MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

When are we going to speak up loud about NZ fathers’ suffering? and the institutional psychological abuse and torture done by the courts ?

Filed under: General — Zane @ 1:27 am Sat 11th June 2016

When are we going to speak up loud about NZ fathers’ suffering? and the institutional psychological abuse and torture done by the courts ?

i have been stuck in the family court since 10 years and still going and many like me, who are just good fathers ……… the same process starting again with protection order > parenting order > psychologists > counselors > mediation > breach of protection orders > parenting order variation > criminal court. Its a never-ending drama and once this dark cloud stuck over your head then your life will turn up like hell. Dealing with the courts is like TORTURE.

All Judges, lawyers and politicians are ignoring the brainwashing and parental alienation for the sake of keeping the gravy train going. We have fathers who are committing suicide, hurting themselves, losing their jobs and careers, going mental, not seeing their children and their children are brainwashed and programmed against them …..etc. We hear everyday horrible heartbreaking stories about so many fathers who are victims of the corrupt family court.

What are we doing about it ?

Would love to hear from the MENZ website group members, what are they up to ? Any plans ? We have a powerful digital tools, like social media, websites and internet. Old days they the marketing options were very limited, so thats why it was really hard to get good numbers of people to protest.

We are a group of serious fathers/Men working on a organizing a peaceful protest at Auckland District Court soon and we need fathers who got balls to speak up loud and want really to be part of it. We are targeting 100+ members for the protest. It will happen in the next couple of months, we will market the protest all over the social media.

Also we looking for a team of fathers from NZ nationwide, to help raising the awareness of Men abuse in NZ over the social media by commenting and posting on some Facebook pages, also help in collecting some data over the internet from specific websites related to men and fathers rights. The media and all the government DV marketing campaigns are targeting men and blaming them for the family violence in NZ. Its only an hour everyday, but an hour everyday will make a difference.

Please email me with your details at [email protected], we have a closed group on Facebook and feel free to join.




  1. White Ribbon focus only on physical violence. The most effective violence to break someone and to gain compliance is psychological. Females are masters at white violence and, according to Amnesty, that is just as insidious.

    Amnesty International and African social sciences organization CODESRIA published a handbook stating

    “While most torture is physical, or black torture, mock executions are white torture (psychological) [source: Cesereanu]. There’s little distinction between black-and-white forms of torture; both are equally insidious. As the humanitarian group SPIRASI (Spiritan Asylum Services Initiative) puts it, “Methods of physical and psychological torture are remarkably similar, such that one should not separate their effects from each other” [source: SPIRASI].”

    Comment by triassic — Sat 11th June 2016 @ 4:51 pm

  2. Thought I would chime in here. Firstly do not react to any form of psychological abuse. Don’t give the person trying to inflict pain on you any form of reaction ie, anger, sadness, physical reactions etc. This will feed their behaviour and reinforce what they are doing. It is always about a temporary rush. Do not react, I would say avoid eye contact, look away. Check out youtube for dealing with manipulative people. Create boundaries, don’t react, walk away. Be the bigger person. Normal happy people will realise who is the bully.

    Comment by J12448 — Sat 11th June 2016 @ 5:50 pm

  3. Dear J12448,

    if you are giving advice for not breaking under destructive, manipulative duress in familycaught$, I would slightly tweak your advice:

    react slightly, just the minimum to show that you have heard and understood. Otherwise, the bench bullies are likely to keep on and raise the pressure further. They can just keep on increasing the pressure until something is destroyed. It could be you.

    I agree: [to overreact] This will feed their behaviour and reinforce what they are doing.

    Testing parents to destruction does not serve children’s interests, certainly not adult’s interests either. It only serves people who value destruction of people =vandals.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sat 11th June 2016 @ 6:30 pm

  4. Zayne,
    Count me in, I have been trying to bring attention to discrimination against men who are victims of partner violence.I can be contacted at [email protected] or on 02108871800.
    In 2014 I was assaulted and even though it was known to police that I had been attacked, I was charged and put in a cell for days.
    It was a nightmare. I was made homeless and presumed guilty. It cost thousands for a barristers defence.
    Violence against me wasn’t considered a crime,
    Once again, because I am a male.

    Some say it will take 20 + years for change to occur.
    I disagree and I’m not prepared to wait.
    I am now living in northland and I am happy to come to Auckland to protest.

    Comment by voices back from the bush — Sun 12th June 2016 @ 1:29 pm

  5. We will support such initiatives.

    Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Sun 12th June 2016 @ 5:26 pm

  6. Better outcomes in the N Z family court will only occur when the system has been exposed and changed. At the moment I cant see that happening with the softly softly aporoach of the many fathers rights/mens rights group currently in existence in this country today.
    There has to be organised mass continuous disruptive protest action. Simple as that.
    I believe most people in this country today dont care about whats going on in the family court because they are not even aware of the depths of wrongs that are being perpetrated. Time to get the message out there!

    Comment by Jono — Mon 13th June 2016 @ 9:55 am

  7. There has to be organised mass continuous disruptive protest action. Simple as that.

    I agree. As I said above – Count me in !

    Comment by voices back from the bush — Mon 13th June 2016 @ 4:56 pm

  8. Better outcomes in the N Z family court will only occur when the system has been exposed and changed. At the moment I cant see that happening with the softly softly aporoach of the many fathers rights/mens rights group currently in existence in this country today.
    There has to be organised mass continuous disruptive protest action. Simple as that.

    I agree.
    In addition there needs to be an attack of feminism. This ideology is at the core of the bias against fathers in law, in the divorce industry and in the media. One has to undermine the ideology to create an environment for change to egalitarianism.

    Comment by Vman — Mon 13th June 2016 @ 6:21 pm

  9. I have been practicing, speaking.
    I don’t talk much in life, I’ve learnt not to.
    I am definitely an introvert, I’m scared of people.
    Even at work, I can’t have lunch at the tables.
    I go elsewhere, having lunch on my own.

    I was about six, when I was beaten up at school.
    I always new, it was how I was speaking.
    I did a parable, or a logos argument.
    Confusing as hell, for anyone.
    Now I stop myself, from speaking freely.
    When I make a mistake, humans notice.

    Soon I must speak, soon I have no choice.
    I must face my fears, or I can never forgive myself.
    So I practice, the outcome inevitable.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 26th February 2023 @ 6:21 pm

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