Paternity and Your Genes
Paternity is not in your genes, it is in your sperm.
The guts of this story is that your genes and the genes in your sperm can be different.
The same can apply to a women and her eggs.
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -
Paternity is not in your genes, it is in your sperm.
The guts of this story is that your genes and the genes in your sperm can be different.
The same can apply to a women and her eggs.
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I noticed the one with the female in the news.
If paternity testing was compulsory these exceptions of absorbed twins will show up more often.
The female, or male should have right to retest, or investigate.
If the retest was for dishonest motives, she/he should pay and, or be censured.
This will help eliminate errors and unjust results.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 30th October 2015 @ 3:58 pm