MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.


Filed under: General — mama @ 11:25 am Thu 4th April 2019

I have often heard New Zealanders described as Humble, Friendly, not too Outspoken, aparantly this country suffers the ‘tall poppy’ syndrome…I dare say the psych of us is changing, evolving.

We tend not to laud one another,,until some one dies, then we can be all too all over them.

Today on the radio news, the Child’s Commissioner has come out and said there are other ways, other than Police pursuits, to track down certain drivers, often after they fail to stop.
As a Mum of a Son that once was a teenager behind the wheel I shudder every time one of these pursuits end tragically. When our Son achieved his drivers license he was the only one to do so in his peer group, he carraiged his friends around the place, he was often stopped by the police because he was carrying passengers or because of his youth and they were always surprised by his full license. I have never asked him but such harrassment could easily have lead him to the decision not to stop, leading to the chase.

I just really wanted to THANK the Child Commissioner on his stance, we need common sense to be prevailing some where out there, out there where it seems increasingly the voice of the people, common sense, patriotism and humanity is not the common word.


  1. This is the sort of wishy-washy thinking of (Don’t let me offend you, choose your own word)

    Parliament makes laws.
    We are all subject to the law, except:
    When a Commissioner makes a suggestion.
    Policy is adopted regardless of Parliament.
    When we tell kids you’re 24 years old, you’re not an adult until next year.
    It’s no longer the parents’ responsibility to teach their children to abide by the law.

    Then on the practical side of life, this will embolden immature minds, and those confrontations with a heavily armed Police will likely end with a bullet rather than a car crash. We saw this recently if you recall the incident and the fatality.

    Comment by Downunder — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 11:05 am

  2. I respect your knowledge too much to ever be offended by your point of view, however it is the Police who have been emboldened,, immature minds are a consequence of being a youth and I would worry that if you add scared to the mix, considering the obvious display of weapons in our streets currently, it could add to the problem, so to my mind police pursuits are a serious danger, do we really have to see an innocent caught up in one to have them change their way of tracking down a person in a car.

    Comment by mama — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 11:35 am

  3. @2 I wasn’t talking about you mama!

    The issue as I see it is a lack of respect.

    For one’s self.
    The law.
    Other road users.
    The lives of those people referred to as family and friends.

    Also for the technology and the assets they are driving – it has been reduced to a cheap toy.

    And the licence: This Commissioner is now the licensing authority on when this licence applies and when it doesn’t.

    There’s more holes in this than Swiss Cheese, and this guy is supposed to be a judge.

    Comment by Downunder — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 11:52 am

  4. Somewhat indicative of Family Court thinking?

    Comment by Boonie — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 12:20 pm

  5. The issue IS one of lack of respect, and it is a growing problem.

    Parliament needs a human face and much has been talked about the empathetic face here recently, you can not run with that as a focus,… protection, uplifting and respect for society can come from common sense thinking and in this regard parliament needs other intervention, but ones with practical basis and good honest science.

    If our young men behind the wheel are having respect edged away in their lives the lack of Dad, discipline and direction is going to be continuingly detrimental for us all.

    Listening to an ex policewoman on tele yesterday describing the adrenalin heightening of the police pursuit and the obvious buzz entailed was not really something I stomached well in hearing, in the same session she and all others present agreed that having taken away the power of family style discipline was a big mistake.

    Comment by mama — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 12:27 pm

  6. Making laws for the day, for fashion, for greed of office and self serving politicians is dangerous, only laws that have consequences that betters outcomes for society , that should be the focus in a democracy, but overwhelmingly this needs to be science based, strictly, so that, that science can be extrapolated far into the future, no politician is capable of this.

    Comment by mama — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 12:42 pm

  7. Triassic will be feeling the weight of the world upon his shoulders now, Mama.

    He promised us a post on empathy.

    Comment by Downunder — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 12:43 pm

  8. ://

    Comment by Boonie — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 1:27 pm

  9. It’s not spam – prefix the https

    Comment by Boonie — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 1:28 pm

  10. cheers for the lightenment Boonie, Downunder I thought he already did ??

    Comment by mama — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 2:17 pm

  11. Triassic
    Whilst it is a bit early to comment on this subject when emotions are raw I will however note that we now risk a situation where empathy could well drive policy.

    In my post I explain it in detail with a link to Johnathan Haights blog on the subject.

    Empathy has no place in deciding policy without dire consequences …

    Comment by Downunder — Fri 5th April 2019 @ 2:30 pm

  12. No crusades to send the youth away to.

    No Island on the other side of the world to export them to.

    Create a legalized gang of youth, turn them loose on society.

    That’s what we have police for, to deal to out of control riff-raff. Rather elitist thinking, isn’t it?

    Comment by Boonie — Sat 6th April 2019 @ 9:27 am

  13. #5

    If our young men behind the wheel are having respect edged away in their lives the lack of Dad, discipline and direction is going to be continuingly detrimental for us all.

    So, we haven’t respected men and fathers.

    And we see the results.

    We should respect the disrespect of youth?

    We removed discipline from the Family now we should remove it from society?

    Sorry. Can you help me out here and point to commonsense?

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 7th April 2019 @ 9:52 am

  14. I think there are some technologies out there to disable a car remotely, that would be commonsense, also the placement of cameras in police vehicles is a subject touched on and seems ‘touchy’,,, the choice not to stop for a young fellow,or anyone, should not be a death sentence, there has to be a better less punitive way, and yes I would like to think we/society, could muster up some more respect for young men in general. Taken away are past expectations in society that previously laid out an unspoken plan for both men and women, women have been looked after in this transition while the new generation of guys have been left to flounder some how.

    Comment by mama — Sun 7th April 2019 @ 10:19 am

  15. And from intellectual only in America …

    SANTA ROSA, CA—A study released by the California Parenting Institute Tuesday shows that every style of parenting inevitably causes children to grow into profoundly unhappy adults. “Our research suggests that while overprotective parenting ultimately produces adults unprepared to contend with life’s difficulties, highly permissive parenting leads to feelings of bitterness and isolation throughout adulthood,” lead researcher Daniel Porter said. “And, interestingly, we found that anything between those two extremes is equally damaging, always resulting in an adult who suffers from some debilitating combination of unpreparedness and isolation. Despite great variance in parenting styles across populations, the end product is always the same: a profoundly flawed and joyless human being.” The study did find, however, that adults often achieve temporary happiness when they have children of their own to perpetuate the cycle of human misery.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Mon 8th April 2019 @ 5:51 pm

  16. Academics have too much to answer for and no answers for all their studies.

    Comment by mama — Mon 8th April 2019 @ 7:35 pm

  17. Climate change counts – fathers don’t …

    It’s a month since students around the country took to the streets for the second time to demand action on climate change. So it’s a good time to reflect on the constructive value young people add when we factor their concerns and suggestions into decision-making.

    Can’t muster much respect for this idiot.

    Comment by Boonie — Mon 24th June 2019 @ 2:58 pm

  18. yes a new way to show you care and show compassion, play your part,, and as they fly off to disneyland ponder this….

    on climate change, try change this one,,,it ain’t no puzzle….

    On any given day, White Island, which rises a staggering 1.6 km from the sea floor, spits out 1500 – 2000tonnes of carbon dioxide and 800tonnes of sulphur dioxide…smiley face.

    Comment by mama — Mon 24th June 2019 @ 3:20 pm

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