MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Last Protest to Kill the Family Court

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 1:40 pm Sun 26th August 2012

“Kill the Family Court; It Kills Families”

A few dedicated men and women have gathered at each of the venues (except Napier) and protested. Here is a news article concerning the most recent protest at Rotorua, held in the median strip of one of Rotorua’s main streets and attracting a lot of attention.

Sadly, the turnout has never been great. There was some disquiet about the title of the protests involving the word ‘kill’, but it certainly won’t be quickly forgotten by the public. The message is simply that in order to bring the Family Court and NZ family law to become a system that benefits our society, so much change would be necessary that it would become a totally new, rebirthed system. Tinkering with corrupt, socially destructive institutions seldom changes the harm they do, so we call to scuttle the current system and start again. Kill off the current feminist-saturated, false propaganda-based family law system and its courts, and design one based on sound principles of justice, gender equality and evidence-based approaches to support the best interests of children.

The final protest will be in Wellington this Friday, 31 August outside the Family Court at 49 Ballance St from 11am. This is the Friday of the weekend of Fathers Day, a celebration of fathers that feminist groups recently described as a day of shame. At 1pm we will move to Parliament grounds to open the Ministry of Men’s Affairs where we will invite men and women to report their experiences with misandry and discrimination against men.

Please, please come and support us at either venue if you are in Wellington or can get there.

1 Comment »

  1. Here is our media release issued today. Please inform if any media outlets bother to publish it.


    PO Box 13130, Tauranga 3141
    Contact Kerry Bevin (09)4747762 or Hans Laven (07)5712435 or (0274)799745; [email protected]

    26 August 2012


    New ‘Ministry’ to open at parliament

    The Ministry of Men’s Affairs, an NGO set up to advance the welfare of men and fathers, will be opened at Parliament grounds this week. The Ministry invites men and women to attend and to describe their own experiences of misandry (hatred of males) and discrimination against men, from 1:00pm on Friday 31 August, the weekend of Fathers Day.

    Chief executive Hans Laven accused successive governments of damaging NZ society by failing to honour men’s contribution, to ensure men’s wisdom was utilized in the shaping of social policy and to protect men’s interests and welfare.

    ‘Men and women contribute to the nation in equally important ways, but the principle of gender equality has been lost in law and social policy. Men are subjected to all manner of abuse and men’s reputation is damaged by all manner of misinformation, none of which would be tolerated by women.’

    Hans Laven estimated that the Ministry of Women’s Affairs had cost the nation over $100 million since its inception, but almost nothing had been done over the same period to protect and forward men’s welfare or contribution. He claimed that other government departments had also directed much of their resources to support women’s issues, ignoring and/or deliberately demeaning men.

    ‘Men still commit suicide at about four times the rate of women, die in their workplaces and work roles over 100 times as often as women, die earlier from all leading causes of death, are sentenced much more heavily than are women for the same crimes, frequently lose meaningful involvement with their children through our feminist family laws, achieve inferior educational achievement under feminist-dominated schools, and are disadvantaged in many other spheres of life as a gender.’

    ‘It’s high time men were given a fair go in New Zealand’ he said.

    Comment by Hans Laven — Sun 26th August 2012 @ 2:12 pm

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