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A real HERO

Filed under: General — triassic @ 11:20 pm Tue 25th November 2014

This article brought great joy and admiration to my heart. It is like a desert out there looking for women that my daughters can emulate so this was an important and well timed article. So often we hear of female hero’s who are no more than moaners about their lot in life. It is only when the subject of oppression is male that a moaning bitch is thrust forward as a strong independent woman. The reality is that most of these hero’s have no character at all and simply climb on a band wagon swept along by a tsunami of propaganda. The Pippa Doyle’s and Whoopi Goldbergs are a dying race.


  1. Did anyone watch TV1 breakfast yesterday..I was shocked at the TV1 news reader saying that even after the fact the newborn’s mum in Australia tried to kill him by throwing him in the drain…he said ” the child should be reunited with mother…and mother is the best place for a child to be with”. Would he say the same if a father tried to kill a newborn??

    Comment by Kumar — Thu 27th November 2014 @ 10:25 am

  2. The news reader was peter williams

    Comment by Kumar — Thu 27th November 2014 @ 10:26 am

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