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Family Court Statistics 2004

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Downunder @ 11:54 pm Sat 13th May 2006

New Zealand Ministry of Justice: Family Court Statistics 2004


  1. With regard to the table 2.4 of the report, Outcomes of Custody Applications Disposed of in 2004, I note that a category is obviously missing.
    Since I filed my custody Application in February 2004, and two and a half years later there still hasn’t been a Custody hearing, then it would reasonable to suggest that;
    1. There should be a category for ‘Ongoing Cases’,
    2. That if my case is ongoing, then it is likely that there are others.
    It should be a simple matter to both include the category and a percentage, so why has this vital data been left out?

    Comment by Wayne — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 9:08 am

  2. Meanwhile in the real world protection orders made without notice based on false allegations that were made in July 2001 have created a stock pile of cash for the 27 lawyers , psychobabble freaks etc…etc…. involved .I finally got a hearing to have them discharged May 1st 2006!!!!!!! ( judge Strettell reserved his decision ). He will just fob me off as the system is never wrong !!!!!! The malicious perjury has been overlooked and I look forward to another arrest for sending my sad & neglected daughters a birthday card even though they describe their mother as a nasty bitch .The FC brothel has taught my girls how to be miserable and unhappy however they are getting to the age that they want to know all about the corruption and prejudice shown by a disgraceful system. Their first C4C Ashburton lawyer C J Robertson was a cousin of persons seeking Court protection – how corrupt is that !!!The second C4C -Adrienne Edwards is described by my children as a horrible person who does not want them to see their Dad !!!!
    To all the gutless scumbag lawyers reading this just remember our children are getting older and they want to know why all about the unkind and unjust persecution of their Dad’s . My case proves the FC brothel is just a complete dupe that is mass producing innocent /vulnerable children affected with the insidious PAS . They have denied my right to be a loving parent and no amount of bullshit from the system can say it has been FAIR !!!!!! Dam the FC brothel – I say destroy it so the damage to children can stop !!!!

    Comment by Peter Burns — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 9:20 am

  3. Peter.

    You have been defeated by your own anger. It stops you from understanding. It stops you from looking further, not to find the truth, you already know that, but to find how to explain it to yourself and others.

    You said “They have denied my right to be a loving parent”

    Only parents need rights, and parents don’t love. Only Fathers and Mothers love, and they do not need a right to be one.

    Either it is that you are or it is that you are not.

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 9:42 am

  4. The truth is my daughters told CYFS social workers a few years back that they “ Loved their dad to bits and he was the best dad in the world “
    My partner said, “ I was a wonderful father who was very involved in all aspects of the girls lives and was a loving & caring gentle Daddy to his daughters”. The CYFS investigation was created after the maternal gran parents alleged I was abusing my daughters, it was proved false but it had done huge damage to my parental credibility and it formed the spurious foundation of the protection orders x 6 . First C4C told me that he will submit the CYFS report to Court and access can start Christmas 2001. Sadly years later — no access. Who said a lie couldn’t run very far for it has short legs? Well I have learnt different and have every right to be that loving dad again. I am only a normal kiwi father who has never had an anger problem. I did not cause this major depressive episode .I had no control over my life when I struck false allegations and the drawn out, expensive and injurious FC proceedings. Call me what you like – but do not call me a bad Dad because I feel sorrow not anger. Happy mothers day mum — thanks FC psychologist John Watson. To get through the hardest journey I need take only one step at a time, but I must keep on stepping regardless of other peoples varied opinions of my perspective on the situation. My strong bond of love for my alienated daughters has no room for anger .

    Comment by Peter Burns — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 2:31 pm

  5. Bevan, thank you for the above statement to Peter. Some days I feel so depressed and angry that I find myself making misogynist statements that I later regret. A friend of mine who has also been through the mill at a cost of $1.7 million dollars, tells me to let it go, move on, don’t get upset with injustice just accept it as a part of life. However when I look at his life now, I see a shell of a man, he is a cynic and still suffers from depression.

    I was brought up to fight injustice and I will die doing just that, however I take your point that it must be done from an attitude void of emotion. That is, of course, easier said than done but essential if the outcome from our efforts it to bring happiness to the most important thing in our lives, our children.

    Comment by triassic — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 3:26 pm

  6. Peter,

    How many daughters do you have? How old are they. What are their names? Tell us little bit about what you remember of them? It might be something for them to remember you by in later life. Leave something here for them.

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 4:12 pm

  7. 1.7 million in lawyers pockets. Hell teeth, imagine if the Mens coaltion had that sort of funding, or even the Republican Party. The waste.

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Sun 14th May 2006 @ 4:31 pm

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