let out her secret.
But it’s purchased anyway.
I think I got the last one in town.
A foot bath, machine.
I also have a party 3 days after Christmas for my partner.
So I get to see family and friends.
Have dinner, and a few drinks.
Got some fireworks as well.
I went to see a friend.
In my darkest moment he was all I had.
All my hope was gone.
Only he was left to cheer me up.
So I fled my persecution.
Into the night, across the land to get to him.
To sit next to him.
To cry.
Got lost unfortunately.
And slept where I fell.
In the night I found the tree in the dark.
It was the dark where there is no light.
Electric fences, are not easy to see in the dark.
I found a few.
Today I went to sit next to him.
At his grave.
But I didn’t find him.
He is there, but went the wrong way.
I found many others instead.
And a view.
The land and the river.
People driving by beeping there horns.
Paying there respects to the dead.
Families tending to graves.
Graves with no names.
And graves time has forgotten.
I found a dream I once had.
I had sat at the same place before.
There hiding.
A small wooden cross.
The weeds growing, concealed.
But words in bold.
John bro.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 20th December 2020 @ 2:00 pm
I shall write something profound.
For tomorrow.
It can only be like Jack Black.
A tribute, of an explanation.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 20th December 2020 @ 4:27 pm
Not what I intended to write.
Apologies for mistakes.
There is physics.
Laws that sit above physics.
And the point.
The universal theorem.
The point.
1: There is only one.
2: Nothing cannot be nothing, unless it cannot exist.
3: Anything that exists is an emotion.
4: All emotions exist as equal and opposite emotions.
So this is digital (1,2) and analog (3,4).
1: Numbers do not exist.
Only one.
Humans measure but it cannot be measured.
Be certain of this.
No matter how hard you look you will find nothing the same.
No matter how identical you make things.
Even to the atom perfect.
Try then, make the electrons, perfect to the atom.
2 apples plus 1 apple = 3 apples.
True but only in context.
For no apple be the same apple as another.
There is only this apple and that apple.
6=6 just as 1=1.
The number 6 has no context. Rule 2 and 3.
6=6 just as 0=0.
You can write 6 meters.
But you cannot measure it.
It must be 6 plus, or minus, as argument to rule 2.
So is one thing 6 long.
Your unit of measure can be 6, IE one.
2: This is zero.
Be certain of this.
Think of the sine wave.
No matter how hard you look you can’t find zero.
Zoom in as much as you like.
The line crossing the line.
You can never zoom in enough to find where it crosses.
3: This be Mass, and Energy.
This be Time and Distance.
And all things created by them.
4: I have taught you this, as best I can.
So this.
E=MC, ignore the squared as it’s numbers.
Energy and Mass, are equal and opposite emotions to Distance and Time.
Rule 1
E/M= one and D/T= one
E= one, and M= one, and D= one, and T= one.
So Humans measure and find the speed of light.
A limit to Distance to Time.
So then this must be true.
The limit of Time to Distance.
300,000,000 T/D squared. (A)
It is possible that all these exist.
So this. “the distance of 2.66 billion light-years between GN-z11 and the Milky Way at the time when the light was emitted increased by a factor of (z+1)=12.1 to a distance of 32.2 billion light-years during the 13.4 billion years it has taken the light to reach us.”
So A/ year equals 2.85 billion years.
The limit of distance for light.
Light cannot travel further.
Gravity cannot travel further.
There is resultants to this. Observation.
My assumption is it will appear bigger, but trend to showing no energy.
I apologise for my math skills. I have looked at that assumption and got numbers similar to observation. But brighter minds are needed for the equations.
The most important sentence on this subject.
“And other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”
Indicating while he had great arguments, he couldn’t do numbers naturally. Rule 1.
The point.
I my dreams, in the deepest of depths.
I found the point.
It be the atom.
It be the sun.
It be the galaxy.
It be the universe.
I am not certain of that but it is what I saw in trying to define the Big Bang.
I found the point, and everything was relative to it.
But I saw many points.
My original output was.
Nothing is something, and something cannot be nothing.
At 16 or 17 years old.
The voice mocked me.
“Tell them, Tell them.”
No way was I telling anyone, nothing.
I knew I didn’t have the answer.
It was a dead end.
I could feel it.
Assumption is all things exist in the observable universe.
And they are all things created by the Big Bang.
But that object (example) has moved outside of the distance limit.
Logic dictates it no longer exists, but exists. Rule 2 and 3.
Kinda like a photon.
We are the observer, the point.
We look left and see an object at the limit.
We look right and see an object at the limit.
But the object at the left cannot see the object at the right.
If you went to the limit, and took another step.
Earth would disappear.
You would know not only that Earth existed.
But the other object at the opposite limit as well.
Just kidding.
Look at a moon ring.
Like the rainbow.
Isn’t the moon the point, and you observe it.
Just as it observes you.
I don’t therefore see a Big Bang.
But recycling in supernova.
Creating large atoms, from small.
And detonation of black holes.
Turning energy back into mass.
Fission, and fusion of the atom.
I don’t see a beginning or an end.
But many beginnings.
And many ends.
My perception of the photon.
I have imagined being the photon.
I searched for where I would arrive.
I experienced no time to get there.
But it took forever.
It shakes Distance and Time.
Rippling through space at the speed of light.
The stronger it shakes, the more energy it has.
So, guessing.
My instinct is telling me it’s a dead end.
So more thinking, to find out.
Distance and time are opposed to mass and energy.
It can bend light.
In my mind Mass rejects Distance and Time.
But Time and Distance, are constants. Rule 1.
Time and Distance become compressed. Rule 1 arguments.
Mass is not attracted to mass. Rule 4.
Mass rejects Time and Distance.
Time and Distance rejects Mass.
Moving towards the most compressed space.
The big object creates the most compressed space.
While in proportion it also moves towards the small object.
Distance and Time is the vacuum of space.
It is nothing.
It is a solid that is distorted by Mass.
It wants to be the solid that is not distorted.
One could assume at the point it is most compressed.
At the distance of eternity it is the least compressed.
Hence like the solid glass lens, curved.
It can bend light.
I came to the decision it was a solid at the age of 32.
But also saw it as a dead end.
So more thinking.
It was in a moment of trauma that I suffered so much for.
The first time that I went to get help.
I came home, after going to 3 places.
I asked myself the hardest question.
For my mind to escape, knowing it was trapped.
What is the vacuum of space.
I get a little bit confused with energy in the relationship pertaining to gravity. Most likely I have not read something. Or it’s not involved as it’s also the opposite to mass.
What then of the Atom.
The question for me is.
It is viewed as positive and negative. Rule 4.
Obviously, Distance and Time are involved.
Obviously, Mass and Energy are involved.
I will zoom in.
It does have remarkable similarity to a galaxy.
Can humans pass my ruler please.
Hey look.
Elements have flavours of emotion.
An object absorbs its colour.
Emitting the opposite colour.
Absorb no colours it is white.
Absorb all colours it is black.
You see it, but do not see it.
You see what is not it.
Assumption becomes an object emitting energy.
Is hot but wants to be cold.
Absorbing energy.
Is cold but wants to be hot.
Is south but wants to be north.
Is positive but wants to be negative.
These is obviously maths.
I need to think more about some things.
Natures curves for example.
They are just fantastic.
For personal reasons.
Did you see the moment of clarity Satan.
“Yes my sons cup is nearly full”
Fool did you not see Satan.
That when he saw you, he saw me.
That I was hiding in the darkness.
That he is my Son.
His cup spills.
I be heaven, and you are hell.
I be peace, and you be wrath.
I be the truth, and you be dishonest.
“No it is my love that has no bounds.”
Hypocrite I say.
You love to hate.
I love to love.
You are suffering.
I am paradise.
Damn fate just intervened.
My Son opened his present.
The mother conspired against me.
And I underestimated his memory.
He was still happy.
But I missed joy.
A some point I will write more.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 21st December 2020 @ 8:26 pm
Left my alarm clock out in the shed, this.
My partner heard it, I did not.
I am thankful.
For her keeping watch over me.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 22nd December 2020 @ 5:32 am
I wrote Trump2024 because Trump2020 was already taken.
Sorry for all involved. Done elsewhere.
Well before the election as well.
I like WOT.
Takes my mind off things.
I’m just fractionally better than average.
I have found myself deleting what I’m writing.
I’m tired, so don’t want to make mistakes.
I am pleased.
I have had my say.
During writing this stuff I made a mistake.
My mother told me she would visit.
And I hardly see her.
But I was elsewhere because I put this stuff first.
And my family lost so much of my time.
I am so sorry for my family.
They think I love this machine.
And do not know me.
What my work is.
The have seen but not heard.
Endless, what are you doing with your life.
To be honest.
Right now.
I don’t know.
I will make a point of seeing my mother.
I will be seeing my father.
And having a nice Christmas.
I will get my partner something.
She thinks she has all her presents.
She does not believe me.
Despite what she has seen.
She will struggle this Christmas.
I very rarely pray.
But when I do.
I mean it.
I will pray for her.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 23rd December 2020 @ 12:58 am
I have experienced the most amazing things in the last few days.
There is so much to explain.
But I will leave that for another day.
The sun is rising.
On a new day.
I feel ready to face the world.
My fears are gone.
And I shall be strong and good.
I know I will make mistakes.
But I know that I will try my best.
I know my future is what I make.
That my intent is good.
So it shall reward me.
With good things.
I have met my mother.
And seen my father.
I got a wow from my son.
And the look of shock from my daughter.
And my partner watched over me.
When I needed her most.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 26th December 2020 @ 6:56 am
Nice , positive attitude . Good on you
Comment by tony — Sat 26th December 2020 @ 10:05 pm
Interesting subject as I have thought about how to speed up rotation of planets.
The obvious, like a large asteroid would be to attach a rocket to it to make it spin.
Creating artificial gravity at the surface.
Most likely a method used to slow the spin rate down, for capture etc.
You could force the moon to spin.
The problem with the moon is its day length is too long.
That’s a huge task but possible.
The realistic option is a railway, solar panels, and electricity network 180 deg plus around it.
Then you have free power continuously.
How you land on objects is an influence.
If you always take off in one direction.
But land in the other.
You speed up the rotation speed of the object.
Or slow it down.
Venus if it was significantly increased in rotation speed is interesting to me.
All it needs is bugs to create high temperature solids.
Not gases at high temperature.
It will still take a long time until liveable habitats exist on the surface.
But possible with time.
I have also come to the conclusion that you cannot get to another star without taking small asteroids for resources.
Including as resource for propulsion.
And deceleration.
You could go without an asteroid.
But I struggle to see survival like that.
Unless it arrives to established things.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 13th January 2021 @ 7:10 pm
I am doing well with my argument and it’s more in depth.
So nearly finished.
Was looking for answers, so looked at my physical writing.
There is quite a few poem type arguments.
Where the argument in the background.
Is slightly dirty, describing sex etc.
So good to read for the argument.
When I spoke the argument for the existence of the universe it to was poem like.
But but more blatant equal and opposite words.
Luckily this ones about two atoms, clearly not sex.
Or suns, galaxy’s, universes colliding.
They crash onto each other, but carry on into space.
Eventually they would lose velocity.
Going back and forth until they become one.
One can assume as a possible resultant.
That small bits may fly off, as a result of the collision.
So a good science argument.
The word coaked was the emotion of to unite.
The poem includes the moment two points become one.
Awkward moments in the dark.
Not knowing where to start.
Cold feet a funny start.
Shiver in the dark.
Chance meeting don’t suppose.
Coaked from a distance.
Cant offer no resistance.
Cares disposed.
Never met before.
A primitive charm, I can’t explain.
Causing actions, I can’t refrain.
Personality we both explore.
Cant seperate us apart.
But together we both depart.
To awkward moments in the dark.
Not knowing where to start.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 18th February 2021 @ 9:01 pm
I have had good thoughts today.
When I wrote #4 I did not know what I was supposed to write.
#5 was written, randomly.
Trying to download, my conclusions.
About the distance limit, and Universal Theorem.
Defining in effect Gravity.
I see far more now.
Of possibility of unknown, misinterpreted things.
I spent about a decade, looking at energy creation.
Stirling engines, and other energy/mass experiments.
To keep my mind occupied, rather than thinking about life.
While I can describe a system that creates free energy, it does have a high capital cost. Essentially manipulating, heat pumps, and Stirling engines.
But I see a new possibility now. #5 leads me to the conclusion that in the same way that heat pumps work, that an electrical pump is possible. For to long I have been a bit aimless in my personal life. With renewed hope, I shall start again.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 4th May 2021 @ 6:11 pm
At some point, I will need to explain 5 better.
So something I wrote in my 20s.
When I wrote it, it was a science argument.
Of a lost planet, independent.
Trapped in eternity, in the universe.
Broken down and old.
My spare parts can’t be sold.
Things are getting cold.
And death is taking hold.
Time is but a fold.
In a life that’s not so bold.
Of a story that’s never told.
Good memories growing mold.
To me the question becomes.
When it is absolutely cold.
Can the electron remain with the proton.
Would it not self destruct.
Churchill’s black dog has visited.
A cruel companion, at the best of times.
Yesterday was a harsh day.
But to me, although it’s suffering.
I can think out complex ideas.
So today I stared making a new magnetics experiment.
Highly likely to fail, investigating nothing.
But thanks to my visitor.
Only the black dog.
Both the worst, and best of company.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 12th July 2021 @ 5:43 pm
Number 5 can also be called God Theorem.
In that God is all things.
The Law governing all Laws.
Also in effect, the Universal Theorem.
So in effect.
Someone like Jesus, new what compliant arguments were.
So could explain nature, with the term God.
And be correctly as his arguments were compliant.
I personally have experiences I can’t explain.
But to me logic dictates, no supernatural God.
But an absolute one, as a Law of science.
Governing all things, even the supernatural.
There remains, only one.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 12th July 2021 @ 6:16 pm
Some arguments for #5
If the universe exists. Rule 1
It must also not exist. Rule 2 and 4
But exists. Rule 1 and 3
The physical evidence.
The distance limit defines, the visible universe.
But you have placed yourself at its centre.
Logic dictates there must be many centres of the universe.
Mass that exists in my universe may not exist in yours.
Existing and not existing at the same time.
The argument becomes.
Is every centre of the universe of identical mass.
Therefore one could predict gravity acting on a distant body.
By mass that to you, does not exist.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 21st July 2021 @ 7:53 pm
The argument has become complex so I will write it down.
You have a sphere of influence.
The other object, has its own sphere of influence.
So two intersecting spheres of distance and time.
It has a volume of space known to both.
A volume known to one but not the other.
And a volume known to the other but not the one.
Beyond that is unknown.
But could be considered uniform.
The more defined, knowledge of things around you.
Obviously the distortion of that uniform space.
Created by mass, becomes more accurate.
With more knowledge of it.
Certainly however.
You the centre of your own universe.
Seem to ignore it.
Are you not, still.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 22nd July 2021 @ 6:17 pm
What we see happening, may be the opposite.
How confusing, is the moon travelling around earth.
It rises in the east, and sets in the west.
Does the sun, not do the same thing.
Does the universe, not rotate in the night sky.
Certainly it is the observer, who is at its centre and stationary.
Even the direction of rotation, around the sun.
Is only, a point of view.
Change north and south, and one changes direction.
Even the stationary human, is going it’s fastest.
Do you not have velocity, as the earth rotates.
It’s speed, travelling around the sun.
And the suns speed, around the Milky Way.
It’s it speed, through the nothingness.
Is one not already, at the speed of light to something.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 22nd December 2021 @ 8:24 am
Consider a human on earth, and an alien at the distance limit.
The speed travelling apart so fast, it’s the speed of light.
Yet the human is stationary, and so is the alien to itself.
In the other direction to the human, is another alien.
Also at the distance limit, also at the speed of light.
Yet the human is stationary, and so is both aliens.
How then is the human stationary, to both.
Yet be travelling at the speed of light, in all directions.
Be stationary, but see the universe travelling away in all directions.
It implies, the universe itself is expanding.
Which forces a new question, about the ruler we use.
If the universe is getting bigger, then we must be getting smaller.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 23rd December 2021 @ 8:09 am
I think about the subject, of the permeability of space.
One can imagine a point in space, even a volume with no atoms.
It is truthful to say, there is nothing there.
It therefore, must be also false that there is nothing.
Yet if you imagine a tiny ball, an all direction camera.
It can see all the universe, continuously live streamed.
Despite being nothing, it experiences everything.
Logic would dictate, as the ball gets smaller interactions decrease.
Until it becomes, the point.
Where there is no, interactions.
Which should be a limit, or constant in size.
Everything then exists, and does not exist at the same time.
As there is an eternity, of points.
You have things, near translucent.
Yet a thin sheet, can block out the sun.
You have things, that have very magnetic properties.
Yet some things, hardly react to a magnetic field.
You have things, that easily carry electricity.
Yet many things, get described as insulators.
It seems atoms, can do strange things to it’s environment.
Each atom giving the space it occupies, a permeability value to each Force..
You can pick your value, when you make things.
The vacuum of space is the reference, to the extremes.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 10th February 2022 @ 6:01 pm
#5 is still difficult, to explain.
But an easy example, that children can grasp exists.
With a toy, the little bouncy ball.
By releasing the ball, gravity is allowed to act on it.
It falls towards the bigger mass, gathering speed.
In nearly an instant on hitting the floor, it changes direction.
Returning, to the persons hand.
Yet the marble will dent the floor, and make a loud noise.
There is only one ball, rule 1.
It certainly exists, rule 2.
It exists as mass, with energy, stuck in time, a distance from the floor, rule 3.
It had the emotion of falling, then the emotion of rising equally, rule 4.
The properties of the bouncy ball, a good choice to show no loses of energy.
The properties of the marble, a bad choice showing other emotions.
Instead of bouncing high, it just made more noise.
In choosing what ball to drop, one is choosing if one dents the floor.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 20th March 2022 @ 9:42 am
If one can create an emotion, at a place and time.
The equal but opposite emotion, is made at another place and time.
If one were the left hand, then the right hand must also then exist.
If one goes up the hill, one must come down the hill.
The start of the trip is the bottom, and the end is the top.
But the start becomes the top, and the end the bottom.
If one finds a buried coin, did one not bury it.
If one shoots a bullet, it will hit the target.
Stationary at one place, then stationary at another.
One may enjoy the crime, but not the sentence.
A moment of caring, can create a smile.
The happy person, in turn caring for another.
The bad events, cause people to be charitable.
Charity can cause, dependency.
Dependency, results in people being less charitable.
(Thinking out loud, so little will be correct)
Something is neither hot, or cold.
It only feels the emotions, of its surroundings.
While you are the same temperature, the day is hot or cold.
The water put in the jug gets hotter, but colder in the fridge.
No drop of water is now hotter, or colder than all the other drops.
To the water, the person who boiled the jug got colder.
The water has less energy in the fridge, so other things appear hotter.
Temperature acts like gravity.
It spreads out, into the universe.
Matter, getting in its way.
The sun feels hotter to earth, so is it’s gravity stronger.
Than to Mars with the sun feeling colder, so is it’s gravity weaker.
The sun, remained the same temperature.
Something with gravity, also has temperature.
Mass cannot change, so gravity is constant.
But it’s temperature can change, dramatically not affecting gravity.
But it does change time, that something experiences.
If it’s hotter, time goes slower for the atom.
At the limit of hotness, time must stop.
At the limit of coldness, time must go it’s fastest.
The atom experiences constant vibrations, in the same time.
Like speed as in temperature, it thinks itself is stationary.
It is the only one.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 20th March 2022 @ 10:32 pm
The interesting part is, there was no prior thought to #21
I started trying to write anything, and it came out that way.
I only stoped to check, if temperature affected gravity.
The question or conclusion wasn’t a thought, prior to its writing.
If you are surprised, so am I.
It feels like I opened a door, with new questions.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 23rd March 2022 @ 7:23 pm
If you heat a rock, in a fire.
The outside becomes hot, while the inside is cold.
Eventually the inside is as hot, as the outside is hot.
Yet if you set it aside, taking it from the fire.
The outside becomes cold, while the inside is hot.
Eventually the inside is as cold, as the outside is cold.
If there was no radiation, what is critical mass.
For the centre to be hot, and the outside cold.
If you aim for a perfect size, turning a shaft.
The metal was room temperature, but is now hot and bigger.
One cannot trust ones size, if one is trying to be exact.
One could do the maths on its size, but every step has an error.
One should wait patiently, for room temperature.
Why the does the atom, take up more space.
In convection, the hot is less dense.
And the cold, is more dense.
So a hot atom, uses up more space.
What then is space, if it’s not distance and time.
The hot atom, going more distance using less time.
Distortion more, yet it’s gravity is the same.
In convection, the colder atom appears heavy.
But it’s mass is the same as the hot, appearing lighter.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 25th March 2022 @ 8:10 pm
I had a good argument thinking, and forgot how it started.
Luckily I have remembered, a little bit but a sentence.
Time has a magical existence, as you cannot see it.
Certainly you can say, that’s not true.
You can have two clocks, then seperate them by speed.
One is stationary, while the other used energy to have speed.
When they are reunited, the clocks are different.
To alter time a little, you must use lots of time.
Or travel at ridiculous speed, using unobtainable amounts of energy.
The bigger the mass, the more energy needed.
It would then also be the case, for distance.
You can’t actually see it, despite the argument of estimating.
Even when you get the ruler out, how accurate are you.
Zoom in to your perfect surface, a mountain range of atoms.
Even the clock, is never actually 12:00.
Try then to find, when the hand crosses the line.
Can you not measure, or time things.
Only the mathematician, creates the point in time.
That they then, measure from.
That was also not my argument, but similar.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 31st March 2022 @ 6:01 pm
I started something I couldn’t stop, by writing #20.
The first argument in #21, showing I realise I’m not in control.
That I have started making, equals and opposites.
It starts with, “ #5 is still difficult, to explain.”
So that immediately, made the opposite comment.
An easy example, children can understand.
Further back in time by memory.
“ Dare not let him speak, or he could say anything.”
And I recognise that happens, with #22.
So #21 is made, because #20 was made.
Being a difficult example, even for adults.
#21 has no prior thought, and I don’t know if it’s correct.
And that creates the opposite, but equal in #24.
With prior thought, but also I don’t know if it’s correct.
#22 is a comment, from one side of the door.
#23 is a comment, from the other side of the door.
What is next, remains a mystery.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 3rd April 2022 @ 8:04 am
An interesting question is the mass difference, of the Neutron and Proton.
And in looking for the answer, something is blatant.
And whenever I start from there, it has lots of questions.
The electron, and positron.
As there mass, is identical.
There energy, is identical.
There charge, is identical.
They both, have spin.
But magically all that disappears, when they collide.
Remaining are two things, with mass, charge, and spin gone.
It had gravity, then did not have gravity.
Can it not have gravity, then have gravity.
Is the frequency of the ejected energy, related to the rate of spin.
Revolving at the speed of light, to immediately being the strait line.
But now positive, and negative in equal measure.
The universe, must then consume mass.
Positrons created, but all destroyed by electrons.
But that can’t be the case, otherwise we would have no electrons.
Instead we have, just as many as we have protons or neutrons.
Where are all the positrons.
The electron and positron, is a very Universal Theory compliant phenomena.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 10th April 2022 @ 11:32 am
I did say #11 was science, like the electron and positron.
“Cant seperate us apart.
But together we both depart.”
I have found an example, easy to show children.
Tell the child, that your finger can bend light.
And ask them can they see there finger, do the same.
With two eyes things are blurry, but you still see all.
You can go out of focus, with two see through identical fingers.
But get them to close an eye, and things disappear from sight.
Clearly light is not bent, by the finger.
With a curtain and the sun, create a wide beam of light.
Place a coin perpendicular to the light, its round shadow in good focus.
Try then the child, to just about touch the coin.
Certainly the shadow shows, light was bent by the finger.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 17th April 2022 @ 9:44 am
Trying to understand the Big Band, is difficult.
How do you reconcile, the Proton or Nuetron.
Why are they all identical, and how where they made.
Maybe it had no mass, only being energy.
In an instant all the energy, became mass without energy.
The creation of mass, and it’s opposite mass.
The result, an instant release of energy.
As anti mass, got consumed.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 19th April 2022 @ 7:31 am
I obviously did little edits, on that comment.
Bang, not Band.
I get so many little arguments, I can’t write them all.
If the event spread, just slower than the speed of light from a point.
If the energy then ejected, caught up with the creation of mass.
Would the creation of mass stop, having an inherent limit of mass.
If the original mass is only energy, so it then started without gravity.
So a black whole is a candidate, for a Big Bang.
It turns itself into only being energy, without mass.
So is there a limit of mass, so it then becomes all energy.
So it then, goes Boom.
What remains of the site, of the original event.
Did itself, keep going Boom.
Until it run out, of energy.
The original, now a unfindable normal black hole.
If time, caused distance to be created.
Then energy, caused mass to be created.
Maybe there was, nothing.
And because there was nothing, it was something.
And made the mirror image, of itself.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 19th April 2022 @ 9:59 am
Magnetism, is an interesting subject.
It behaves like gravity, but it’s not the same.
In that it’s force, travels trough space the same way.
So whatever space is, it has more than one quality.
One allowing gravity, one allowing magnetism.
The objects mass, has an unchanging force of gravity.
But a mass, can change its magnetism.
Some atoms are good at it, some are not.
So the atom must have a more north, and more south side.
While other atoms, are not assembled unbalanced.
Charging a magnet, lines all the atoms up.
The mass then having a long lasting, magnetism.
Space itself, must have direction.
Or that space has no direction, but magnetism gives it direction.
The balanced atom, unaffected by it.
The unbalanced atom, affected by it.
So space may be compressed, by gravity.
But have direction, due to magnetism.
Gravity being very weak, a magnet strong for it’s mass.
A question would be, the path of a polarised object.
Is the iron asteroid rarer, from being sucked into magnetic fields.
Non magnetic objects, just experience gravity.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 23rd April 2022 @ 8:50 pm
Like Johnny Depp, beaten and told not to cry about it.
I am strongly arguing, about what I have written or like his case done.
So unless I have evidence like Depp, my arguments are meaningless.
I may have told the truth, but it was already known.
At least then, I added to the proof.
I may be wrong, but someone must prove I’m wrong.
Is that already known, or is that an unanswered question.
At least I wrote them down, for my own reference.
Because I’m not at dead ends, I know I can do better.
It was not easy to get to the state of mind, to write them.
At least I have something to ponder, for some time.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 26th April 2022 @ 5:09 pm
I have been reading, about the Neutron.
How it’s not actually, a neutral particle.
It is a negative magnet, and the proton a positive one.
So one can assume, they want to stick together.
If one added up the forces, of the nucleus of the atom.
Because the proton and neutron, are not equal but opposites.
An atom is inherently then magnetic, with a resultant spin.
Could an atom be anti magnetic, repulsed by a magnetic field.
Adding neutrons to the atom, to tip the balance negative.
What medium, is the magnetic field affecting.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 13th May 2022 @ 10:02 am
I have been watching, a lot of science videos.
The effect of the internet, is immense.
Where science was restricted, now everyone can have it.
Not confined to the library, or University.
Even the third world, has the same opportunity as me.
I found an argument about symmetry, interesting.
As the opposite exists, with particles.
They are asymmetric, with properties.
The electron is negative in charge, but it has no positive.
The proton is positive in magnetism, but it has no negative.
Yet at our scale, those things have symmetry.
I assume you can’t make, an asymmetrical magnet.
Or is that, an error in thinking.
If symmetry was compulsory, the opposite must exist.
And the opposite, is inherently not the same.
With molecules we evolved with one, and not the mirror opposite.
Evolution may have sped up, the more asymmetric we became.
Certainly life creating gender, is the reason we are here.
If symmetry made things identical, life wouldn’t exist.
Life could not choose, one version over the other.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 25th May 2022 @ 7:09 pm
It think I have made progress, with a subject.
The beginning is the point.
Therefore the universal theory starts.
Time must exist, and it attempts to make distance.
The point becomes all energy, and attempts to become mass.
But there must be many points, all now black holes.
If the point were to exist, but evidence shows many points.
Was the original distribution uniform by distance.
If the universe was endless, where is the galaxy’s going past us.
If the furthest away, is going incredibly fast away from us.
Then the person two furthest aways.
Would see a galaxy, going incredibly fast towards us.
We don’t see that galaxy anywhere.
By attempting to make distance, the universe expands.
Logic would say at the distance limit, it expands at the speed of light.
Every galaxy still thinks, it’s standing still.
Just as every point, thinks it’s stationary.
Then the universe could be endless.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 16th June 2022 @ 7:13 pm
If expanding at light speed, was true.
We should be able to see, evidence.
Expansion, must be even across the universe.
Firstly to avoid to much maths, it’s logical.
Assuming the distance limit, is 2.85 billion years.
So in one year, length increases by one year.
So 1/2.85 billion of a light year, per light year.
The same for a light second, as for a year.
We have the moon, as a test.
It is about, a light second away.
So each year, the moon travels that far away.
300,000,000 meters / 2.85 billion = 0.105 meters.
So that’s similar, to observation.
When it was closer to earth, it traveled away slower.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 20th June 2022 @ 7:17 pm
So due to it actually being 3.78cm, not 10cm.
The difference must be caused, by tides or other things.
The moon loses energy, and falls by slowing down.
So tides or other effects, are negative 6.22cm.
We are somewhat lucky, the overall figure is positive.
And small enough not to cause, the moon to fly away.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 21st June 2022 @ 5:19 pm
I had interesting thoughts, and need to write them down.
It starts with, what is it.
In the beginning, there was nothing.
But as nothing is something, and something can’t be nothing.
Something, is created first.
So one must consider, what is also nothing.
A law is nothing, but is something.
Inherently, there is only one something. (Rule 1)
Since it’s something, and something cannot be nothing.
Then something, must be something that’s nothing.
The only option, is the point.
The point forces, the creation of new laws.
Since it’s nothing, and everything.
Zero is created, and the first emotion is created.
The point, cascades out of control.
It attempts to become, one at all things.
All energy and all mass, all time and all distance.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 18th July 2022 @ 6:08 pm
So one of my conclusions, was the vacuum is a solid.
Since time and distance, exists everywhere.
Inherently the vacuum, is made of it.
If mass was to instantly exist, it’s in reference to other mass.
It has a distance, to other bits of mass.
That proves, distance does exist.
Energy travels, at the speed of light.
It goes distance, but requires time.
Air, has a speed of sound.
Water, has a speed of sound.
Even heat, travels in metal at a speed.
Therefore light travels, in the media of distance.
Distance, has a speed of light.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 18th August 2022 @ 5:25 pm
So time, must have a distance limit.
An object must have existed, within the limit to see it.
It’s light arriving at us, much longer than the start distance.
Is the thing at the edge of vision, defines the universes age.
Is the very edge, not then infinity or all time.
And if that’s true, because the speed limit is true.
Then it’s opposite, must do the same thing.
There is a mass limit, and an energy limit.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 19th August 2022 @ 6:02 pm
I have tried to work out gravity, for a cause.
But got a slightly different argument, in the process.
When I imagine mass, being the absence of space.
I can then imagine, space being displaced.
Being displaced or nothing, causes space to be compressed.
As we see evidence, of curved space by mass.
Every particle, having its own effect.
Technically you can measure, every particles presence.
At a distance a collection of atoms, looks like one thing.
We measure the moons effect, with one calculation.
Yet it’s made of near infinity, of particles.
As mass increases, so does the compression of space.
So to does the compression, of the particles.
The sun compression, allows nuclear reactions.
More extreme neutron stars, and other exotic things.
How compressed then, is the black hole.
Mass so compressed, it’s all nothing.
Space itself doesn’t exist, inside the black hole.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 25th August 2022 @ 8:49 pm
I was listening to a physics person, on the Big Bang.
In microscopic time, space instantly expanded.
Far faster, than the speed of light.
Reaching the observable universe, in no time.
The opposite argument, is expansion at light speed.
A star at the beginnings edge, is now 13.7 billion years away.
Happening in all directions, stars still at the centre.
Stars near the edge, see it has an end.
While we somewhere, can’t see an edge..
The distance limit, restricts our view.
We see a spherical view, our universe.
But in both arguments, we only see a small part.
If the physics guy is right, the universe goes to infinity.
Or it’s 27.4 billion years, in diameter.
Our tiny planet, in a tiny part.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 15th September 2022 @ 7:43 pm
I think there is an error, in saying 27.4 billion years.
If over the distance limit, space expanded at light speed.
Space could expand, to the distance limit.
The edge, matching the expansion rate limit.
But when it continues, to two distance limits.
It’s edge goes light speed, plus light speed.
In reference, to the centre of the Big Bang.
And at three limits, it’s three light speeds.
But the edge, is only travelling light speed.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 16th September 2022 @ 11:21 am
Geez, I made another error.
When the Big Bang starts, it’s at light speed.
That must be the case, for any mass or energy.
Maybe time and distance, went to infinity instantly.
But mass and energy, are opposite being limited.
So when it expands to the distance limit, it’s two light speeds.
It’s speed, plus the expansion of space behind it.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 17th September 2022 @ 7:28 am
I have been thinking, about my writing #5.
Because I found it very difficult, to work out.
I wrote it in two attempts, with sleep and work between.
I know writing the laws, involved little edits.
So when I started, I didn’t know the outcome.
For just one day of writing, it was a relief to finish.
From the start, it was nearly two months to do.
At the beginning, I quickly got the first law.
But not in context, of its religious meaning of one god.
It was purely a result, of the argument on numbers.
I’m not a religious person, but I did recognise the rule.
To not poison my thinking, I avoided the bible completely.
Some days later, I made myself start reading it.
If the bible was correct for rule 1, did it have any other rules.
Of the little I read, one comment stood out.
And was the basis, for working out the other laws.
“A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.”
Rule 1, you are judging one tree.
Rule 2, the tree exists.
Rule 3, the tree is made of mass and energy.
Rule 4, the emotion tree has equals and opposites.
I doubt however, the writer new rules 2 and 3.
Other than existing, or not existing.
Zero wasn’t a concept, at the time.
Or ideas of mass, or energy.
Rule 1 and 3, may have got confused.
But the writer was definitely taught, rule 4.
I have no doubt, Jesus had a fully compliant output.
The level of understanding, is a mystery.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 3rd October 2022 @ 6:50 pm
Ultimately humans, will need to be sustainable.
Or find ways, to cheat nature.
Because that’s all human are, exploiters.
Petrol an example, of exploiting fossils.
Yet it’s not hard to see, the end result.
Humans will collect, the carbon dioxide.
Combine it with water, and make hydrocarbons.
So I can see humans, recovering from atmosphere changes.
With a full range, of energy options.
It looks like a hard problem, but really there is solutions.
I have found a hard question, on the 2 slit experiment.
Years ago, I know I had an argument for it.
Not that I solved it, but it was a logical look at it.
I cant put it together, from an old memory.
I will have a try again, after some thinking.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 13th October 2022 @ 5:48 pm
I have been reading, to better understand things.
I have noticed a problem, with E=Mc2
If an atom has lots of energy, but loses a photon.
The photon has no mass, but the atom must have lost mass.
Otherwise the equation, no longer balances.
An atom absorbing a photon, must also increase in mass.
But I assume hot objects, weight the same as cold objects.
The atom trades velocity for energy, the mass not changing.
But the equation has changed, if E of the atom changes.
E=Mc2 must only be actually true, at absolute zero.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 16th October 2022 @ 10:23 pm
This is where I’m up to, not that I think it solves things.
So more thinking needed, with a few ideas.
Quantum Entanglement, is bizarre to say the least.
I can understand it, if particles are right next to each other.
One gets spin, then the other has the opposite spin.
If one is affected, then so is the other.
But as they go apart, there seems that no force exists.
The forces of magnetism or gravity, or charge are tiny.
But the particles are still acted on, by the other.
It is also a very yes, or no phenomenon.
Rule 2, Nothing cannot be nothing, unless it cannot exist.
Since we know entanglement, is not nothing.
Then something exists, that we don’t know exists.
Rule 3, Anything that exists is an emotion.
Because not entangled exists, entangled must exist.
Because entanglement exists, is it not everywhere.
Anything that splits in two, is entangled.
Until one is acted on, then the link is broken.
If the link breaks, both experience it at the same time.
The link is always, one long.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 18th October 2022 @ 7:03 pm
I have a crack in a concrete slab, between the house and shed.
And have walked over it, thousands of times.
It has become helpful, in doing arguments
It starts as two cracks, becoming one crack.
Then for a metre or so, stays as one crack.
Then like the start, becomes two cracks again.
It is a very two dimensional view, almost logical.
It even looks like lightning, far from a straight line.
But the crack has depth, so it is also like a chaotic wave.
Not hard to see arguments, playing with particles.
The intersections being points, that are events.
I have tried using it, in evolution arguments.
Just as important, is when the analogy fails.
The two cracks are the cell, and mitochondria.
They join becoming one, for some time.
The cell creates gender, with two separate paths of evolution.
In evolution, how long is the single line.
It can only represent, the individual.
The mother and father, at the point creates the child.
The child then multiplied, with two children.
If the argument is about humans, as a species.
The points still exist, as we have a common ancestor.
All of us go from common ancestor, to common ancestor.
Hundreds of them, in life’s long history.
There is still a line from point, to point.
But is it really a continuous line, point to point.
Who is this person that’s the point, for humans.
Among the billions, there is only one.
Or is the genetics travelling mixed, not just as the individual.
Not a logical path, but a wave of genetics in time.
Then for an instant, humans become the point.
Everyone to then exist, coming from that point.
Is that itself wrong, with evolution with many points.
Are you the point, for chromosome five.
Who are these people, all twenty three of them.
Points of time, that 100% of us are related to.
We all evolve, from the common ancestor.
But do we also all evolve, into the next common ancestor.
After all we are all related, to the next point.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 7th November 2022 @ 9:09 pm
I will have another try at that problem, at some point.
The good part is, I am having some good arguments.
My instincts keep telling me, it’s the experiment.
As questions about the experiment, expose the error.
Anyway I have an observation, that’s interesting.
If you upscale the 2 slit experiment, what happens.
Imagine 2 long rectangle holes, in a wall.
And you throw fast cricket balls, to see what happens.
The ball goes through, or it hits the wall.
It may hit the edge, flying on a different path.
But certainly, you know what slit it used.
It doesn’t matter at all, about being a wave.
There must be a size limit, to the experiment.
In the experiment, the observer is the problem.
Try then be the observer, of the experiment.
Are you not one, yourself the experiment.
Two holes, letting in light.
Pause for a second, at how astonishing sight is.
Are our eyes just the observation, at the slit.
How the hell, can we see things.
Make sense of the image, with a continuous image.
Man made computers, have a lot to catch up.
Have you noticed, you can’t zoom in.
But you can judge distance, to things.
Even with an eye closed, your mind can do it.
How then does the object, tell us it’s distance.
Just by my mind and eyes, looking at it.
What information did light carry, to let me know.
Creating a 3D environment, in your mind.
Stand on a hill, everything is communicating with you.
Every blade of grass, kilometres and kilometres away.
Between you and the blade of grass, is near infinite things.
Atoms, and countless other photons travelling.
Just as if you were at every spot, it amazingly got to you.
Move, and your image changes.
Yet the light, traveled in a strait line.
Amazingly, you can guess it’s distance.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 14th December 2022 @ 7:19 pm
We perceive existence, from the presence of mass.
So it must also be true, from the presence of energy.
If that’s true, then it’s opposite is true.
The presence of distance exists, as something.
The presence of time exists, as something.
Does everything that exists, then must be due to mass.
Are there things, that are only distance and time.
We could not see it, as it has no energy.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 18th December 2022 @ 7:42 am
I have found I can’t make myself, think of new arguments.
They just seem to happen, and I then try to write it down.
Or in actually most cases, I start writing not knowing the conclusion.
I haven’t tried, going over my arguments.
There’s got to be mistakes, or better arguments.
I should find some time, doing some holiday reading.
An example, is these comments from #5.
“Isn’t the moon the point, and you observe it.
Just as it observes you.”
Because that does happen, to be the case.
The light from you arrives, when light from them arrives.
Just as it observes you, you observe it.
There is no time delay, with each other’s present.
Aliens on another star look at us, at the same time we look at them.
You see there past, at the same time they see your past.
Light therefore travels in time, and cannot change the past.
The present must be a truth, and can’t be changed.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 22nd December 2022 @ 9:40 pm
This is from #18.
“It implies, the universe itself is expanding.
Which forces a new question, about the ruler we use.
If the universe is getting bigger, then we must be getting smaller.”
In arguments about expansion, they don’t talk about us.
How the expanding universe, actually exists for us.
You cannot say, it’s affecting those galaxies.
But not affecting our galaxy, as we aren’t special.
Whatever’s happening to them, must be happening to us.
So is the meter, in real terms changing.
Or is the ruler the same, but distance grows.
Minutely, the distance between atoms change.
Does a wave get shorter, or longer with time.
You could argue the extreme, the point.
At the point, there is no change.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 25th December 2022 @ 7:23 pm
I had some technical issues, like a forced holiday.
This is a comment that failed to post, but I kept.
It doesn’t say anything special, more stating the obvious.
The Universal theory, must apply to everything.
Hidden in the background, of everything happening.
Nothing cannot be nothing, unless it cannot exist. Rule 2.
It is real that a person, can be asked to be still.
Sit them on a chair, even get them to hold breathing.
Observe them, certainly they are still.
Get it right, the photographer gets a crisp image.
But because of rule 2, they cannot be actually still.
If you define the chairs surface, as still.
How exact is the emotion, higher or lower.
Just the persons heart beat, is an effect.
The chairs materials, with the emotion of flexibility.
The earth below it with miniature shaking, from earthquakes.
The land up or down, with tides from the moon and sun.
Zoom out and speed up the solar system, and watch the chair.
Measure the emotion, left or right for the chair.
Measure the emotion, higher or lower.
Measure the emotion, closer or further.
Zoom out then, doing the same for the galaxy.
Certainly the emotions are equal, due to the chair being still.
Try then measure the emotions, when you move the chair.
The chairs surface cannot be still, as it’s always higher or lower.
If the chair goes higher, it must go lower.
Zoom in then and find the exact moment, the line is crossed.
The chair is still, but must also be higher or lower at the same time.
There is only one chair, rule 1.
The chair exists, rule 2.
It is made of mass and energy, rule 3.
The emotion chair, has equal and opposite emotions, rule 4.
Are you still or moving in space, and can you prove it.
Certainly you travel at high speed, within the solar system and galaxy.
If the speed of light is a constant, what is its reference point.
Light would then travel faster or slower to you, depending on its direction.
Why isn’t there tens of thousands of Km/s difference, easily measured.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 5th January 2023 @ 12:21 pm
It seems only a matter of time, before a good planet is found.
What then for humans, a second earth is just waiting.
It would mark a point in time, when planning begins.
Even if it just theory, of what is needed for an attempt.
Based on your speed, you can now define travel time.
You can then design the spaceship, to last the journey.
At 41 light years away, that’s still 410 years at 10%.
The volunteers, all die on the trip.
Generations must be raised, passing on knowledge.
How expert must the passengers be, to then colonise a planet.–and-it-is-very-similar-to-earth
Maybe that can’t be the plan, being to difficult.
Maybe the targets to find is tiny planets, and asteroids.
Far easier to land on, so you can get resources.
Building from there, then trying to colonise a target planet.
You would first need to make, a spaceship using society.
Itself from raw resources, able to make new spaceships.
That I’m guessing, is a few thousand years away.
What is the escape velocity, for gas in space.
At what density will a could, collapse due to its mass.
At what density, will it continue to expand.
There must be a minimum mass, to form a star or planet.
Even if it’s a very dense gas cloud at the beginning, it can’t collapse.
It could be the first stage of objects, could not have made planets.
Any cloud collapsing, then can only make stars.
They explode, creating large solid objects.
They being the seeds for planets, in the second generation.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 12th January 2023 @ 4:36 pm
Since the Big Bang, is an assumption.
Can you think, of the beginning being different.
Then could you prove, one or the other.
What if all space, was the Big Bang.
Not the point in space, detonating.
With all things spreading out, from a centre.
But matter came into existence, in all directions to infinity.
Having a constant, beginning density.
The cloud collapses, into infinite suns.
Those then detonating, into new clouds.
You therefore, are the centre of the universe.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 23rd January 2023 @ 7:40 pm
If the beginning was uniform, then the image would be uniform.
Background radiation, would have no more or less dense area.
But only for the instant, that things were created.
The further in time you get, the more chaotic the image.
The furthest in time you can go, is the present.
Now look at the results, how organised space is.
If space also expands, at a constant rate.
Then space has doubled in size, many times.
The background radiation is space, but not like the present.
The age of the universe, divided by the distance limit.
How is it possible, to have the Big Bang.
Certainly we went in a direction, from its centre.
The universe would be brighter on one side, and darker on the other.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 25th January 2023 @ 5:53 pm
I’m stressed out, with some little panic attacks.
So changing the subject, is a good thing to help.
For me it’s science, science is my place to escape.
What if all the universe, had no advanced thoughts.
No creature like humans, to perceive it exists.
Can the universe, then actually exist.
It would start, and come to an end.
But it would not be observed, to have evidence.
How can something not perceived, then also exist.
Maybe the universe, has happened infinity times.
Never ending up, actually existing as an idea.
Maybe humans, are more special than they think.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 2nd February 2023 @ 9:17 pm
I have been thinking, about the 2 slit experiment.
If the detector, can detect the particle.
How exactly, does that communication take place.
The particles sharing energy, with the detector.
And changing, the experiments result.
What happened to the particle, for its path to change.
It must be a force of nature, it outputs as a curve of probabilities.
One distribution, or the other distribution.
Something very yes, or very no happens.
If the detector is off why does the particle, not still react in the same way.
The observer circuitry says a photon arrives, they still arrive when it’s off.
Anyway a different subject, airplanes.–green-air-travel-trailblazer
I do think for long haul planes, this is the energy option.
Short haul can be batteries, with drone planes.
The plane however, is a flying bomb.
Not much different, to present planes.
Hydrogen making, is a good battery option.
In an electricity network, excess energy can make hydrogen.
Irregular generation types can make hydrogen, helping network stability.
Bit by bit, humans make hydrogen.
Little by little the hydrogen escapes, escapes even the atmosphere.
Age upon age will pass, but earth will lose its hydrogen.
Tick tick goes the clock, it cannot be stopped.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 10th February 2023 @ 6:27 pm
Out of interest, I did some calculations.
It gives a good conversation, on a big problem.
It’s hard to see, how huge humans impact is.
One degree Celsius, doesn’t sound like much.
But the article talks of oceans, and they are not tiny.
So the question is, how much energy is that.
For an ocean making a storm, trying to lose one degree.
The formula for kWh, (4.2 x litres x temp change) / 3600
Each cubic kilometre of ocean, has 1.667 billion kWh of energy.
That’s just one degree, and there’s millions of cubic kilometres.
The storm just a little bit, a small escape of energy.
When is peak ocean temperature, and what’s that like.
Certainly it’s not Gods fault, humans did it.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 13th February 2023 @ 9:54 pm
Got that wrong, it’s 1.167 billion.
Going from calculator to writing, my memory failed me.
Comment by Dj Ward — Mon 13th February 2023 @ 10:01 pm
I have been thinking, about a contradiction.
About being stationary, in the vacuum of space.
If time and distance is a solid, then how do you move.
You are stuck in it, thinking your stationary.
Imagine two black holes, they are going to collide.
For a billion years, slowly taking aim at each other.
Gravity slowly, pulling them together.
Both thinking they are stationary, the other moving.
They have a collision speed, so what’s happening.
Try then say, the speed of light is constant.
If one is moving, it has speed in one direction.
Light leaves you faster, in one direction.
Light leaves you slower, in one direction.
If light always leaves you, at a constant speed.
You cannot be moving, so what black hole is moving.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 3rd March 2023 @ 11:43 am
I’m trying to take my mind, off events.
So when I can, I try do science arguments.
I have written, about the permeability of space.
I think, I made mistakes in the argument.
So I do look, at the subject.
Is it true, you cannot see something.
Unless there is a permeability change, in space.
A galaxy is less permeable, so we see it.
An object is less permeable, so we see it.
We don’t see air, but zoom out and you see it.
The astronauts see, the thin layer over earth.
Or is it only, an energy argument.
Space filled, with super cold objects.
Space at 3 degrees kelvin, the objects at 3 degrees.
You cannot see it, in the background.
Permeability, changes the direction of light.
Think of the lens, the shadows of rippling water.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 10th March 2023 @ 10:30 am
Today has been a good a day, I found a new subject.
And that doesn’t happen, very often.
It is good for another argument, about having original thoughts.
Do humans, actually really have them.
An original idea, really just a new combination of ideas.
It was known in its parts, but not in its entirety.
Like inventing zero, when we new of nothing.
It’s concept mathematically was new, but it wasn’t new.
Then in our own minds, it’s completely new.
Certainly it’s new, if you never knew it.
But in reality, others already know it.
It was an original thought, but also isn’t at the same time.
How would you know, if it’s an original idea.
This is in that category, I’m certain it’s a known thought.
Think of the atom, about to eject a photon.
Probability is exceeded, and the photon is ejected.
How did it eject, and in what direction.
What dit it eject from, the electron or nucleus.
In what direction, does it go in.
What property remains, what is lost.
Imagine the electron, travelling at light speed.
It has mass, so can’t escape the nucleus.
But the photon, is only energy or momentum.
Does it then just go in the direction of the electron, at release.
Tangent to the atoms surface, not from its centre.
Is it perpendicular, to the atoms centre.
Magically coming into existence, ejecting in a definite way.
Does it go in any direction, from the electron.
Even travelling, trough the atom itself.
Imagine it’s perpendicular, and released from the electron.
It would escape at light speed, in both directions.
Maintaining is momentum, the same as the electron.
It would have tangent momentum, and it’s release perpendicular momentum.
Photons would eject, at 45 degrees to the atom.
Logic then asks, how does the atom catch the photon.
The electron must catch it, tangent to it.
Can the electron catch the photon, going in the other direction.
Energy or momentum, doesn’t get lost in the argument.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 11th March 2023 @ 9:59 pm
DJ Ward. You clearly hold the World Record for the most consecutive replies to a post at MENZ Issues. This one has 53 uninterrupted replies, and indeed 60 of the total of 63 replies here are yours. Prolific, fantastic.
The Guinness Book might publish this record.
Sorry for breaking the consecutive series. If we knew how to place this reply at the top among the few others who have commented here, we would do so, in order to allow your stream of consciousness to continue unscathed.
We can send a small prize if we know where to send it.
Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Sun 12th March 2023 @ 5:34 pm
I’m doing, penance.
Paying a debt to society, that I can’t pay.
My thoughts, are all that I can give in return.
I put them here, as I can’t remember them.
As quickly as I learn, I forget arguments.
If I can’t give a bag of coal, I’ll give the opposite.
A 17 year old me, is very proud of my arguments.
Somehow things, work far better that he expected.
He didn’t have a clue, how to explain anything.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 13th March 2023 @ 6:36 pm
I’ve said to you before that this is not the way to do this, infesting the comments. Ne an author and State your case.
Comment by Downunder — Mon 13th March 2023 @ 7:04 pm
Science is a mans thing, with many presents given in time.
Not to say women, never do well in science.
Women may be inventive, who invented fire for example.
Who invented lots of things, in our world.
Who even knows the future, for science and new ideas.
Think of the gifts, that Plato gave.
Socrates dying for them, and Aristotle.
What present, did Newton give humans.
Mendal was ignored, and Darwin hated.
Do we not think, Einstein was genius.
For men, we have something to celebrate.
It is us men giving gifts, and we keep on giving.
I don’t care of my arguments, even if mine are only entertaining.
I write them anyway, for my own reasons.
One day maybe I will collect them, these are easy to find.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 19th March 2023 @ 10:22 am
Today I felt for a second, the emotion of elation.
Not for solving anything, but a feeling of understanding.
Like there’s a door that’s locked, but at least I found the door.
Anyway, I have an interesting example for #5.
Imagine a light bulb, with an off and on switch.
In the circuit, is a variable resister.
You can go from dim, to bright.
Rule 1, is on.
Rule 2, is off.
Rule 3, is more complex.
It has energy, you see a photon.
It has mass, it’s a physical light bulb.
It has distance, you are one distance from it.
It has time, taking one time to get to you.
Rule 4, is our interpretation of emotion.
If the resistance is high, the light is nearly off.
If the resistance is low, the light is fully on.
The light is on, rule 1.
How close to it being rule 2 off, is the light.
Can you zoom in, to the line crossing the line.
If you zoom out, it may look like zero light.
Is fully on, infinity light to actually be rule 1 on.
But it can be warm, or cool.
It can have the emotion, of warmer or colder.
Is it a hot light, or cold light.
How are we describing, what we see.
It’s only the photon, that you detect.
How exactly, can it then have different emotions.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 23rd March 2023 @ 8:16 pm
What is direction, is it even a thing.
We imagine direction, because we measured it.
If an object is travelling in space, in a straight line.
Look at the line, is it travelling left or right.
But what if you then, look from the opposite side.
What was left is now right, and right is now left.
What was up, is now down.
What was positive, is now negative.
Can you decide it’s direction, when your always wrong.
The object without direction, because it thinks it’s stationary.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 25th March 2023 @ 8:02 pm
Why does 2H + O = H2O
The hydrogen, has properties.
The oxygen, has properties.
Then magically joined, they make new properties.
It had emotions as elements, now it has new emotions.
The universe begins, with no intent.
There is only, mass and energy.
To create the Oxygen, things went bang twice.
Once to create everything, then supernovae.
How could the beginning, know oxygen would then exist.
Why is it oxygen, with constant properties.
One oxygen atom, the same as another.
Why has any element, it’s own properties.
Why isn’t it, just positive or negative.
Why constant layers of electrons, why wavelength outputs.
Why taste and texture, metallic or not.
How can any of it be from a plan, it’s all accidental.
Can you then go to the start, predicting the outcome.
Every elements properties, was destiny and always inevitable.
Water was always, going to exist as the emotion water.
This universe identical, to any other universe.
The Big Bang, has then inevitable outcomes.
So I don’t see, universes with different rules.
No different speed limits, or mass limits.
No different elements, and always resulting in water existing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 30th March 2023 @ 7:32 pm
Since it’s Sunday, why not look at it.
What are things, can science explain it.
Everything to me, is a science argument.
If there’s no science argument, it cannot exist.
Theory is not accepted, if there’s no physical evidence.
So can something exist, and also not exist.
Certainly science is full, of completely new ideas.
We had no idea, that something exists.
For example there is no theory, for the word of God.
You can’t tell, if your writing it or not.
You can’t tell, if your reading it or not.
Yet everyone claims, there religion is the word of God.
We have no theory, and we have no physical evidence.
Nobody claims, it’s not written by mans own hand.
One has to assume, it does not exist as a thing.
The New Testament, is full of compliant arguments.
Amazing in 2000 years, humans can’t work it out.
The whole thing, is one big science argument.
The word of god, is laid bare in arguments.
We know nothing, more than we know things.
What is Christ, what is that science argument.
Even Buddha says he returns, what is that.
What is enlightenment, or suffering the sins of humans.
The Holy Ghost, certainly must be just fantasy.
What is the helper, what is Yahweh the suffering human.
If you can solve one, does that solve the other mysteries.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 2nd April 2023 @ 10:55 am
I can get #68, a little bit further in the argument.
If the light is infinity, and you are infinity distance away.
You would see no light, but you should see infinity light.
So if you zoom out, on is off.
If you zoom in, off is on.
An example, of an equal and opposite.
Look in a mirror, your right hand is your left hand.
Both your own image, and your mirror image exist.
Just as if you make a positive, you make a negative.
You make a north, you make a south.
You make an off, you make an on.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 4th April 2023 @ 10:05 pm
Making predictions, generally is a mistake.
Flipping a coin, an example of 50:50.
Even a miracle can happen, stopping on its edge.
So looking into the future, is always guessing.
I came across arguments, about space law.
Who owns things, and can claim land or objects.
Is it governments, that claim things.
USA and China, laying claim to parts of the moon.
Administration on earth, it’s citizens just subjects.
Is it the corporate entity, claiming asteroids to mine.
The business building a city, on Mars.
The spaceship owner, running a shuttle service.
The small asteroid, declaring itself a nation.
What should we stop from happening, and let happen.
Ownership of things, is a great financial incentive.
At some point, ownership must happen.
The moon will be colonised, and become independent.
Land ownership inevitably, will be the same as on earth.
Nations and business, family’s and citizens will all own some.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 9th April 2023 @ 3:22 pm
I like the subject of evolution, as it’s inevitable.
Science can replicate, any conditions of space.
A soup of elements, has predicted outcomes.
You can intentionally create, the building blocks of life.
Statistical miracles exist, just as the element has a half life.
The building blocks with time, will begin life in a collision.
Joining together just right, as an inherent start to life.
Statistically everywhere in the universe, life has begun.
The next steps of evolution, was billions of years.
The first cell and adaptions, even gender has a start.
A long and lost list of statistical miracles, went into making us.
If you don’t think your lucky, it’s impossible you exist.
The odds so great, you are a statistical miracle.
No matter the argument, there is only ever one of you.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 14th April 2023 @ 5:19 pm
At some point in time, evolution is sped up.
Those that don’t adapt, becoming extinct.
We reference the dinosaur, and an asteroid strike.
But there is countless events, since then.
Asteroids causing short ice ages, then volcanos.
So for humans, there is a defined event.
Two hypothetical events take place, in our evolution.
All of us related, to a single individual.
Only one X chromosome survives, or only one Y.
Or only a tiny group, survives as X or Y.
Humans in effect one species, or actually a handful.
I think science of DNA, will give us the answers.
Evolution of DNA, occurring at a defined rate.
The measured change, let’s you measure time.
Can those events, be attributed to events on earth.
Where was this first modern human, on planet earth.
The species extinct, except for one family.
Huddled in a cave with fire, the winter extreme.
All the humans elsewhere, have died.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 14th April 2023 @ 7:05 pm
My thinking, has become a bit random.
So I’m getting arguments, out of nowhere.
They are complex, so I won’t remember them.
You have three bowls, each filled with water.
One at 30 deg and one at 10 deg, but also one at 20 deg.
To the 30 deg, both are colder.
To the 10 deg, both are hotter.
But the 20 deg is both hotter and colder, at the same time.
But is that argument, actually flawed.
The percentage gain from zero kelvin, are different.
The change from 20 deg looks identical, but actually it’s not.
If temperature was a line, each deg increases the line by so long.
A 10 deg gain is not as much, as a 10 deg loss to the line.
What is temperature, because it’s supposed to be energy.
By saying temperature, we say it has this much energy.
Energy is photons, but we imply that the atom has one energy.
We measure it, and call it temperature.
What if it’s millions or billions, of photons.
Zooming around the atom, to give random temperature.
High energy photons, and low energy photons.
Or every atom has defined temperature, only this or that temperature.
It can only eject energy or collect energy, as these photons.
It has a definable collection, of different photons.
You cannot then have exact temperature, like a 20 deg atom.
How correct can it be, if it’s perpetually gaining energy.
Just as it’s perpetually, losing energy.
Just by measuring the atom, didn’t it’s temperature change.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 15th April 2023 @ 10:28 pm
Going to a place is one thing, surviving is another.
Just as humans went to the moon, they didn’t survive.
They escaped death, by returning to earth.
So that’s a question, for any going to a place.
Going to Mars, or any number of small planets.
Even to another star, it can’t be just going there.
So logic dictates, there is no advanced alien.
None that’s arrived here, or we would be colonies.
No questions would exist, about aliens existing.
We are on our own, local stars ours for colonies.
Ships travelling hundreds of years, to get to a star.
Starting the colony, then travelling to the next star.
Slowly humans spread, taking life with it.
Plants and animals, fish and insects.
Humans must arrive, to things already there.
Unmanned spacecraft, maybe even hundreds of them.
All timed to arrive, at a similar time.
So to colonise Mars, what’s the actual plan.
To go there just to return, with no self sufficiency.
Everything time limited, without constant supply.
That can’t be the goal, just to achieve that.
What if everyone joined in, even with little projects.
No humans are needed, you just send stuff.
All landing, in an agreed area.
Hundreds of things, all available when the humans land.
Things for making energy, things for processing air.
A CNC lathe and a furnace, tools and equipment.
Bolts and screws, electronic parts and circuits.
All the things, so you can make things.
A graveyard of parts, located and cataloged.
You can solve a problem on earth, then go get the bits.
If everyone committed to 1,000 tons total, imagine the possibility.
If that happens, Mars will be more than a place to visit.
In no time humans will test, having babies on Mars.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 19th April 2023 @ 7:17 pm
I have had an argument, for some time.
It makes an entry in #5, as a random comment.
I get the argument occasionally, so it’s not going away.
I haven’t tried writing it, because it’s nonsense.
“Isn’t the moon the point, and you observe it.
Just as it observes you.”
That is a science argument, in my mind.
The photon cannot leave, unless it can arrive.
And I have tried, to prove the assumption false.
That a photon, can go forever into nothing.
Energy is perpetually lost, into space.
Space becoming filled, with just energy.
What then if the assumption was true, is there proof.
Energy is not lost, it goes from one thing to another.
So the universe cannot change, it’s energy constant.
If it’s lost, explain where it’s gone.
So while it sounds nonsense, as an assumption.
Can a photon leave, if it cannot arrive.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 20th April 2023 @ 10:29 pm
I’m under some stress, especially from work.
Difficult tasks, and they only have me capable.
Time frames are short, expectations are high.
Maybe it’s for good reason, taking my mind off life.
Anyway I have an argument, about a strange imaginary object.
Imagine a marble sized object, floating in space.
It has a special property, it absorbs energy.
Doesn’t sound special, everything does that.
Now imagine the object, not emitting energy.
Nothing does that, not even the black hole.
What temperature would it reach, if it couldn’t blow up.
You can calculate by rate of temperature change, the universes energy.
Absorbing everything, that interacts with it.
You couldn’t see it, you would not see it emitting energy.
If that is an analogy, for a black hole.
What is the temperature, in the black hole.
You may see it’s mass as gravity, but not see it’s energy.
At what temperature, is the strange object limited to.
Then the same for the black hole, a temperature limit.
The black hole surrounds itself, with a galaxy.
All of it shining light, towards the black hole.
Insatiable, all the energy is disappearing.
The point is trying to become, all mass and all energy.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 26th April 2023 @ 6:15 pm
Energy is a strange thing, it appears from nowhere.
Imagine your an object, travelling in space.
You have a speed, but you don’t feel it.
You can’t measure the energy, when you accelerate.
You are the same, before and after.
You stand still on earth, but go the speed of a bullet.
If earth magically stoped rotating, you go flying.
You instantly go super fast, but never accelerated.
Imagine the object, going in a strait line fast.
Following on the line, another object.
Just faster, it bumps into the first object.
But at the same speed, going the other way is boom.
The first and second object, had the same energy.
But one version of colliding, huge amounts of energy appeared.
The objects released energy, the mass did not carry.
What then was the energy, we did not see.
I highly suspect, distance and time are involved.
An object has mass and energy, but also distance and time.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 30th April 2023 @ 8:59 am
Today in court, worked out well.
They called it, a judicial intervention.
So what I expected, did not happen.
I behaved myself, and have a new court date.
The result is hopefully, more comments here.
I don’t know when, even what subject the argument is.
Apart from #5 which took forever, to work out.
The rest are very random, because they are random.
So this is an example, of just writing anyway.
I had an argument, about space being a solid.
That it is a thing, it’s not just nothing as the vacuum.
We think we freely move in it, but we don’t.
If we didn’t interact with it, we would go in a straight line.
We don’t do that, gravity changes our path.
Where is this thing, called gravity.
What is the interaction, to change our path.
We know that mass is involved, we can measure it.
Distance is involved, we can measure it.
Time is involved, as you have gravity waves.
Energy is involved, the object is accelerated.
Gravity is always on, it never goes away.
Gravity even escapes, the black hole.
If mass displaces, distance and time.
An atom, has next to no gravity.
It hardly displaces any space, with near no effect.
Get a high mass star, the gravity looks insane.
Stars for example, eating planets tearing them apart.
It’s like gravity, is trying to put it back together.
It flew apart, in the Big Bang.
Distance and time, try to make it whole again.
If distance and time go to infinity, but the universe has an age.
The universe of mass, is a tiny speck.
Explain why mass attracts, but does not repel.
Are we not lucky, the other way creates nothing.
Nothing would attract, making galaxies and stars.
It attracts, therefore we can exist.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 4th May 2023 @ 1:22 pm
I’m going on a holiday, with the family.
So I’m having a little break, from writing.
Haven’t been on a plane for a while, so that’s good.
And it’s the first trip, for my children.
It shouldn’t be as scary, as there go in a fertiliser plane.
I at least found a good argument, trying to describe energy.
So I can spend some time, with a good subject while I’m away.
I have been thinking, about something we are certain about.
energy = 1/2 mass x velocity^2.
If the object comes to a dead stop, the mass gains that energy.
It goes from one temperature, to a higher temperature.
It has a speed limit, to when it goes nuclear.
But imagine the energy released, by that limit.
See there is something nonsense, about energy.
Is that where energy, has disappeared into.
It becomes, mass gaining distance and time.
You can’t see the energy, it’s disappeared.
It does not exist, yet it exists.
Stop it, you are certain the energy exists.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 11th May 2023 @ 7:15 pm
How perfect, is the universe.
Newton described it as perfect, motion balanced.
Something orbiting the sun, travels in a perfect way.
You can define its trajectory, with a defined mathematical shape.
Einstein showed us, things are not exact.
The object travelling towards you, vs travelling away from you.
What does that mean, to the object orbiting the sun.
It starts with no velocity, at the orbits extreme.
Then gains velocity, towards the sun.
As it speeds up, it travels trough more space.
Faster and faster, until it reaches the closest to the sun.
Relevant to the sun, it now has enormous kinetic energy.
It then travels away from the sun, getting slower and slower.
Eventually it reaches the start, as if nothing happened.
All that potential energy, disappears.
Gravity can give energy, but also can take it away.
At the start, it has gravitational potential energy.
It’s stationary vs the sun, but the energy is enormous.
If gravity, travels at the speed of light.
You encounter more gravity, travelling towards it.
You encounter less gravity, travelling away from it.
Things get confusing, as to what’s changing.
Do you go faster then slower, than Newton describes.
But it is all relevant, to the sun.
If the object was at the start, and the sun disappeared.
It had enormous energy, but actually has itself none.
Did the object have the energy, or did the sun have it.
If you orbited with it, relevant to you it’s always stationary.
It’s nonsense then to say, it had any energy at all.
How can you carry, meters per second but be stationary.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 21st May 2023 @ 10:06 pm
Time travel, is impossible.
You can’t go backwards in time, that’s certain.
And we can’t go faster, than we experience time.
We can’t magically go forward, or backwards in time.
Humans however, can actually do it.
Do you not have a memory, going back in time.
You can place yourself there, as if it’s happening.
Can you not dream, of some future thing.
You can place yourself there, as if it’s happening.
It’s imaginary and not existing, but you can experience it.
What if you go a step further, like a chain of people.
You think of a person in the past, creating a story about them.
You think of a person in the future, creating a story about them.
But the person in the past, also created the story about you.
And the person in the future, also created the story about you.
No matter the time frame, everyone is the same person.
The person of the future, is thinking of a person in the future.
If you read a book, can you not become anyone.
Be then the person, who is in the future.
Report back in the present, on the story the person is making.
If you write it down, do you not make them in the future.
What then of the statistical miracle, of a soul travelling in time.
The body may be different, but the person is the same.
So time travel is impossible, as all of that is imaginary.
Nature never planed for an enigma, the human mind thinking.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 3rd June 2023 @ 10:53 am
Why is the universe full, of galaxies.
Each of them rotating, around a black hole.
Why is the space between them, so empty.
If the universe begins, with equally distributed gas.
Then it must of happened, in many places.
Collapsed until it goes bang in many places, making infinite galaxy’s.
The black holes get created, but when in the process.
Does the universe start, with infinite identical stars.
So close together, the resulting chaos makes them.
It may have not been, a Big Bang.
But coming into existence, but everywhere.
Everything got consumed, to explain empty space.
If you look back in time, is everything close together.
Should you not see incredibly dense space, galaxies or stars everywhere.
If it is just as dense as today, the Big Bang is somehow wrong.
What are the stages in time, to explain galaxies.
Was it one collapsing going bang, creating hydrogen and helium.
Then a very active period, that collapsed into stars and supernova.
What we are made of, has experienced a few Big Bangs.
Is the black hole, like the original seeds of many Big Bangs.
Or just a natural result of having a centre, of the gas collapsing.
Because galaxies exist, you can predict the original volume of gas.
What was the volume of space, to make each collapse and galaxy.
And in turn, how much empty space was created.
Why is everything galaxy size, why not other sizes.
Why is there not infinite tiny ones, or empty space filled with lone stars.
We have a normal result to size, all happening at the same time.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 9th June 2023 @ 8:34 pm
Spent three hours, getting home today.
A single road was closed, causing gridlock.
Auckland got lucky, what if it closed for weeks.
An accident happens, and a bridge is broken.
Nobody can go under it, the road is closed.
Who planed Auckland, with one exit.
Why isn’t it multiple, arterial exits out.
Flat Bush to Drury, should have existed on maps 50 years ago.
The same on the other side, why no main road out.
A persons dead, but what did we learn from it.
Anyway I do have an argument, that’s science.
For something to be everywhere, you can describe it everywhere.
So for the laws of physics, we can say that’s true.
We don’t find examples, of not obeying the laws of physics.
So that must be true, for what causes those laws.
What causes gravity to have value, is Universal.
The energy of mass at speed, is Universal.
Volts is current by resistance, it’s value Universal.
So what is Universal, because it’s everywhere.
Does logic dictate, you have observed only one thing.
You observe multiple things, but actually it’s the same thing.
Something with an east, must have a west.
Something must be, hotter or colder.
A force up, has a force down.
Its 12v, plus or minus an electron.
On is one value, and off is nothing.
You can say logical truths, they are also Universal.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 21st June 2023 @ 9:58 pm
I spend a lot of time, imagining space travel.
Because as I see it, you need to survive time.
From what the spaceship is like, to testing humans.
What you take with you, is all you have.
If you leave with no animals, you never have animals.
If you leave without a plant, you never have the plant.
If you leave without fish, you never have fish.
It’s not a list of what you take, it’s what you don’t take.
You could eliminate human diseases, from the crew.
Do you pick a star, travelling towards us.
You must slow down then reverse, to match its speed.
Do you pick a star, travelling away from us.
You only need to slow down, to match its speed.
Do we wait for the star, that passes close to us.
The travel time, finally capable for humans.
You would need to control birth, population is limited.
If it’s a 100 person ship, you die if there’s 120.
The ship must manage atmosphere, and you consume oxygen.
The population must be all ages, to have stable population.
If the 100 lived 100 years, you must have a baby every year.
You would intentionally, have more girls than boys.
In an accident with mass deaths, girls are more important.
The sperm can be from storage, there may be 10,000 men.
Because of competition for sex, you would have fewer boys.
If you have a 100 people, family trees are limited.
The child and parent, the grandparent exist at the same time.
Breeding with cousins, becomes inevitable.
Unless of course, 10,000 sperm or 10,000 eggs survive the trip.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 30th June 2023 @ 6:00 pm
A good example of rule 4, is gearing.
Equals and opposites, or actions causing actions.
Imagine equal gears, meshed together.
One turns left, so the other turns right.
If one is smaller, then one is bigger.
One then goes slower, and one goes faster.
It has more or less torque, than equal gears.
It’s input and output is clockwise, and anticlockwise.
Just change side, look from its top or bottom.
So that argument, is for any objects spinning together.
The particle meshed with the other, like a gear.
It’s positives would match, with the others negatives.
Something spinning left, has something spinning right.
So when does equals and opposites, not be compulsory.
If at the atom level, or a physical thing like the gear.
The rule doesn’t have a size limit, to be true.
Maybe it’s only humans, who can break the rules.
If they are bad they do not make good, but make more bad.
The universe itself cannot be good or bad, only humans can be.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 1st July 2023 @ 11:00 pm
It’s an interesting argument, about how life starts.
Religion saying, that science has proved nothing.
Somehow humans just appeared, we haven’t evolved.
So to me the religious arguments, are nonsense.
Life can start, with a statistical miracle.
The building blocks of life, just chemicals.
Forever and ever, nothing happens.
Just a litre of the chemicals, is near infinity atoms.
Near infinity interactions happen, with no life.
But you cannot ignore, the statistics of miracles.
Two colliding, may never create life.
Nothing is made, that magically copies itself.
The minimum thing exists, that can copy itself.
A miracle happens, a dozen things happen at the same time.
No longer just a chemical, this ones living.
So it’s a long path, of miracles to create us.
But it’s billions of years, what copy of life are you.
Science however, does not prove religion wrong.
If god is the laws of nature, the laws of nature made the collision.
God created life, in his own image.
That’s what a copy is, that is how life started.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 7th July 2023 @ 11:22 pm
My fate is sealed, I have trapped myself.
I cannot get away, tomorrow comes as the clock ticks.
So since it’s a Sunday, and I’m stressed.
Also comment 90, is a magic number.
Whatever are the rules of the universe, it made 9 magic.
Pi or the speed of light, why is it that number.
If you counted to eight not ten, what number is magic.
So can you imagine a universe, where those things are not true.
Pi is something else, the light speed different or 9 not magic.
So then many things, must also be true.
For me the bible says things, that are science arguments.
The left hand, and the right hand.
Is a science argument, written as a religious argument.
Jesus does not return, as he cannot be the right hand.
He cannot sit in one chair, and also sit in the opposite chair.
They are the same, just as your hands are the same.
They are equal, but they are opposite.
And if I’m not mistaken, just as a North must make a South.
But every argument, is a version of left and right.
It’s a law of nature, with up or down and hotter or colder.
Good or bad, is the same as positive or negative.
Just as the bible says, there is only one.
People wait for Jesus to return, science says that’s not true.
Try then work out the opposite, to Jesus as a person.
The right hand must exist, the universe wrote it down in a book.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 16th July 2023 @ 9:17 am
Wow, I got my hands around the wrong way.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 16th July 2023 @ 9:33 am
I don’t believe in aliens, not like the movies.
Exist yes, somewhere in the vast universe.
But they are among us, would be nonsense.
Certainly the alien, would be far more advanced than us.
While we don’t understand, the laws of the universe.
Our brains are limited, in some way.
There’s would be more perfect, outputs are always compliant.
They could not hide, saying anything could expose them.
Could the child alien, not be the enigma student.
You can’t explain it, but you know they are different.
Brains naturally doing maths, and great memories.
Science tinkers, with everlasting life.
Did I assume the alien, had to breed like us.
Maybe they took a pill, and live forever.
And how did they get here, you can’t cheat distance and time.
Even more funny, apparently they have crashed.
We must be safe, the aliens are inept.
Interstellar travel, is however possible.
We don’t have aliens, but we can be the alien.
It’s simple maths, beginning with how long can you survive.
The spacecraft must survive, for hundreds of years.
Find a star, with resources to support humans.
Asteroid belts, small planets and ample moons.
You can then work out, your % speed of light needed.
Then it’s how to do that, how to travel that speed.
I’m my mind, there is only one solution.
Energy is converted, into velocity of mass.
But not like the rocket, with very low efficiency.
The mass not ejected slow, it’s going half light speed.
Even the ships waste products, atomised as fuel for the engine.
Getting to 5% light speed, looks possible not impossible.
Maybe acceleration is very slow, maybe years for a big ship.
But you do have years, hundreds of long years.
The ship’s nuclear reactor, only having so much energy.
The same argument exists, for solar system travel.
If you have extreme efficiency fuel, you can go fast.
You can invest fuel, in slowing down.
A trip that looks like 20 years now, could suddenly be a year.
Once humans make the engine, everything changes.
A one mm of acceleration per second device, is 31.5 km/s in a year.
That is a small amount, a 1% g force engine gets 1% light speed.
The solar system is very small, just at that speed.
Can you not see, there will be thousands of ships.
Zooming around, playing aliens in space.
There will be solar system records, for the fastest ships.
Humans getting so good at it, we can become the alien.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 18th July 2023 @ 10:43 pm
I haven’t had many science arguments, not good ones lately.
Today was a good day, as I was having many of them.
All over the place, with subjects.
So this an example, exploring an idea gets very random.
One is saying, gravity is a positive force.
It has a direction, all the combined forces have one direction.
But what works like that, what has one direction.
If you have a positive, you must have a negative.
If you have a north, you must have a south.
Therefore you must have, negative gravity.
Even velocity, is equals and opposites.
Which suggests expanding space, is the result.
The result of positive gravity, is the collapse of space.
Just as there is black holes, the opposite must exist.
Where are these places, in space.
Space stretching past its limits, negative gravity making more space.
The most remote from mass, is the most stretched.
Think of two clouds, they are right next to each other.
But being clouds, it begins to rain.
Soon both the clouds, collapsed and disappeared.
Mass has collapsed, it takes up far less space.
At the intersection of the clouds, what happens.
So that’s like the universe, beginning as an endless cloud.
The clouds are collapsing, into infinity black holes.
But what is happening, in the gap between.
So local to mass, we experience little expansion of space.
If you were at the intersection, what direction are you.
Gravity is positive in one direction, but positive in the other.
Two positives, have canceled each other out.
The argument implies a relationship, with space and mass.
In fact you can be certain, there is mass and volume of space.
Each proton in theory, takes up so much volume of space on average.
The Big Bang implies, volume was zero but mass was infinity.
When mass collapses, what happens to its volume of space.
Because instead of less space, we are getting more space.
So there’s errors of logic, in those arguments.
I have made different arguments, about expanding space.
And the more I think of the Big Bang, it isn’t making sense.
Not as an idea, but because of what we see as the universe.
So more thinking is needed, who knows for tomorrow.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 26th July 2023 @ 8:56 pm
There is a flaw in #93, the intersection is only zero.
The argument is why I say a solid, for the vacuum of space.
We live in a high gravity area, our space is so compressed.
The extreme, is the event horizon of a black hole.
Space there, cannot be more compressed.
You are on an event horizon, an analogy the earths surface.
There is a limit to gravity, a limit to compression of space.
But if space is compressed, space must also expand in a finite volume.
What is happening, at the other extreme to the black hole.
I find it interesting, gravity doesn’t disappear.
We can measure mass, of a black hole.
Energy is a mystery, can we measure the energy also.
If mass does not disappear, why say the energy disappears.
What of momentum, because it’s conserved in it moving.
There is limits to distance and time, to an event horizon.
No matter the black hole, it’s size will be a formula.
Mass is involved, we know that’s true.
We know distance ant time are involved, the speed limit.
But how is energy conserved, if light can’t escape.
Black holes can be huge, millions of suns in size.
Things go from a limit, there is a minimum size limit.
But what is the size limit, to the universe.
Why is what we see, got some limit to it.
Why isn’t the exponentially bigger things, even bigger black holes.
A billion times bigger, than anything we have seen.
And a billion times bigger again, if there’s no limit.
Is what we see evidence, black holes have limits.
They actually only get so big, for some reason.
I suspect they go over a limit, and have a mass ejection.
They become unstable, and have an event.
Billions of suns of mass, all in one go thrown into space.
Maybe we are just at a stage, there is an endless black hole.
Slowly they eat each other, until it is only one black hole.
It’s gravity can trend to infinity, nothing can escape.
Until it’s one again, and assuming it then goes big bang again.
That’s not what we see, with the expanding universe.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 29th July 2023 @ 7:59 pm
If the universe was infinitely hot, at the beginning.
Where has the energy gone, as it can’t disappear.
What if the beginning, wasn’t huge things.
The cloud collapsed, but to the minimum size.
Maybe the beginning was small planets, infinity small planets.
Since nothing is the same, variability caused chaos.
A soup of planets itself collapsed, to then make black holes and stars.
What looks like empty space, may not be empty at all.
In galaxies the original planets got consumed, or ejected.
But in the vast empty space, there is hidden galaxies.
The extreme is a visible galaxy, but the other extreme may also exist.
With hundreds of thousands of planets, with maybe just a star as a centre.
Acting and behaving, just like a galaxy or just like a huge solar system.
But without stars, mass was never dense enough to make them.
Between the most dense and least dense, does this zone exist.
You cannot see it, but maybe there are more invisible galaxies than visible.
Random small planets, may be everywhere.
Leftovers of the beginning, and ones ejected from binary systems.
We look for danger, that could cause extinction.
Does a close by star, have a collision course with us.
In a million years, our star has a collision.
A close call resulting in chaos, our orbit gets changed.
But you can see stars, you can see it in the future.
A rouge planet, may have caused our moon.
Earth hit at high speed, even our tilt was by its angle of hitting us.
Not just a story, of objects made in our solar system.
Can you see these planets, long dead and cold.
Imagine it’s speed, if it was coming the other way.
A Jupiter goes through the solar system, and we loose the moon.
The asteroid belt is scattered, and we get hit.
We don’t know how chaotic, our history really is.
All around us, small planets are flying by.
With to much speed, for a sun to capture.
If we cannot see them, are they accounted for.
The mass of the universe, includes mass we can’t see.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 10th August 2023 @ 9:03 pm
Sometimes science has arguments, and they are silly.
Flat Earth and a biblical age of Earth, both nonsense.
But sometimes you get one, that doesn’t sound crazy.
I heard an argument about constants, not being constant.
They talked of G for gravity, not being actually constant.
To me that’s reasonable, if space changes.
We are always in gravity, we orbit in the galaxy.
So it has a value, the density of space.
Do we travel in changing space, in more or less dense space.
You could see G changing, very small change but change.
The same argument for light speed, it’s an assumption.
We measured it in our space, thinking it’s the same everywhere.
Can you prove it’s constant, that no matter the gravity it’s the same.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 17th August 2023 @ 8:45 pm
The first line in this post, is a good reminder.
It doesn’t matter what I write, as long as I give it a try.
So a subject that is not science, to many people.
What God is or otherwise, is a difficult subject.
It’s certainly science to me, because it exists as an idea.
So one approach, is to look at how God exists.
Because your dog, is not thinking a God exists.
Our nearest relatives, are not worshiping a God.
Humans made God, and somehow it’s everywhere.
Natives there and natives here, all had a version of God.
If you think about it, the idea of God got bred into us.
Did you not die in the past, if you didn’t believe.
Generation after generation, wired into our brains by survivors.
And explanation for people, having religious experiences.
But why a thing called God, why did that happen.
If a thing called God existed, inherently we would have God.
But if God doesn’t exist, how did we imagine a nothing exists.
And why all human groups, having the same idea.
What do humans see, to all think a God exists.
Yet when we do science, nothing looks like God.
There is no science, proving that God exists.
It has things called laws, lots and lots of laws.
But what it’s not explaining, is what makes those laws.
At some point in time, they did not exist.
Something made the rules, or is the rules.
Or because it exists as an idea, the rules made God in us.
So evolution is to blame, it inherently creates the idea God.
Could you imagine aliens, on other worlds.
Not in its evolution time line, having the same argument.
Somehow the idea of God, just never happens.
They end up with the same laws of science, but never why.
Try then, and prove God is only imaginary.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 22nd August 2023 @ 6:42 pm
Hmmm, things have changed.
The new comment list, has gone.
I have taken time, to think of the consequences.
I have found a flaw, that I censor myself.
Knowing visitors may read this, and look further.
Secrecy has increased, part of me feels more free.
I know I don’t write things, because of consequences.
I can go further, with the previous comment secretly.
Sometimes I can write two things, at the same time.
So in comment #5, there is a second part.
It has a foreground as an argument, but also has a background.
It’s just as much fantasy, as a science argument.
We all experience the comment, it’s about everyone.
If God exists, Satan exists. Rule 4
Satan fills your cup, teaching you the bad things.
God fills your cup, teaching you the good things.
Which cup, makes your decisions.
And where, does each decision lead.
Try science then, prove there is not one decision. Rule 1
The good path, and the bad path. Rule 3 and 4
Think then of evolution, and the argument.
If evolutions decisions are bad, you go extinct.
If evolutions decisions are good, you get better.
Therefore Satan’s path, makes you go extinct.
Therefore Gods path, made you.
Yet like the cup, it only needs a drip.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 28th August 2023 @ 6:54 pm
For a long time, I have thought about Socrates.
Especially one argument, and I didn’t know why.
I now see it, as an argument about rule 1 and rule 2.
“I know that I know nothing”
I can use myself, as an example.
If my start was #5, then I said things as best I could.
If I knew something else, I would have written it down.
If we turned back time, and talked to me then.
I am only one person, my knowledge was one. Rule 1
Yet here we are, I have made many more comments.
Things I didn’t know, magically appears as more knowledge.
This may be #99, but how big does the number get.
Clearly I new little at #5, and I know as little today.
The person is the same, my knowledge remains one. Rule 2
His story points out, it becomes rule 2 when you die or zero.
Yet magically here he is, we saved but a sentence.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 4th September 2023 @ 6:40 pm
Today was a good day, I met an inspirational woman.
Trained in Iran, as an engineer.
Not many women, have her work experience.
One thing Iran does well, is education for women.
Anyway I have got an argument, about the universe.
And an observation, about known science.
With an electron, it has spin.
It is described, as being up or down.
If you apply a field, horizontal to it.
The electron aligns, to that field.
But you cannot predict, if it’s then up or down.
It is exactly 50/50, for its direction.
So it’s original direction, is subject to rule 2.
Try then, make the axis exactly up.
Zoom in forever, for the line being on the line.
So rule 1 applies, it is in one direction.
It’s an emotion, that we call spin. Rule 3.
It is always equals, left and right. Rule 4.
As for the universe, what if things are opposite.
We see the beginning, and assume a Big Bang.
So what is the opposite to that, and what would you see.
Imagine then the beginning, the universe infinitely cold.
Mass appears, infinitely in all directions at a density.
All the atoms, without energy.
The cloud begins to collapse, energy made and emitted.
You would see, the universe getting colder.
It’s background, nearly infinitely cold.
If I’m not mistaken, that’s what we see.
The universe becoming hotter, may explain expansion.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 6th September 2023 @ 7:31 pm
I look at the subject, of travel between stars.
What you need, when you get there.
An important thing, is the passenger ship.
Growing its own food, artificial gravity and propulsion.
Are we no different, than a colony ship.
Starting on a planet, vs starting in a spaceship.
We have hardly gone to the moon, Mars is a dream.
Maybe the passenger ship, is actually the first goal for us.
If you go much further in time, you may buy tickets.
The older cramped trip, the budget spaceship.
Or the luxury ship, with extra speed.
Going to an orbital ship, before the trip to the surface.
For every part of the solar system, we have done nothing.
For the moon, we must learn to live on it.
Build cities and airports, electricity networks and trains.
Just as the same, must happen on Mars.
But they cannot be like earth, earth is perfect for us.
The moon can never have air, so you cannot just walk around.
Mars is no different, you will always be in a building.
We can practice on them, how to start on a bad planet.
The colonist would have many starts, in a solar system.
Not just a target planet, but moons and asteroids.
The colonists will need the same ship, the passenger ship.
Taking people from place to place, at good speed.
They race to the moon, but I wait for a genuine spaceship.
Try then not to imagine big, the aircraft carrier sized ship.
Shipyards in space building them, using metal mined on asteroids.
I don’t think you can avoid, passenger spaceships existing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 17th September 2023 @ 1:49 pm
Imagine a spaceship, it inherently has limited space.
You must produce food, or resort to machine made food.
You must produce oxygen, as fast as the humans use it.
You must consume CO2, as fast as the humans make it.
If you get the balance wrong, everyone can die.
Is it not more interesting, it’s an analogy for earth.
The spaceship is just larger, with billions of humans.
But they certainly use oxygen, and lots of it.
And make more CO2, than the planet can consume.
Each person, must have so much land.
Trees and plants, to make oxygen.
Trees and plants, to consume CO2.
Trees and plants, to make food.
Would you do the same, in the spaceship.
It’s designed, for so many people.
It’s energy source, supports this many hectares.
The area of trees and plants, defines the population.
If you have more people, the atmosphere goes wrong.
If you have less people, the atmosphere goes wrong.
Imagine robot food, and that’s all you ever eat.
Robot atmosphere, and robot waste recycling.
The trips so long, they literally are life sentences.
It may be a solution, but imagine what you miss.
You take no life with you, and miss all its experience.
So on spaceship earth, the atmosphere is going wrong.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 20th September 2023 @ 8:01 pm
There is a moment in time, when I tried to be the Big Bang.
I was young at about 16, and had watched a documentary.
And by tried it’s imaginary, all just getting into a state of mind.
The thing was, I could get the whole process to work.
I could go from nothing, and experience a Big Bang.
At the time I couldn’t explain, why it works as an idea.
Nothing is something, and something cannot be nothing.
That’s all I got, as to explaining things.
But I’m guilty as I knew I had a new argument, keeping it secret.
The 16 year olds emotions, are still in my memory.
I did a sentence by accident, talking to my son.
Him standing in front of the fridge, the door open.
Starting a conversation, about saving energy.
If you leave the door open, it fills with warm air.
The fridge has to work, to return to low temperature.
The fridge always having to work, temperature always escapes.
Think of the door, one side is cold and one side is hot.
No matter the door, you are only more or less insulated.
So talking with my son, I get this sentence.
The hot wants to be cold, and the cold wants to be hot.
It’s helped me think better, about energy.
Because temperature experiments, don’t lose energy.
The cold will rise this temperature, the hot will fall that temperature.
Eventually they will be warm, both the same temperature.
The permeability of space, is the insulation.
An efficient door, is like slowing time down.
You use less energy, the fridge motor is on less time.
So if you argue for the Big Bang, where’s the temperature.
If atoms can only share temperature, everything should be hot.
But that is not the universe, everything is warm.
It must have insulation, it’s not instantly hot or cold.
It’s somewhere between zero, and the temperature limit of existing.
The question becomes, was time slowed down also.
If you graph the universe temperature, it should be a curve.
It’s measured this age, but experiencing it may be infinity.
There was no loss or gain of temperature, for near eternity.
It went from zero to the present, or from the limit to the present.
Somewhere on the curve, is the human race.
If humans are good billions of years remain, but do the rules change.
Somehow Newton, was always true.
One plus one, does not change its answer with time.
At the Big Bang, it was true then and true today.
The 16 year olds sentence, does not change with time.
Or the sentence with my son, somehow always true.
Is it not then a search, for things that do not change.
Or actually finding things that do change, over time.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 26th September 2023 @ 1:49 pm
You can try and understand energy, by trying to be energy.
Think of an atom, it is stationary floating in a lake.
But the lake is a hydro dam, humans make energy with it.
It has no energy, scoop the water in your hand.
But with the dam turned on, it gets gravity and potential energy.
It travels through the dam, it’s turbine getting its kinetic energy.
It turns a generator, a changing magnetic field and wires.
Magically the energy is now in the wire, and travels to your street.
Then in a transformer, it jumps from one wire to another wire.
Getting to your charger, charging your devices battery.
Then from energy stored in a battery, you turn your device on.
Magically the energy is released, as photons from the led screen.
But in the beginning, there was no photon.
You could hold it in your hand, it had no energy.
How did energy from gravity, become a photon.
What actually lost the energy, for the photon to exist.
The story suggests energy, is a fixed thing.
At each stage, the energy is not lost.
But the story shows energy, takes many forms.
As a result, we describe energy with emotions.
Temperature or velocity, voltage or height.
But all along, it’s always one unit of energy.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 29th September 2023 @ 10:35 am
Going to Mars, looks very difficult.
So it shouldn’t be difficult, before we go there.
In our minds at least, all the tasks should be easy.
The task is not visiting, it’s colonists.
The first task is reliable landing, for sending things there.
99% of things sent arrive, landing where it’s supposed to.
And you need lots of things, landed ready for a colony.
If your good at landing, then it’s safe for people to try.
It’s really like a jigsaw puzzle, putting things together.
Just as you need a crane, and truck to bring the pieces together.
Power systems and oxygen makers, enclosures for plants.
All the things needed, for self sufficiency from the start.
When the puzzle gets bigger, it can have more people.
Then some goats for meat and milk, and chickens.
Eventually it will make things, for its own expansion.
Earth won’t send enclosures, food or fuels.
It looks difficult but it’s not, each problem is solvable.
Can a plant survive unaided, on Mars.
In an enclosure, but just with the suns light.
If a plant can do that, Mars looks easy.
It may not be a plant humans eat, but the chicken might.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 1st October 2023 @ 8:53 pm
This time of year, has some pretty harsh memories.
My not being well, has a few dates in the calendar.
They exist in the past, and have become nothing.
No matter your argument, the universe starts with nothing.
Can you argue, for an eternity like universe.
We don’t see that, we see an expanding universe.
Science can argue a Big Bang, down to zero seconds.
Even if the universe was eternal, how eternal is that.
What was eternity’s beginning, it must be nothing.
So let’s assume, you start with nothing.
But what is that beginning, as a thing.
Is it a thing, that goes to eternity from the start.
Is it the point, and the traditional Big Bang.
Try then put things in order, of existing.
When does time, begin to exist.
It was nothing, itself being eternal.
When does distance, begin to exist.
It was nothing, itself being eternal.
When does mass, begin to exist.
It was nothing, itself being everything.
When does energy, begin to exist.
It was nothing, itself being everything.
When it was nothing, it couldn’t be measured.
Everything was one, but what was it.
Nothing is not big, and it is not small.
Nothing does not live a long, or a short life.
Nothing is not heavy, and it is not light.
Nothing is not far, and it is not close.
If the Big Bang is true, zoom out to infinity.
If I’m not mistaken, it still looks like one thing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 3rd October 2023 @ 8:25 pm
It’s hard to perceive, we live in a liquid.
That it has quality’s, that we measure.
Think of gravity, we give it a speed.
Try then get the same speed, in the extreme water.
If you were a fish, gravity has a different speed.
Yet the force on the object, is the same.
Earth had a thicker atmosphere, having bigger flying insects.
The air thicker, the speed of gravity slower.
Yet today the humble fly, is an amazing creature.
It can hover, exactly balanced with gravity.
It’s speed and change of direction, incredible to watch.
Near infinity atoms, must move out of its way every second.
But with certainty, the dead one just falls to the ground.
There must be a line, air density vs insect size.
The bumblebee hardy flies, the sandfly is floating.
As the planet loses atmosphere, things stop flying.
Could even our smallest insect, fly on Mars.
Imagine then an alien world, with much thicker atmospheres.
We had flying dinosaurs, imagine the possibilities.
Think of a Venus, but in its own goldilocks distance from a sun.
We may be rare, in that we can only walk.
Evolution becomes easier, the thicker the atmosphere.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 7th October 2023 @ 12:18 pm
I don’t talk about chemistry, interesting as I did the subject.
I don’t know, if my thinking got influenced.
Or because the subject, has no errors.
Maybe I should have a think, with a fresh start.
Think of isotopes, and how they are different.
Ones half life, is less than the others.
At the extreme, you can cause the reaction.
But the other isotope, won’t work.
Think of the nuclear bomb, done with brute force.
Science searched for a suspect, and found Uranium.
Therefore, you can diagnose elements.
For energy, you are not looking for a bomb.
You don’t need a reaction, that cascades out of control.
But an element, where you can speed things up.
The vulnerable element, subject to an environment.
The half life changes, to lots of reactions.
It’s still fission, with radiation but the result is heat.
They exist already, but could things be far better.
For interstellar travel, you need safe nuclear engines.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 17th October 2023 @ 6:12 pm
If I go back in time, today was an amazing day.
To be blunt, the day before I experienced enlightenment.
My state of mind, was far from well.
The month prior, was continuous clinical depression.
That became psychosis, but like a switch turned full on.
Out came a perfect explanation, for the universe.
But as quickly as I spoke it, it was lost to my memory.
Even at the time I spoke, what hell did I just say.
On this day I worked out rule 1, with numbers not existing.
I did my best not to look at religion, as long as I could.
Because of the psychosis, my symptom is being religious.
It’s such a strange experience, but infinitely magical.
There is only one, means far more than the number 1.
No matter what God is, science says there’s only one of them.
So it was also inevitable I looked, I was examining the same thing.
As it turns out, philosophy always used the universal theory.
Hundreds of very wise things, are compliant arguments.
I could write #5, because the world gave me all the parts.
Like a puzzle, like enlightenment it magically all fits together.
It’s extremely complex and extremely simple, at the same time.
But for the life of me, I have tried to remember the beginning.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 30th October 2023 @ 6:28 pm
I have not had many science thoughts lately, so I’ll try.
I was listening to an argument, about God existing.
The idea being, the Universe is perfect.
All the laws of nature, are perfect in design.
If they were a little wrong, would the universe even exist.
If created wrong, would it not destroy itself.
Go infinity hot, or infinity cold.
Collapse under gravity, or fly apart so nothing forms.
Even the atom, unable to hold electrons.
It becomes an argument, about why is it perfect.
God commands it to be so, being the supreme intelligence.
Otherwise there is infinity universes, all of whom failed.
Only a statistical miracle, could get everything right.
If not there’s only one result, only one possible universe.
Everything is logical, everything is a derivative of one thing.
The universe is not actually perfect, it has a flaw.
It is expanding, it implies a lifespan exists.
Although it’s eternity, everything goes to the distance limit.
One by one, the galaxies are disappearing now.
Galaxy’s will then fly apart, and stars will lose planets.
There is only one thing, that’s all that remains.
Then even to the atom, then even energy will be gone.
Is that perfect, living in a failed universe.
It starts as nothing, and becomes nothing.
It’s very hard to argue, why things are so perfect.
Try then science, imagine the not perfect laws.
The universe an accident, and not intentional.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 8th November 2023 @ 7:11 pm
I like the subject, of evolution.
Because it’s not just the past, it is the future.
There is an argument, there’s not enough time.
Evolution made the whale, 500 million years is not enough.
Or us from chimpanzees, in only a few million years.
So if evolution is slow, then average breeding age counts.
If humans are 20 years old, it’s 50,000 times in 1 million years.
That’s a lot of evolution, of small changes.
But I don’t think it’s true, slow evolution is aimless.
Fast evolution then, is when real changes happen.
A disaster for example, only 500 in a valley survive.
All the other races of the animal, they have perished.
I think then, of a potential problem.
The lifespan of the human, in zero gravity.
Let’s say the baby is born, but they all die young.
We are evolved perfectly for 1g, but not for no gravity.
The experiment becomes brutal, for the solution.
You must try and try, until a child survives to 13 years old.
Then you breed from them, as much as you can.
Maybe it’s 1:10 normally, but there kids survive 1:2 of the time.
Then you breed those kids together, until getting to 13 is normal.
You have started a new race, evolution was very fast.
You would then breed, again for longevity.
Evolution going fast, not slumbering aimlessly.
So evolution is true, you can strategise an outcome.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 12th November 2023 @ 4:18 pm
Three years ago, I was already committed.
I had just started writing, my own witness to events.
I had just made orders to myself, that I would offend.
My fate was then already sealed, I am still the witness.
I said humans would be tested, but really it was my test.
Happiness is fleeting for me, in so many ways I failed.
Yet Christmas is just as far away again, I still have time.
The witness has days that are numbered, this the last time.
I must try again, I must climb a mountain with no end.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 19th November 2023 @ 5:48 pm
If I go back to the beginning, I can argue better now.
So rule 1 argues like the number 1, but it’s more than that.
So rule 2 argues like the number 0, but it’s more than that.
It can be off or on, 1 can be nearly zero or infinity.
In the beginning, nothing was everything.
It is the same as saying 1=0, or that 0=1.
1 volt is one, but a trillion volts is also one.
Was the temperature zero, then it became one.
Was the mass zero, then it became one.
What of distance or time, what is one for them.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 20th November 2023 @ 6:51 pm
I tried to do arguments for rule 3, and it’s difficult.
I say there is mass and energy, there is distance and time.
But how do I know, about a this or that.
Is there other things, that everything is made of.
It be charge and spin, could be independent things.
That led to gravity, it’s not a thing in itself.
There is no gravity particle, things are made of.
You can’t find something, and say you found gravity.
Gravity does not exist, you cannot find it.
A whole planet, cannot stop you lifting a small object.
Yet it holds the Moon, giants like Jupiter orbit the sun.
But if you have mass, magical as it is gravity appears.
It does not have gravity, but causes it to happen.
In the beginning there was no gravity, it did not exist yet.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 26th November 2023 @ 1:23 pm
Sometimes it’s not if your right, it’s if you’re wrong.
In the previous comment, I imply you can’t make gravity.
If you know what gravity is, could you make more of it.
Think of the result, a spaceship could have gravity.
The zero g problem solved, space travel humanly possible.
Maybe even the opposite, not gravity but antigravity.
Forget rockets, things would just float away.
To make our gravity, you need a planets worth of it.
So if there is no gravity particle, some things can’t happen.
But if there is a gravity thing, it would be amazing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 1st December 2023 @ 10:55 pm
Why is magnetism similar to gravity, both behave as fields.
There is no physical connection, both forces act in the vacuum.
Why do I assume I can’t make gravity, when I can make magnets.
How is the vacuum, able to have two forces.
Gravity competes with magnets, but the magnet can easily lift a nail.
My little magnet however can’t hold the moon, it’s force is weaker.
We all know about gravity, we very accurately follow asteroids.
But why is magnetism not mentioned, changing objects paths.
Earth is a huge magnet, shouldn’t a magnet attract objects.
Why don’t two magnets just crash together, think earth and the sun.
Or is it always an alternating field, opposed then attracted repeatedly.
To a magnet orbiting, it’s like a perpetual motion machine.
I made some experiments, using a changing magnetic field.
It’s a spiral of magnets, that slowly increases diameter.
It has its start and end in the same place, in a circle.
If that stays still, you can have magnets on a rotor.
If you force it into the start, it flys around to the end.
If it’s velocity forces it back into the start, it goes forever.
I have a version with the rotor stationary, the frame spinning.
It does fail for perpetual motion, it eventually stops.
But is a very good example of the idea, of perpetual motion.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 10th December 2023 @ 11:04 am
I have great hope for humans, despite there evil ways.
I try to look into the future, to find things that will happen.
That we aren’t just stuck here, fighting amongst ourselves.
As rare as life is, it’s humans like usurpers playing god with it.
Humans could do anything, and I’ve experienced it in my imagination.
It’s easy to imagine, a date the moon gains its independence.
The first robot spacecraft, to mine material from an asteroid.
The spaceship that processes it, collecting gases and metals.
The first public transport ticket, for a trip to mars.
Science is amazing now, imagine is creations in 100 years.
In what seems like days, 2,000 more years will pass.
They will see us as primitive, just as barbaric as the year zero.
But I am certain life will be the same, life’s problems the same.
Our family and our love life, our health and paying the bills.
Where we live or having a bed, and how we entertain ourselves.
We will brush teeth and comb hair, light fires and eat together.
People will have neighbours, and kids will go to school.
No matter the passage of time, some things remain the same.
Some philosophy cannot be changed, like there is up and down.
Hence why religion, still has philosophies that remain true today.
While it’s not scientific like laws, they behave like laws.
An argument to be good, is not an argument to be bad.
I for one think 2,000 years, is a long time for updates and corrections.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 20th December 2023 @ 6:19 pm
I made a statement, that in many ways is wrong.
“No matter how hard you look you will find nothing the same.”
It’s not just an argument about apples, so this and that apple.
The emotion of apple is correct, both the apples are the same.
That there is an endless list of emotions, describing the same thing.
We communicate with them, to describe our environment.
I can use emotions as words, and you can perceive the same thing.
If I say I ate an apple, you could also eat the same thing.
If I sit in a car, you could also sit in the same thing.
So we lie to ourselves, my apple is not your apple.
We automatically assume it’s the same, the emotion is the same.
So can the argument work, when looking at the atomic level.
Because this electron, is the same as that electron.
This proton, is the same as that proton.
This molecule is the same as that molecule, has problems.
That molecule has this energy, this molecule that energy.
They are the same, like things we describe with emotions.
But when we zoom in examining every thing, they are not perfect.
Try then describe two electrons, having the same location or velocity.
They are identical, but they can never be perfectly the same.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 22nd December 2023 @ 3:53 pm
I have all my children this Christmas, including my oldest.
My younger son is asleep, and we wait for his waking.
It’s a special moment in time, that happens only once a year.
My daughter sits patiently, her presents under the tree.
My thinking does not stop, so I will write something.
They say the universe is expanding, that’s it’s going faster.
The expansion of space, is something speeding up.
But is that where you look, compared to yourself.
The object you look at, is stationary like yourself.
If it looked at you, it would measure the same thing.
If you measure close to you, there seems no expansion of space.
But if you look at the distance limit, it is the speed of light.
Saying this is expanding faster, cannot be true.
The furthest object, like us is not experiencing expansion.
There must be a formula for distance from you, and expansion.
Is there another example, of a changing mathematical result.
For expansion to speed up, the mathematics is changing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 25th December 2023 @ 7:58 am
I have an argument, that’s like a common start.
It’s more an observation, that I find amazing.
So the argument happens a lot, helping to start new arguments.
I am constantly amazed at speed, in regards to our environment.
We have light speed things, like electricity and radio waves.
But there is lots of speeds, think of sound or convection of heat.
If something is the speed of light, it has no mass.
But if the speed involves mass, then it’s much slower.
Why is electricity, not like the speed of sound.
This atom bumps into that atom, exchanging the energy.
Time is lost as the atom travels, to the next atom.
That is not the case for electricity, but it is for momentum.
Sound is incredibly fast, as a thing that happens.
Think of the device making the sound, and the distance from you.
Between you and it, near infinity atoms interacted.
One definable event after another, one by one the atoms moved.
Hundreds of meters a second, is incredibly fast.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 10th January 2024 @ 6:30 pm
I am trying to argue about the Big Bang, and what you would see.
Because that’s our only evidence, observation is all we have.
One argument is balance, if one side we see has more density.
We are not the centre of the universe, that’s a statistical miracle.
If one side of the universe is faster, while the other is slower.
Objects at the centre of the Big Bang, hardly move.
But objects at the edge, they must be incredibly fast.
Mass conserves its momentum, so the universe must have direction.
All the trajectory’s of the first galaxies, converging on the same point.
If at any point of time, a galaxy existed within the distance limit.
You would always be able to see the object, right at the limits.
It’s light travels backwards as fast as it moves, it is always reaching you.
Therefore all we can see right at the limit, was there at the beginning.
Our universe a sphere, started with a distance limit radius.
If that is true then from the Big Bang, there is a big time problem.
The galaxy at the distance limit, must have used time to get there.
That’s billions of years, in all directions.
We would see a huge gap in time, from the Big Bang to galaxies forming.
I would also argue the galaxy is stationary, just as we are stationary.
The Big Bang implies we got velocity, but neither galaxy had any.
Only with time has chaos happened, and gravity has its effect.
Think of the galaxy at the distance limit now, where do we see it now.
They are in different places, space stretches that it into billions of years.
It would appear to take forever, to finally disappear off the edge.
For what we can see of the universe, when can we start seeing things.
The universe has a beginning moment, there was no previous time.
Is our limit of seeing things, where the see it now distance is.
If it was further, technically it had already disappeared.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 15th January 2024 @ 6:52 pm
I guess I can write about a subject, it is a lot of my thinking.
I have spent a lot of time experimenting, thinking out scenarios.
How to survive interstellar travel, even how to colonise that star.
We are somewhat unlucky, we have no nearby star.
As I understand it, it’s 100,000 years for a close passing star.
Even then good stars with good planets, will still be far away.
So there is no choice, but a very long trip.
I don’t think you go as one ship, but as a small fleet.
You would still have one big ship, that spins for pretend gravity.
The humans have no choice, but to live in gravity.
But you would have other ships, that make colonies possible.
Cargo ships and mining ships, a ship with a factory and shuttles.
Everyone would take turns, as there skeleton crews.
If you only have one spinning ship, you can only do one thing.
You can orbit a planet, but you must operate from the planet.
So actually you would have some smaller ships, for the humans.
One could help mine an asteroid, another help colonise a minor planet.
You could start doing three things, not just one thing.
You must take things with you, because you can’t make them.
You would take a microchip maker, as an example.
Maybe not todays extreme, but at least a computer chip.
You may have 200 people, but not the skill to make the machine.
Without it technology dies, the chips you take with you run out.
They will press print, and the robot will create the spacecraft.
But there is much more, than just a hollow shell.
Because of so few people, everything must be simple.
You would standardise everything, there is only one version.
Everything is serviceable, or able to be made new.
The humans can become experts, with relative ease.
You must pass knowledge on, over many generations.
If you had no expert to fix things, you may die.
You may have a 10,000 ton cargo ship, but you will forget something.
You have to mine on arrival, or you inevitably run out of stuff.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 23rd January 2024 @ 9:04 pm
You can do hard questions, about interstellar travel.
It’s the humans that’s the problem, you must keep them alive.
You cannot avoid that a society will exist, but what’s the rules.
If the ship’s population is 200, how do they survive 200 years.
Could they maintain morals, or fall prey to a dictator.
Are they ruthless with life, or fall prey to debauchery.
Do they have marriage, have customs and ceremonies.
Do they live in their own homes, or is it communal living.
Would you have more females, and much fewer males.
What animals to take, from fungus to fish you must decide.
Would you screen trip candidates, so the start has no bad DNA.
To have diversity of genes, who’s sperm and egg donations on freeze.
To control population numbers, how do you control pregnancy.
How do you reject male babies early, so you get your sex ratio right.
What is the age of consent, when do you start school and end it.
If you have crimes, how do you punish them.
You may have a very big ship, but it’s a very small space.
The ships a prison, you are born and die and can’t escape.
If you can have a healthy society, most bad things go away.
Children raised without hate, nobody is your enemy.
A society making life meaningful, they are doing a magnificent thing.
They are the aliens, they come to conquer the solar system.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 25th January 2024 @ 6:19 pm
I found an interesting topic, the element Technetium.
Apparently nature doesn’t make it, it is only manmade.
Yet elements with more protons exist, why then could they exist.
Think of an imaginary universe, it begins with one element infinity.
It immediately decays, into smaller atoms.
Because there is a half life, eventually atom splitting slows down.
Eventually everything will decay, you would only have hydrogen.
If that were true, the infinity decay events never made Technetium.
The universe would slowly die, a uniform gas of hydrogen.
As I understand it, that’s how the universe started.
But in our case, the heavy elements are from supernovae.
The universe collapsed the gas, and it goes bang.
Yet even that near infinity event, cannot make Technetium.
Who said supernovae didn’t make super elements, we just cant see them.
They existed maybe even element 1,000, but it’s life was an instant.
The elements we do see, may be like an exact formula.
So for a size plus content of an object, it creates predictable results.
If you have a formula, what elements were not part of the formula.
It’s maybe easy to explain iron, but harder to explain gold.
What made the big elements, supernovae or atom decay.
For humans to make Technetium, that’s impressive.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 31st January 2024 @ 5:45 pm
Writing about the family court, can feel repetitive.
It can give me bad emotions, at times a little angry at things.
So sometimes I need a break, changing the subject.
Maybe try a subject, that doesn’t look like science.
The word love, needs examination.
In my own way, I can give an example gone wrong.
Her name was Lisa, and I always found her attractive.
We did sports together, and partied together.
It didn’t take time to like her, but she was in a relationship.
Like fate playing games, I ended up living as her boarder.
We got on well as if we were a couple, but nothing ever happened.
For some reason I never tried, and neither did she.
But I was tormented at night, wanting to go to her room.
I learnt years later, she had no problem with that happening.
I was in love, and fate took me away.
So love is a thing, far stranger than a sexual urge.
There was no sex, but I was in love.
If love is caused by evolution, are we the only animal that has it.
Something more than infatuation, something more than lust.
Those things are easy to find, love is a very different thing.
Humans built societies on it, it was not built on hate.
You can argue love, is to keep the man staying around.
Long enough that the children survive, so evolutionary.
We needed that to happen, to allow high dependency babies.
Our high intelligence, is due to the emotion of love.
Is the bird that mates for life, having the same emotion.
It is infatuated with only one bird, ignoring other birds.
For the same reason, it has high dependency babies.
Because of how many behave sexually, love must be a new thing.
Before humans fell in love, was there even the family.
Just a little tribal group, and anyone is the father.
Or did love create the family, evolution from just other animals.
Two humans acting as one, protecting and providing.
Love is like cheating nature, you are much better with it.
Sadly there is lots of hate in the world, love is statistically better.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 7th February 2024 @ 9:17 pm
I have a confusing argument, so I’ll try and write it.
“All emotions exist as equal and opposite emotions”
So for the previous comment, you have love and hate.
That is no different to other emotions, think positive and negative.
You love and are attracted, or you hate and are repulsed.
The word love and hate, can almost describe all emotions.
But there is an anomaly, gravity seems to have one direction.
There is no negative or hate, there is only positive or love.
You are only attracted, you are never repulsed.
Think then the centre of a star, at that point gravity is zero.
It experiences pressure from the mass, but it has no acceleration.
It is pulled equally by its mass, all the forces of gravity add to zero.
Even at the centre of a black hole, gravity is zero.
Think then of two objects, on equal opposite sides of the star.
Acceleration may be 1m/s, the other object is -1m/s.
Gravity looks one directional, but it’s perfectly balanced.
See that’s confusing, I feel like I am making an error.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 11th February 2024 @ 9:01 pm
I watched some comedy on Pluto, with Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Sheldon wrongly chastises him, for demoting Pluto from planet status.
Which is interesting, because you can argue for Pluto.
For a start its round with moons, and orbits the sun.
I feel sorry for Pluto, it’s like it did something wrong.
If we go back in time, to the solar system’s beginning.
Unless Pluto already existed, then it was made somehow.
Was every object from a collapsed gas, or was it collapsed objects.
Does the star detonate into grains of sand, or everything up to planets.
Jupiter is a drip to a swimming pool, compared to the supernova.
Maybe we don’t see that, because everything is close to the star.
Even Pluto the innocent planet, who formed just as earth did.
Thrown from its orbit, by the giants even a passing huge object.
It’s orbits all wrong, but it’s not Plutos fault.
Born just like earth, naughty Pluto for not obeying the rules.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 14th February 2024 @ 7:27 pm
I once wrote an argument, about words and emotions.
How there is endless emotions, so there must be endless words.
That’s is not true for us, you can count the words that exist.
Inevitable something exists, that you don’t have a word for.
Something happens, but you need an explanation of many words.
One word cannot do it, humans haven’t invented one yet.
Think of the first word for humans, the hundredth word etc.
What were those emotions, what were we trying to say.
Has the human mind got a limit, it can memorise the dictionary.
In the dictionary, every word has an explanation.
A complex string of emotions, giving meaning to a word.
It’s like humans cheat nature, they make a complex thing simple.
Think of any word, your mind immediately knows the meaning.
It doesn’t need a pause, to process the complex meaning.
If someone speaks to you, you understand what they are saying.
What if we are oblivious, emotions exist that we don’t know exist.
They exist but without a word, how do we see the emotion.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 23rd February 2024 @ 12:45 pm
The world has gone mad, conflict is everywhere.
Everywhere you look, it’s two sides fighting.
The more information you get, the more crazy it looks.
I do worry things are escalating, not getting better.
Nobody can stop Israel, so how’s that ending.
Then there’s Nato, they break agreements with Russia.
What a waste humans make of life, to spend it fighting.
We are so good at fighting, destruction is guaranteed.
A truck full of artillery shells, is nothing to a factory.
Weapons are so good, mass destruction is just normal.
But it can level a city, and there’s already many destroyed cities.
From a little tribe of animals defending itself, we became the monster.
Let’s hope that’s not evolutions flaw, self destruction.
There is no aliens, because every species destroys itself.
Evolution of the weapon, is faster than evolution of common sense.
Even aliens that nearly succeeded, there’s always a crazy alien.
Not even the aliens immune, there’s always two sides with anything.
They war on the planet, destroying society so it can’t succeed.
They may even colonise its solar system, then it destroys itself.
But nothing survives long enough, for interstellar travel.
How long do we have, before something stupid happens.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 27th February 2024 @ 7:14 pm
I have some ideas, for the two slit experiment.
Think of the photon, it travels a straight line.
But during its travel, it travels as a wave.
The photon crosses the line, but is never on it.
The slit is an event, the actual direction in vs out.
Changing the slits, can change the image.
The slit has straight lines in, and straight lines out.
Can that argument work for particles, are they travelling as a wave.
It may be why a particle, can not go light speed.
The extra distance of the wave, limits its speed.
As the particle gets bigger, the less it behaves as a wave.
As things get bigger, the experiment begins to fail.
The big particles, travelling in straight lines.
But the experiment says it’s a wave, just like a photon.
To the big particles, the wave is very small to its size.
Going through the slit is an event, its image is new.
The shape of the experiment, changes what you see.
Think of a dark room, a small hole in a wall letting in sun.
It makes a dot of light in the straight line, your hand can find it.
But no matter where you are, you see a bright small hole.
Is all that light just collisions, with the holes edge.
If you go close to the hole, you only see in a straight line.
Hence why the two slit experiment, is very confusing.
It’s like a trick, where a phenomenon happens.
Like a tuning fork, the shape is just right for the effect.
An arm on its own, behaves in a certain way.
But two arms together, can magically make a predictable sound.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 2nd March 2024 @ 9:51 am
One thing I don’t do much is maths, or propose a formula.
I heard an argument about numbers, what is the square root of -1.
The speaker implied a prize, if you can work it out.
Presently they use imaginary numbers, so an idea that works.
It’s a long time ago, since looking at that stuff.
Maybe the argument, is a result of something else.
“Anything that exists is an emotion”
So if you try to describe maths, it clearly is sets of emotions.
It be plus and minus, it be multiply and divide.
Without them, there is no mathematics.
Think of the basic laws of science, they don’t exist without them.
They are a law of nature themselves, you can’t see them.
The SR of 1 is 1 or -1, but the SR of -1 does not exist.
Is that logical as -1 is already imaginary, where is it in nature.
Positive and negative, are different emotions to addition and subtraction.
So the sine wave is the argument, as it has -1 and it has +1.
Positive and negative are a point of view, it is always one.
If -1 x -1 =1 why is +1 x +1 = +1, why is it not -1 so the SR of -1 is 1.
Can a mathematics person, explain the equal sign, Rule 4.
There is only equal to, there is no not equal to.
Everything is one = one, if it was zero = zero the = would not exist.
Is negative one ever a physical thing, think of having two atoms.
If you take one atom away, you still have two atoms.
You can imagine -1, but can you do it in real life.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 13th March 2024 @ 7:03 pm
There is an old question on what’s first, the chicken or egg.
I think it’s an easy question, the answer is both.
Evolution is an unbroken chain, of chickens and eggs.
The first DNA copies itself, then bacteria copies itself.
The cell copies itself, then a bunch of cell’s copies itself.
Soon the animal is big, and the copy is small.
At some point the baby got protection, a shell evolved.
You can argue about the DNA being first, but not a chicken.
It’s interesting how rare changes are, in evolution.
You can think of thousands of changes, but they are all tiny.
The big changes are very rare, the list would be short.
All insects go back to one thing, with six legs.
But there was only one spider, who had eight legs.
Mammals and birds, trees and fish.
The types of things is small, the variety is large.
There is few major changes, between you and a fly.
Was the egg first, it was first to have the new thing.
What was the chicken, before chickens.
There had to be a first chicken, that was an egg.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 21st March 2024 @ 10:51 pm
I watched a video on snowflakes, on making them.
The operator had some control, deciding a type of outcome.
What an amazing thing, that the complex arms are identical.
Despite endless variation of arms, they are not each different.
If you zoomed in, surely they cannot be atom perfect.
How does one arm, communicate with the other arm.
It’s just a thing growing in space, it could be any shape.
What arm grows first, if a law says they are to be identical.
The operator used physics, controlling the conditions.
Somewhere there’s a formula, for snowflake making.
Think of the galaxy, and its uniform shape.
It’s a flat disk, with multiple identical arms.
It formed from a gas, under just the right conditions.
Look wherever you like, they are everywhere you look.
The universe then, is full of snowflakes.
Just some snowstorm, in another person’s universe.
The argument for the large, may be the argument for the small.
The force responsible for the snowflake, is the same for galaxies.
The snowflake has atoms and particles, the galaxy suns and planets.
The small is instant, the large is in slow motion.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 27th March 2024 @ 9:58 pm
I finish writing in a few days, so this is the last on this post.
What’s interesting is I’m not finished, I still have ideas.
Yesterday I had science arguments, so I will write that out.
For me I have had no response, I don’t know what’s correct.
I don’t know if a comment is good, or if it is bad.
I have a process to my writing, I don’t read past comments.
I do a few times straight after writing, but then I don’t look back.
Sometimes I’m a little shocked, look what I’ve just written.
It’s a special feeling, when I know something is good.
Maybe that’s even a condition, I am addicted to the feeling.
I did the right thing, I tried to keep no secrets.
Anyway I do have an argument, about space and forces.
Think of anywhere in space, it has a value for gravity.
That value also has direction, a combination of all gravity sources.
Logic dictates only two things exist, distance and time.
So distance and time, must therefore have direction.
Gravity is not the only force, affecting distance and time.
The magnet does the same thing, giving space a direction.
Think of mass and energy, they are nearly always together.
We describe it together as a thing, think of the atom.
Time is a thing and distance is a thing, what are they together.
Is distance and time flowing, you experience resistance to the flow.
If you experience resistance to the flow, you feel weight.
If you are in free fall, you feel no resistance.
Is distance and time stationary, but time and distance has a force.
If it flowed, where does it flow to and disappear.
If space is expanding, more is made than is lost.
I guess with time, I still have a lot to learn.
Hopefully I made more questions, than I made answers.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 6th April 2024 @ 9:45 am
I guess I have more to say, I feel like I made an error.
E = MC2, is the same as F=MA.
Einstein version is the mass, going to light speed.
I used the same equation, but as E/M = D/T.
Imagine then you change the ruler, T decides D.
If C=1, then D=1 and E=M as the square is irrelevant.
We have a ruler, but what is Gods ruler.
Or at the beginning, what was the equations values.
If you know E M and T, then you will know D.
Or you know D E and T, then you will know M.
If you were an alien, all the values are different.
Your second, will not be the same as our second.
Your mass, will not be the same as our mass.
Your distance, will not be the same as our distance.
The value for energy, will be different.
Kinda like being American, they could be confusing.
You can define three values, but not the last.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 11th June 2024 @ 9:35 pm
I can do a Big Bang argument, with some assumptions.
The telescope looks as far as it can, it sees a galaxy.
They guess the time from the Big Bang, and say it’s 200 million years.
The galaxy was at the distance limit, when light left it.
Its speed traveling away from us, was therefore near light speed.
Logic then dictates no Big Bang, in the traditional sense.
It went from the singularity, to the distance limit in 200 million years.
It would have to slow down dramatically, from its original speed.
The only solution is light speed, it would have to change with time.
That may sound wrong, but a graph can explain that.
Distance is the X axis, and time is the Y axis.
As time trends to one, distance trends to infinity.
As distance trends to one, time trends to infinity.
We are somewhere on the graph, where we see no change.
The universe with no beginning, or no end.
A great appearance everywhere, sounds more logical.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 20th June 2024 @ 7:32 pm
Maths can be very strange, why does differentials work.
Or why is there maths laws, for Pythagorus triangles or circles.
No matter the universe, the equation cannot be different.
So there is an error in my argument, E/M=D/T is wrong.
Distance is Squared so is time, maths is a language.
So Einstein for E, 1 J is equal to SI base unit kg⋅m2⋅s−2
E/M becomes m2⋅s−2, and so is its opposite.
The speed of light in m/s squared, is m2/s2.
The universe may only be that, whatever that is.
Numbers mean nothing, unless they have an emotion.
1 x 1 = 1 but really it can be 0, if it has nothing as a description.
It could be any number, 1 x 1 could mean infinity.
The language has rules, and they cannot be broken.
What is $1 times $1, is an example of nonsense.
You cannot find me a $ squared, it does not exist.
We speak and say $1 times 1, the answer is $ because 1 has no meaning.
You earn $/hr and work hr, the hr cancels out so the answer is $.
Numbers like pi are very special, other numbers in laws have meaning.
3 and 6 and 9 are special numbers, but does it have any meaning.
3^2=9, 3^3=27 ,2+7=9, 3^4=81, 8+1=9, 3^5=243, 2+4+3=9 etc etc.
6^2=36, 3+6=9, 6^3=216, 2+1+6=9, 6^4=1296, 1+2+9+6=18, 1+8=9 etc
Does that work for an alien, born with eight fingers.
3 is 3 and 6 is 6, but the number 9 does not exist.
The alien writes 11 for 9, 6×6=44 so it no longer works.
They may never discover, the magic of numbers.
If god was counting, would it also count to 10 like us.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 26th June 2024 @ 8:04 pm
It should be any year now, for humans being on the moon again.
I would aim for settlement, from the beginning.
Where they arrive, is literally the first town.
A with a spacecraft landing area, and vehicles to move things.
Its own power supply and air supply, even making its own food.
That’s where you dig, the humans will live underground.
There is two strategies, for colonising an object.
Do you start with noting in the beginning, like the Apollo missions.
Then more spacecraft arrive, so you can build your town.
But if you have a failed supply, you could be in trouble.
Do you start with everything, that’s landed ready to go.
The humans just put it together, success is near certain.
You could get the AI robot, to assemble everything first.
If the object is a solar system, the same could apply.
Do the humans arrive on the spaceship, and that’s all they need.
There is nothing there, and supply is likely not existing.
I struggle to see success, but running out of things.
What if the strategy is robots first, hundreds of them.
Sent hundreds of years ahead, reporting on success.
They achieved orbit, and are ready for the humans arriving.
When the humans then leave, they can make better choices.
Space for cargo is limited, spaceships are only so big.
Knowing what you have, vs not having what you need.
If you leave but you forgot something, the result is failure.
When the humans leave earth, they will arrive to established things.
The robots have already built the town, the humans just move in.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 26th July 2024 @ 10:15 pm
Because we experience being stationary, is space moving.
Think of yourself as being light, travelling through glass.
The glass is a solid not moving, with no resistance to your movement.
Light has no mass, so travels at the glasses speed limit.
If space is not stationary to us, how fast is its direction.
Is space stationary for every object, it would then be twisted and bent.
Think of two objects passing each other, both experienced being stationary.
You can measure the objects energy, you can measure its temperature.
But if they were to collide, they magically experience acceleration.
It’s a law I guess, to change direction you must experience acceleration.
You must experience acceleration, to experience not being stationary.
You experience meters and seconds, changing your speed in space.
So to experience acceleration, is to resist the movement of the glass.
The vacuum itself could be a liquid, it flows in orbits like mass does.
It has meters and seconds, and is compressed by mass.
We can’t then detect it moving, just like we are floating in a river.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 27th July 2024 @ 11:07 pm
Chemicals are only so good, rockets are incredibly inefficient.
The mass being used, has a limited escape velocity.
So for interstellar travel, that will not be the propulsion.
You couldn’t get to 1% light speed, not with rockets.
You must accelerate mass, to near light speed.
So chemical energy is weak, but nuclear energy is strong.
You suffer losses, converting heat to electricity in a reactor.
You suffer losses, converting electricity into acceleration.
The mass escape velocity must be huge, to get even a 1% speed.
Then to slow down, you need double the fuel.
You need nuclear fuel, plus mass to become acceleration.
Power is not that important, you can accelerate for years.
There must be no process loses, think of a flat surface of material.
It has a high rate of fission, the particles leaving is the propulsion.
The reactor is a special shape, particles leave like a laser.
Someone invents a particle accelerator, the engine is rated in KW.
It’s all because of an assumption, you need mass to accelerate.
It certainly looks true, is there any not using mass acceleration.
If there was then space travel is easy, you only need the nuclear engine.
In a solar system, you would only need solar panels.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 7th August 2024 @ 7:43 pm
Evolution is a favourite subject, some think it’s a religion.
As in everything is a belief, evolution is all guessing things.
How life begins, is not a proven thing.
I’m certain this is understood, but there is a law for evolution.
For life to exist, it must be able to make more than one copy of itself.
Think of something called life, it can make one copy of itself.
Sure something copied itself, but the life is doomed.
Eventually a copy will die, before it copies itself.
Inevitably anything living, can make more than one copy.
So think of the first life, it likely made endless copies.
It had no rules on numbers, if it made two copies why not a thousand.
Was the beginning asexual, so there was only the X chromosome.
Or was the beginning gendered, as there was a Y at the start.
RNA beginning life, is an assumption.
What if two lifeless RNA joined, making a DNA that lived.
Living RNA is then evolutionary, but evolving from the DNA.
Or did gender start when DNA started, an X and a Y RNA.
Two RNA joined making DNA, in turn making RNA.
When gender starts is a mystery, it’s the most important event ever.
Asexual breeding is limited, change is very slow vs gendered breeding.
Asexual breeding is linear, a change only applies to it.
Gender allows sharing of change, good things spread.
You get your evolution, and the evolution of your partner.
When gender starts, you would see an explosion of evolution.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 4th September 2024 @ 6:45 pm
I am trying to rationalise earth, as to how it was made.
I assume the beginning was iron, that all clumped together.
Magnetism must play a role, in collecting it up fast.
The resulting planet mass, then attracted the other elements.
The solar system starts, with an infinite number of small objects.
Today it’s mostly large objects, and some comet dust.
You can imagine periods of time, when it just rained elements.
You can calculate this out, what seems slow is very fast.
Imagine constant shooting stars, earth is covered in 1mm every year.
In 1,000 years it’s 1 meter thick, in a million years it’s 1 km thick.
In just a hundred million years, that’s 100km thick of material.
Today the torrential rain of elements, is a near trickle.
It’s not just a bombardment, just earth made from big object hits.
Imagine millions of comets, slowly burnt away by the sun.
They never hit earth, they didn’t need to hit earth.
Earth was collecting the dust, adding kilometres of size.
It’s oceans pretty trivial, made in just millions of years.
There were few big collisions, but layers and layers of dust.
Then earth a relatively even surface, got destroyed by the moon hit.
About a third the surface survived, being the continent areas.
The layers may not still exist, but we are made from its elements.
That 1mm argument applies to volcanos, with the same effect.
There is no comet material layers left, it’s all volcanic material.
It rained 1mm of volcanic dust, also for 100 million years.
All the solid layer of earth, is already recycled material.
The comets layers are melted, long ago once earths crust.
Even the oceans themselves, just elements processed from the dust.
The light stuff floating to the top, the heavy to the bottom.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 10th September 2024 @ 6:56 pm
In the beginning there was nothing, and the nothing was eternal.
It has no time or distance, it has no mass or energy.
There is no numbers, nothing is the true version of zero.
It has no description or property, you can be assured it has no laws.
Yet in my words it’s something, nothing is all those things.
Nothing can take as long as it likes, it has all the time.
Nothing has no limit to its size, its lengths are endless.
Nothing has all the mass, uniform in density forever.
Nothing has all the energy, its power is infinity.
The universe was off, and something turned the switch on.
Why then is everything our size, we can measure the result.
We can investigate the sizes, the original quantity of nothing.
Why is the universe not tiny, because it looks enormous.
Why is the universe not bigger, are we the tiny universe.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 10th October 2024 @ 7:38 pm
I began without a clue what to write, with the last comment.
I just began with a sentence, because it sounded good.
I only argued about the word eternal, then began whatever.
The rest just came out, as if from nowhere.
In retrospect it’s many ideas together, my mind had the argument.
All I had to do was write, and the questions come out.
I do the same with speech, I go off track in the argument.
As a flaw I forget the original argument, I find myself lost for words.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 16th October 2024 @ 7:23 pm
I’m having an idea right now, I had an oh my god moment.
Not that it’s that good, but this a go at my thinking.
We call an electron negative, and the proton positive.
So since positive wants to be negative, the proton would be flying around.
Maybe in describing things, we have directions around the wrong way.
Think of our batteries as a concept, the negative is zero.
Is the proton 1 and the electron -1, if the math happens you get zero.
Is the electron attracted to the proton, crashes would be constant.
But obviously they never crash, they then can never touch.
Because electrons can’t get away, that must be a strong force.
It is attracted to a proton, the mass of the electron at light speed.
But they can’t touch the proton, that must be a strong force.
If electrons and protons can end by touching, the universe ends.
The nuetron is strongly attached to a proton, also a strong force.
Why does the nuetron have one force, but not the other strong force.
It is attracted but not repulsed, the electron attracted and repulsed.
Does an electron even notice a neutron, if it were to fly by.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 30th October 2024 @ 7:02 pm
Speech and words is evolution, many animals communicate.
When you listen to a foreign language, it’s like nonsense sounds.
There is little between chimps and humans, it’s just sounds.
There must be evolutionary milestones, in our history.
Are you like the insect, all the sounds made are automatic.
If whales are speaking, do they learn words just like humans do.
Was Adam the first to say no, and Eve the first to say yes.
Go away or come here, hide or run away.
What are the beginning emotions, how primitive were the first humans.
Writing words is an evolutionary leap, language changes otherwise.
Every isolated group had a language, it was evolving for everyone.
The dictionary is like a photo, a set of letters describing an emotion.
I can read things from the past, and write things for the future.
Humans may think of new words, but words stopped evolving.
If writing never happened, we would still be nomadic or cavemen.
I find one sided emotions interesting, as in there is no opposite.
An example is the word basket, there is no opposite basket word.
The basket has a definable task, it can hold an amount of clothes.
That’s because it’s the right way up, it’s not the wrong way up.
If it was designed upside down, the clothes would fall out.
We wouldn’t call it a basket, identical it’s the opposite of a basket.
The emotion basket exists, so does its nameless opposite emotion.
Think of yourself as a noun, your name is your emotion.
There is only one of anything, so there seems no opposite of you.
Are you a boy or a girl, are you tall or short can describe you.
Are you politically left or right, and what hand do you write with.
But there is no mirror of yourself, there is no twin opposites.
For the most part you are the opposite, split yourself down the middle.
When you look in the mirror, what noun do you call your mirror image.
Words that have opposites, are when we describe things.
Up and down are like forces of nature, your name is a funny sound.
Words where you can’t find an opposite, are human creations.
It could be challenging, classification of words as not compliant.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 19th November 2024 @ 7:51 pm
I have been thinking about an idea, things trying to be one.
If mass is trying to be one, what would that mean.
Is mass all apart, and wants to be together again.
Gravity is not a supernatural thing, it has an explanation.
If distance is trying to be one, what would that mean.
If distance is one, is one trying to be one again.
Expansion of space is not supernatural, it has an explanation.
Now things get difficult, the other two are harder to argue.
If time is trying to be one, what would that mean.
Time is at zero, and is always trying to get to one.
We don’t live in eternity, there’s a beginning and an end.
If energy is trying to be one, what would that mean.
Energy is at zero, and is always trying to be one.
No more than a sine wave, zero trying to be one.
So what is the universe doing, is it trying to be one or zero.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 17th December 2024 @ 6:13 pm
There is a technology revolution happening, I can see it already.
Making things is changing rapidly, AI will radically change my job.
Presently if you want something made, I must work things out.
What machines must I use, and what order to do things.
You can give me a 3D computer model, but how to make it real.
High speed machining is amazing, but hard to get right.
If I am CNC machining, I must program all the procedures.
I must choose the cutters and speeds, trying to be fast.
Computer design the process for this part, and it does it for you.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 15th January 2025 @ 10:07 pm
I am struggling with having ideas, as in not having them.
I can’t endlessly have new ideas, there must be an end.
Anyway today was good, as in exploring an old idea.
Be certain of this, only one object in the universe is stationary.
You may think you’re stationary, everything moves relative to you.
But if I was to measure you, you are in motion in some way.
Earth rotation speed and orbit speed, the galaxy and expanding space.
But your motion is not just m/s, you have a m/s^2 value as well.
That force of gravity, has a direction.
You cannot have a direction, but also be stationary.
You as an object with a centre of mass, that is m/s^2 off centre
Is there any object in the universe, where m/s and m/s^2 is zero.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 25th January 2025 @ 10:26 am