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Whats the content? If its a government broadcast unacceptable. More anti-men propaganda.
Comment by Ritche — Tue 11th March 2014 @ 2:39 pm
We also need to teach our sons much more than just how to treat women.
Comment by Allan Harvey — Tue 11th March 2014 @ 6:33 pm
Yes, let’s raise our sons to conform to what women want. On the other hand, any expectations by men that women might fit in with men’s preferences, or even that women might show some respect for male perspectives, instincts, interests or wishes are simply sexism. Women are the correct human beings and should be the role model for all. Women are the royalty and off with the heads of any penis owning commoner who says or does anything women decide not to like.
Of course, imagine the outcry if anyone were to write exactly the same thing but substitute the words ‘Pakeha’ and ‘Maori’ for ‘daughters’ and ‘sons’. Yeah right, who would suggest that we raise Maori children to be the way Pakeha would prefer them?. Or that we raise Muslims to be the way Christians would prefer them! Ah, but Western males are so worthless that nobody bats an eyelid when they are subjected to this sexism, disrespect and abuse.
Comment by Man X Norton — Tue 11th March 2014 @ 6:41 pm
We need to teach our Sons to know the difference between:
a woman who loves him as a human being.
a woman who loots him as a human doing.
a woman who supports men.
a woman who rorts men.
a woman who talks of him having equal rights.
a woman who works for him to have equal rights.
a woman who respects the necessity of him as a father.
a woman who resents the necessity of him as a father.
a woman who treats him as a treasure.
a woman who treats him as her pleasure.
a woman who uses her own resources to pay her way.
a woman who uses her tears to get her way.
a woman who can respect his need for space.
a woman who is constantly in his face.
Then we can teach our daughters to be that kind of woman.
Comment by Skeptik — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 3:23 am
Thanks Skeptik
Comment by Allan Harvey — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 5:15 am
it works both ways, when you respect, treasure and honour each other it works as both put in 100%. relationships are not 2 directions it 1 way if you put a tear in it, it will break children learn by what they see they are images of the parents, it said to say but most follow the same circle in there own lifes as that is the example they had
Comment by Aaron Bell — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 6:40 am
@ allan skeptic and aaron. Absolutely.
Comment by Dominic Dilligaf — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 7:41 am
@ man X oops 🙂
Comment by Dominic Dilligaf — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 7:41 am
Until women are taught to treat others (including men) exactly how they are treated then we will have problems with female narcissism on a grand scale as we do now.
Comment by Sane in an insane world — Wed 12th March 2014 @ 10:49 am