MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

SPECIAL REPORT: The trouble with men

Filed under: General — Julie @ 11:58 am Sun 18th November 2007

Sunday Star Times

Callister, a senior research fellow at Victoria University, is leading a three-year, $1.7 million study into what has happened to those “missing men”.

He says the plight of New Zealand men has historically been desperately under-researched. He blames a mindset which goes like this: men still hold most of the top corporate jobs and have higher average salaries, therefore women are still disadvantaged, and therefore we needn’t worry about men.

“It’s not either-or,” says Callister. “You can have men over-represented at the bottom, and still have them over-represented at the top.” No doubt feminism’s battle is not yet over, but “it’s not like you have to win one before you start with the other”.

Sad that it is going to take 3 years for this study to finish and then the effects will take longer. It seem that Universities are starting to openly discuss the real need for research on men and the Family’s Commission also but still there is nowhere near the resources available for men’s studies/issues as there are for women’s studies/issues. And all this is going to take time.

Feminists have to share resources. There is on other way.


  1. Or maybe Mrs Helen Davies, Mister Margaret Wilson and Miss Chris Carter others like them will just continue to ignore reality even when it kicks them in the [metaphorical] gonads…

    Comment by Ethos — Mon 19th November 2007 @ 1:25 pm

  2. Or maybe Mrs Helen Davies, Mister Margaret Wilson and Miss Chris Carter will just continue to ignore reality even when it kicks them in the [metaphorical] gonads…

    Comment by Ethos — Mon 19th November 2007 @ 1:26 pm

  3. Stevie Maharey is going to be the vice chancellor at Massey University.
    Perhaps he will then realise that men still do exist and that they were not invented soley for the purpose of being walking wallets or free sperm donars.And that they are not all dead beat dads,like he and Paul Holmes seem to assume.

    Comment by rosie — Mon 19th November 2007 @ 7:15 pm

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