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Judith Collins Shows that Violence Towards Men is OK

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:09 pm Fri 6th June 2014

This article is about our Judith Collins who will be paid by taxpayers to attend a celebrity-headed summit on ‘ending sexual violence in conflict’. Maybe that’s ok though it probably isn’t a good investment of NZ taxes. But the really objectionable thing about the article is the picture showing both Angelina Jolie and a smiling joliecollins2_620x310Judith Collins pointing a gun with the implication that it is against a sexual aggressor. The message is “Women, if you think a male might be a sexual aggressor it’s ok, in fact recommended, that you shoot him”. Remember, ‘sexual violence’ is so broadly defined as to include any unwanted touch no matter how trivial, and it can include trying to hold the hand of someone you hope might be interested in sexual intimacy. Yeah, go girls! Men deserve everything they get, don’t they Judith?


  1. Blokes have the advantage of ejaculation which is far more fun than firing bullets.

    Comment by andrew — Fri 6th June 2014 @ 5:20 pm

  2. Dear andrew, please excuse me asking, but have you fired a gun? and was it aimed at people?
    (I won’t ask the other question…)
    Note that the juxtaposition of photographs might give the impression that Angeline was aiming at the Right Hon. so I have to wish her the best of luck!

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sat 7th June 2014 @ 10:11 am

  3. Ms Collins’ taxpayer-funded attendance is receiving nice publicity in election year.

    Interestingly, the article also reports on a decision by the MediaWorks company earlier this year to give its female employees a “luxury day off work” with unspecified luxuries laid on. The article condescendingly reports that the male employees were “green with envy” and that they ‘feigned bitterness’ through “blokey bitching” that only women had received the privilege. In fact, the quoted male employee’s comment was “We thought it was sexist and we wanted our own day”. That didn’t sound like green envy or blokey bitching; more like the valid challenges you might read here on MENZ Issues against sexist female favouritism. This little story despite its patronizing tone was further evidence of a turning tide in the gender war. Men in large numbers now are waking up to the fraudulent nature of feminists’ demands for gender equality. MediaWorks should never have entertained the notion of providing a special privilege only to those without a penis, and fair-minded women would never have accepted the privilege on that basis; but perhaps the latter term is an oxymoron.

    Getting back to Judith Collins’ convenient opportunity to battle for this politically correct cause that happened to allow her to be photographed with various celebrities. Yes, sexual violence during war deserves condemnation but wouldn’t it be better use of our taxes for this minister to be working on issues directly affecting NZ? Yes, sexual violence during war deserves condemnation but what about first denouncing the murder of men during war? Is that not the more frequent tragedy? And not just combatants; troops often wipe out men in towns they invade because men are seen as the greatest threat to the conquerors. The celebrity feminist ideologues attending this summit appear to contemplate new ‘rules of war’ that prohibit sexual violence towards females but continue to condone the sacrificial murder of men. Yes, sexual violence deserves condemnation but victims often keep living and recover to varying degrees from their experience; murdered men don’t. The minister’s focus on sexual violence in other countries epitomizes Western sexism that treats even non-physically-injurious offences against women as deserving more concern and punishment than does severely injurious violence towards men including homicide.

    Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Fri 13th June 2014 @ 11:56 am

  4. Sexual aggressor? The guy was probably running away! Or more likely the target was a picture of Winston Peters.
    But seriously I think you are reading too much into it, this woman is a shameless self publiciser who is trying hard to divert attention from other issues at present. That’s it.

    Comment by Daniel — Fri 13th June 2014 @ 2:32 pm

  5. Diverting attention from failure to improve quality of service and children’s outcomes in familycaught$?

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Fri 13th June 2014 @ 3:26 pm

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