Knee-bouncing dad sparks CYFS Investigation
On Close-Up (TV ONE) last night Susan Wood introduced a story “that would scare any parent”, about a North Shore father accused of sexually abusing his daughter.
An anonymous caller to the CYFS 0800 number claimed that he had been seen bouncing his three-year-old daughter up and down on his knee while reading her a bedtime story.
Despite the fact the couple’s son is also not school age yet, letters naming the children were imediately sent to Albany schools alerting them to the fact that the family was under investigation.
When a psychologist finally got around to interviewing the children, it took her only 15 minutes to decide the children were not at risk.
Chief Social Worker Marie Connolly defended the fact that the letters were sent even before the family was spoken to. When asked if CYFS would appologise to the family she replied:
“We take all investigations seriously. It’s inevitably difficult for families when a social worker investigates a sexual abuse allegation, but nethertheless our concern is primarily with the safety of the child, and it would be irresponsible for us to not investigate these matters.”
CYFS(alis) is a disease that needs eradicating!
Comment by Scrap_The_CSA — Tue 13th September 2005 @ 4:16 pm
How interesting that an event such as this is NEWS!
This is typical of the Actions of CYFS and all their previous Aliases.
Many hundreds of families have been devastated by actions such as this, many more live under constant threat of actions such as this.
The usual scenario is for such an allegation to be made in association with a FC Custody case, and for the father to lose his children (or children lose their father) as a result.
I believe that CYPS are more of a problem to our families than the family Court, because they manufacture the lies that the Judge is required to assess the ‘Balance of probabilities’ in determining Custody applications.
Comment by John Brett — Tue 13th September 2005 @ 4:44 pm
Yet another example of the GUILTY_and-will-not-be-proven innocent false accusations that are levelled at Men in New Zealand without any basic evidence.
Aunty Helen, the funny-girls and the funny-boys strike another blow to the biological Family!
Vote the neo-fascist, socio-communist femi-NAZI brigade led by “Mrs” Clark out of our lives!
Comment by Sparx — Tue 13th September 2005 @ 5:51 pm
CYFS is a necessary and essential organisation that does great work to protect children. They are underfunded, overstaffed and have unreasonable expectations and responsibility placed on them by society. To destroy this organisation and its workers is to destroy thousands of childrens hope for a real future.
Comment by stu — Thu 20th October 2005 @ 9:38 pm