MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.


Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:20 am Thu 22nd March 2018

Our email to Radio NZ regarding recent developments from the anti-Rodeo activists. Thoughts?

Dear Radio NZ

Mammals have evolved with a stress reaction that needs some exercise. They are designed to be able run away from a ‘predator’ and to buck and shake off a ‘predator’ on their backs. Their bodies are capable of running, being attacked and tackled. Some experience of such activity is likely to enhance their lives. The animal rights people appear to believe that a life of quiet grazing in a paddock is somehow better for these animals, but they are mistaken.

Although many women enjoy rodeos and some participate as competitors, rodeos are based essentially on male instinctual interests. Maclennan’s report can only be expected to reflect her femicentric arrogance and endless criticism of men.

Kind regards


  1. You may only be familiar with dairy cows, which generally do wander quietly about a paddock grazing. If you had any experience with beef animals you would know that they actually like to rodeo around the paddock for a bit of fun – that’s probably where the idea originally came – ya reckon you could ride one those while it’s bouncing around the paddock.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Thu 22nd March 2018 @ 3:03 pm

  2. Interesting thoughts MOMA.

    Humans actually do the same thing.

    If someone is asleep and they have a bare back, and you put something cold from the refrigerator (a bacon pack in plastic which clings nicely too) on their back, they will start bucking like a rodeo horse even before they have woken up.

    It’s very much part of the mammal dynamic, and it gets sleepy heads up and running pretty quick too.

    Comment by Downunder — Fri 23rd March 2018 @ 8:09 am

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