MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

CASA New Zealand Cluster Suicide

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:08 pm Wed 2nd May 2018

Some of the old timers will be more familiar with the acronym COSA (casualties of sexual allegations) associated with the MENZ site.

CASA (Clinical Advisory Service Aoteoroa) chief executive Dr Maree Inder;

Guidelines would demystify suicide cluster situations and give communities a road map to show them how to deal with them.

I suspect this response was generated by the ‘Labour abandoning the regions’ political stigma.

If only it was this easy to nudge a political response in terms of male suicides.

Although given the high percentage of male suicides it must be inclusive by default.

Once again it is an avoidance mechanism dealing with the community impact rather than the causes.

The artice does contain more recent statistical information.


  1. Their report is focussing only on clusters of suicides, not all suicides.
    Having said that, I would suspect that men’s familycaught$ related suicides are also likely to cluster, in the sense of a cluster of social group of people connected through men’s groups (and less so for women too).
    But the familycaught$ is much more opaque and protected from meddling researchers than the types of clusters mentioned in their report.
    This is why it is so important that men’s groups work together. Not to encourage more cluster suicides, but to bring case studies and statistics together, that the uni researchers do not get access to.
    This isn’t a casual should – I guess that these types of suicides number in many tens, to a hundred per year. Over a 30 year killing spree, the familycaught$ and its fellow travellers, have achieved a lot, in terms of money wrongfully taken and women’s and men’s suicides. They skilfully escape being appreciated by the public for what they are.

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Wed 2nd May 2018 @ 3:32 pm

  2. Once again it is an avoidance mechanism dealing with the community impact rather than the causes.

    Yes its shameful that energy is focussed on such irrelevant bullshit to avoid realistic analysis of real risk factors of suicide.
    What’s with the picture of the woman with the large ribbon around her head?
    Can anyone explain how that relates to cluster suicide.

    So between 8-28 of the last 606 suicides -could- have been the result of clustering.

    I guess they figure no further analysis is required, the patriarchy made them do it.
    And of the 11 help services listed at the bottom of the page none of them suggest that they are specifically able to deal with men’s issues.

    Why didn’t they list Canturbury mens centre?

    In the first graph it claims to have a breakdown by gender but has no description of which line represents which gender.

    It is poorly put together, unscientific, theoretical garbage with little relevance to the problem.

    Megan Gattey, “you are only adding to the problem with this rubbish!”

    Comment by voices back from the bush. — Wed 2nd May 2018 @ 10:22 pm

  3. Is it deliberate, that on my screen the graph colour representation for males is almost washed out. Even with my specs I need to look closely to see it. But females: totals, and ethnicity are all clear and easily seen.

    Comment by Kiwi Kieth — Thu 3rd May 2018 @ 7:02 am

  4. My phone doesn’t show a graph with genders in it?

    Comment by Evan Myers — Thu 3rd May 2018 @ 7:19 am

  5. Doing a rough add up on the ethnicity graph and my attention to this was prompted by Maori showing significantly higher, it would appear to not include Europeans in that number.

    I have always suspected that the strength of family and tribal connections would take longer to meltdown in these groups and they may now be catching up to the European demographic who have been much easier targets in the Feminist War on Men.

    Comment by Downunder — Thu 3rd May 2018 @ 8:02 am

  6. What has always annoyed me about the issue of suicide in New Zealand has been the determination to look at everything except the fact that it is overwhelmingly males who are victims.

    For as long as I can remember the official policy is that it is not a gender issue because more females than males have suicidal thoughts. You can only follow that logic if you dehumanise men enough that you think men’s lives are of little consequence.

    In any objective, egalitarian world, what is of the highest importance is the actual loss of life. Not that more women take overdoses of sleeping pills and need their stomach pumped more than men. NO. What matter is that one group overwhelmingly DIES. That group is males.

    Until NZ recognises that and tailors policies and research on that basis, why would things improve?

    The only reason I think it will improve is incidental to NZ policies to suicide – not because of them. Feminism is being exposed left, right and center and the majority of people are turning away from this pernicious ideology. This eventually will result in a watering down of the policies and many causes of male despair. However it will have happened almost by accident and with little comprehension and learning from the mistakes of our contemporary society.

    Comment by Vman — Mon 4th June 2018 @ 12:29 pm

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