Australia Land of the Feminised Manginas
Dateline: Australia
By: Christian J
From: The Honor Network
Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)
This release from the Fathers for Equality should demonstrate to all a sundry the level feminism has scourged Australia.
We have seen in the past couple of years how Australian Feminists have cow-towed and worshipped the much hated American Feminazy. These male hating feminists are considered to be mostly lesbians and other miscreants determined to destroy man’s standing in this world.
They have primarily succeeded as you can read below. Australian Governments have also cow-towed to the feminists every wish and made these into law.
Sadly, check out the Labor Party in Australia, the most feminized and rampant bunch of manginas as you will ever see. Not one single mention of a Father, or Male or Dad on their main website indicates to me that we are an apparition as far as any rights for men is concerned.
“ALP losing the single-father vote”, a recent Internet survey pointed out on the voting intentions in the upcoming federal election has revealed an unexpected trend away from labor by single fathers and grandparents.
This survey was conducted within the midst of an increasingly family focused political campaign in Australia, spearheaded by the recently released report into proposed child custody law changes (EPTAS: Report into child custody arrangements), a community wide re-evaluation of the need for male role models, and controversy surrounding proposed affirmative action laws intended to encourage men back into teaching.
From a sample of 302 respondents, an overwhelming number (94.4%) of traditional labor voters indicated that they did not intend to vote for labor at the coming federal election. These respondents were primarily composed of single-fathers and grandparents, but also included a broader cross-section of the community.
The majority of respondents highlighted recent high profile gender sensitive issues as having the most significant influence on their voting intentions, and the most consistent of these voices tended to crystallize on a condemnation of the EPTAS report, commonly referred to as inadequate, and far short of what was expected. Although the EPTAS report was unanimously supported by the joint committee members of both major parties, the unexpected nature of the report seems to have fuelled a growing suspicion and mistrust of labor’s resolve to genuinely address men’s issues.
Labor’s perceived role in railroading this report, along with its recent refusal to support affirmative action laws designed to address the gender imbalance of primary school teachers, seems to have convinced a majority of survey respondents that labor is not serious about addressing single-father issues and existing gender inequities in the family court.
Common references were made of the Opposition Leader’s high profile comments about the ‘crisis of masculinity’, however the overwhelming view by respondents indicated the belief that these comments were merely providing ‘lip service’, and that the ALP would ‘not introduce any meaningful changes’ to ensure that fathers are treated equally under the law.
Even more surprising was that 27% of total respondents were female, and these were comprised primarily of grandmothers, followed closely by second-wives, females in general, and a smaller percentage were of noncustodial mothers.
For More from Christian J click:
For further information contact:
Ashwin Patil: President
Fathers4Equality Australia”
Youth Crime in NZ
Comment by julie — Wed 27th December 2006 @ 4:55 pm
Massive underfathering, too many mature males cut off from involvement in mentoring young nzers, lax alcohol laws, a media saturated in gratuitous violence, the rise of moral relativism, consumer narcisism and instant gratification, the prevalence of intoxicants, and nzers wonder why youth violent crime is on the up?
Comment by Stephen — Thu 28th December 2006 @ 5:34 pm