MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Our Elderly are in Danger.

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Downunder @ 2:29 pm Thu 5th October 2006

Media Release, Republican Party: Our Elderly are in Danger.

As Christmas approaches our elderly especially those in Manukau City need to take extreme care when venturing out for Christmas shopping expeditions.

Many who read this site have lost their children, but for those who still have elderly parents, relatives and even neighbours, this is something we can all participate in over the next three months.

It is men and the male role model that are responsible for social discipline, not the police force. Let’s do a little crime prevention of our own here.


  1. It is men and the male role model that are responsible for social discipline, not the police force.

    And women aren’t also responsible for discipline?

    Comment by Stephen — Thu 5th October 2006 @ 3:05 pm

  2. Yes, but it is men that have that little sign on their forehead that says,

    “the buck stops here”

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Thu 5th October 2006 @ 4:24 pm

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