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The Authorities are data matching everywhere they can. at least they do not appear to be stopping people YET!
I have heard from a couple of people owing fines, provided they are under $5000 and you have a return ticket, an automatic payment is accepted. They are also catching criminals with arrest warrents issued and people charged, but not tried. Again in the latter case, provided the tourist holds a return ticket it seems to be acceptable.
Comment by Alastair — Sun 21st December 2008 @ 2:33 pm
Actually, it will be about $400,000 in late child support and about $600,000 in vicious penalties, government theft from the male population to reimburse itself as much as possible for its expensive family-wrecking DPB system.
Comment by Hans Laven — Mon 22nd December 2008 @ 9:49 am
When I think about it this tends to suggest that many of these people didn’t realise how much they had to pay. I mean if they were really wanting to avoid paying they could just refuse to pay but in fact the story reports setting up 500 automatic payments.
Another thing about this story is that $8m/500 means there is an average $16,000 being collected from these people. I think this is another indicator that what is being demanded has no relation to the costs of caring for a child.
Comment by Dave — Mon 22nd December 2008 @ 2:29 pm
Has anybody ever heard of anybody being stopped from leaving NZ or even missing their flight because of alleged CS debt
Comment by whanga — Sun 4th January 2009 @ 3:43 pm