MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Submissions and concerted action about Crown accountability

I know this site has some great minds and maybe a few retired people that can dedicate a substantial amount of time for the benefit of others.

I think, in my not so humbled mind that what we need is a dedicated working group to offer submissions on all things affecting the population of NZ.

This group can (rather than individual submissions)

  • find out what laws are currently on the submission stage
  • Publicize these laws and invite comments
  • collect, coordinate and consult with mens groups all over the nation in regards to
    • their needs re fundings
    • their needs re support
    • their needs re education; And
    • issues they encounter in their delivery of services
  • Draft the appropriate submissions
  • set up petitions and invite people to support the submissions
  • continually focus on raising awareness on sentient and live issues pertaining to the family in particular and the population in General; And
  • support good legal initiatives making more people accountable and personally responsible for their own actions

It has just dawned on me yesterday that in fact, we have all we need to make a change.
Such structure can be easily set up here and a working body defined that can cater to our needs as they grow.
What we have here – of course with John’s blessing –
is untapped potential in so far as instant access to information and a collaboration platform.

Why accountability?

Currently, social workers nationwide are shitting bricks because of a certain bill that has had its second reading.

As it stands the law as written is so fucked up you would think some high class lawyers had their junior clerks giving them fellatio whilst they drafted the law.

And it seems these clerks knew exactly when to stroke long or fast. It is clearly apparent at 25 of the Social worker registration Act 2003.

So as it stands, a social worker

  • can act with impunity;
  • does not require a practicing certificate;
  • does not require a registration; And
  • if for some reason they manage to snatch your child unprofessionally; then
    • the Social Worker board cannot do anything; unless
    • the social worker is registered with them.

Of course registration is optional so really, there are no laws at all governing them.

There are guidelines however but those seem to be things that their lawyers alone are aware of but not the social workers.

Currently social worker’s associations are lobbying hard out to discard this bill that will make them accountable.

Here is the social worker’s summarized thoughts (scrap the bill)


  1. The proposed Matrimonial Properties Act needs our attention.

    It fixes pre existing assets but…

    The rest is Feminist, screw men to the wall bigotry.
    Vastly incentivises excluding fathers from children’s lives.
    Alimony on top of child support.

    Plus men will have to spend every cent they have on lawyer.

    No surprises from the Law Commision.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 5th November 2018 @ 8:47 pm

  2. Thanks DJ

    any takers?

    versions of ACT

    call for submissions

    This is just a cursory look DJ

    any suggestions?

    Comment by JustCurious — Tue 6th November 2018 @ 9:52 am

  3. @1 Hi DJ,

    You say, “The rest is Feminist, screw men to the wall bigotry”

    Help me out here?

    My daughter is a high-flier in the corporate world. Her partner has given up his training to stay at home and look after my one-year-old grandson. I love all three of them very much.

    If the proposed changes to the relationship property act come into being, my daughter will be worse off financially and my grandson’s father will be better off until he can catch up with his training. I kind of think that’s a fair go.

    Don’t you?

    Comment by Audi Alteram Partem — Tue 6th November 2018 @ 9:46 pm

  4. @3 what he means is that you’ll need a shovel for the shit, that’s the bit that affects men’s rights.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Wed 7th November 2018 @ 7:18 am

  5. @4

    What shit?

    What you talking about Evan?

    Comment by Audi Alteram Partem — Sat 10th November 2018 @ 6:47 pm

  6. Don’t waste your time responding to this Audi character. He appears to be a feminist plant. We’ve had them before.

    Comment by Man X Norton — Sat 10th November 2018 @ 6:58 pm

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