Another Workplace Death for 12% More Pay
Yesterday 60-year-old Terence Milne suffered what will have been an excruciatingly painful death after being covered in hot, molten tar through an accident at his job. At his age and given his job he was likely to have contributed a lifetime of hard, dirty physical work and now he won’t get to rest in retirement. Our sympathy is extended to his family and associates.
We can expect no sympathy from the feminist brigade or our Ministry for Women. Their attitude may well be “Quick, look the other way and ignore it while we demand women be paid more. He was just another male chauvinist pig with the cheek to earn 12% more than women do on average across the work they do”.
Mr Milne was the third male killed on the job during November, but the fact almost 100% of all workers killed on the job year after year are males is rarely considered worthy of mention. The headlines of the articles about Mr Milne’s death failed to mention the killed ‘worker’ was actually a killed ‘male worker’, whereas if it had been a female her gender would have been headlined and emphasized.
I too, read the political humdrum, about women getting paid 12% less than men, and working from now to Xmas for free.
This man won’t see Xmas, and his family will live this Xmas, with that grief of his death.
Excellent response, Moma.
Comment by Downunder — Tue 1st December 2015 @ 6:09 pm
Yea it’s a case of lies damned lies and statistics. No woman is forced to work in retail, or in the hospitality industry, child care worker etc etc on low or average wages. They are just as capable of working in highly paid professions as men but tend to shy away from the type of dirty dangerous jobs that killed that poor man. It’s just another example of the woman as victim ethos that’s been peddling the same lies since the 70’s, complete bullshit!!!
Comment by Had_Enough — Tue 1st December 2015 @ 6:50 pm
It’s a pity we can’t get a few more comments here – this is way better than the STUFF website.
Comment by Downunder — Tue 1st December 2015 @ 6:56 pm
Thanks for the article. I am glad menz reports the blatant sexism in New Zealand. Workplace accidents like this are sudden and tragic. New Zealand govt (womens refuge, courts etc) has obvious human rights violations, of course the mafia state won’t acknowledge it. Keep raising awareness menz, that is all you have to do. The truth always wins in the end.
Comment by J — Tue 1st December 2015 @ 9:55 pm
Here’s another male workplace death, yesterday.
Comment by Man X Norton — Thu 3rd December 2015 @ 1:44 pm
Another man who won’t see his family for Xmas
It’s not like the news is full of all the girls, who get crushed in the rush for their morning coffee, when they get to work.
Comment by Downunder — Wed 9th December 2015 @ 4:50 pm
The Killing Season is well under way.
Another workplace death for December 2015
Comment by Downunder — Thu 10th December 2015 @ 2:16 pm
Thanks Downunder for referring us to the latest male workplace death, but your link didn’t work. Were you referring to this case: ‘Waipukurau man dies in farm accident’?
I’ll bet that as a farm worker this long-serving man was earning considerably less than the average woman.
Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Thu 10th December 2015 @ 5:05 pm
Yes, and I see he was actually past retirement age.
Comment by Downunder — Thu 10th December 2015 @ 5:39 pm
But MOMA perhaps the real story here is one of commercialism, not the percentage.
Even if women were paid 12% more, would the same question still arise? Because it would be, not so much a matter of what they earn, but what they can afford.
Sure men compete with each other, but so do women, much more viciously, and commercialism exploits the wants of women far more than men?
Comment by Downunder — Thu 24th December 2015 @ 3:25 pm