MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

We Believe You video on false sexual allegations

Filed under: Gender Politics,Sex Abuse / CYF — JohnPotter @ 9:55 am Mon 10th June 2019

This 35 minute film is worth watching:

At the Spring FACT Conference we were very privileged to have the first showing of the video “We Believe You”.

This powerful film gives a voice to those who have been wrongly accused of sexual offences. The victims of wrongful allegations describe their experiences from arrest right to the devastation left in the aftermath of their acquittal. The interviews are extraordinarily moving.

We hope this film will make the general public aware of the terrible suffering caused by false allegations and that such experiences are not ‘very rare’. Politicians will be more likely to make the legal changes necessary to rebalance the justice system if they know they have the support of their voters.


  1. There was a series on TVNZ, I Am Innocent. Very well put together.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Mon 10th June 2019 @ 10:30 am

    Unfortunately I Am Innocent isn’t available to watch right now. Add it to your favourites and we’ll let you know when it becomes available.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Mon 10th June 2019 @ 11:42 am

  3. The theme resounds,,, guilty prior to proven,,it is a human rights issue…where is the holding up of that law?… where is the perjury law and where is it hidden,, and then there’s the aftermath,, how does one get their life back, their faith in fellow person.

    Comment by mama — Mon 10th June 2019 @ 8:15 pm

  4. Not so much a human rights issue but a shift from criminal law to civil law.

    Innocent until proven guilty.

    Or in civil law;

    I claim this happened and I want some form of relief from that injury.

    The general public is conditioned to view the world from a common law / criminal law perspective so they don’t appreciate the dangers of the legal shift just the visual activities which in many cases is exactly what feminists want.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 7:11 am

  5. Telling Stories is a powerful communication technique.
    Unfortunately, it works very slowly.
    There is a huge delay from event to the person being willing or able to speak publicly.
    Resources are limited for producing speeches. Curiously though, the entertainment industry is multi billion$ per year……
    Then there is a long delay while viewership numbers slowly rise…. Curiously through, the public are willing to spend huge numbers of hours metabolising CH3CH2OOH or watching disaster movies, or horror movies……
    Eventually understanding spreads….after the hangovers have gone…
    Action is taken… that partly solves the original problem, which has already ameliorated itself by social adjustment, so the new “solution” actually creates as many problems as it might have solved….
    But there is hope – we could aim higher….

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 10:43 am

  6. Hmmm … I thought tell-a-woman was the fastest means of communication!

    Are you suggesting the obscure messages in television would be better replaced with individual messages?

    Comment by Boonie — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 11:02 am

  7. Extending the post I just wrote of social media, there’s another issue I didn’t raise.

    Emotional attachment to the virtual circumstances.

    What I assume is happening is that normal human attachments are transitioning in varying degrees to virtual attachments.

    You could link that to the replication of multi-gods that we saw in Greek and Roman history by creating emotional virtual characters.

    Certainly agree that the storyteller is a significant part of history and even has a valid presence today.

    I think we have to distinguish between the storyteller and the character telling a story.

    Hans Laven produced a video post back in 2016 ish. Another version of this but I still haven’t made my mind up about those particular tapes which I watched again just recently.

    Comment by Downunder — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 11:15 am

  8. #6 Boonie, I am not sure exactly what you are talking about?
    What do you mean by “obscure messages in television”?
    What do you mean by individual messages”

    Similarly, #7 Downunder, which “Hans Laven produced a video” are you talking about?

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 11:35 am

  9. #8

    Comment by Downunder — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 11:45 am

  10. @8 obviously misunderstood you.

    Reading that again is that the political resistance either to

    – making the state liable, or
    – adopting the lesser of two political positions

    In the mean time the public has by other means found various resolutions.

    The consequences of the political intervention in the justice system, the suggested fix now is appointment of a few more judges in which case you would be right. Not a fix just making it happen a little quicker. Pun intended.

    Comment by Boonie — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 12:00 pm

  11. #9,,,Downunder,,,thank you for the link to MOMAs’ video’s,, about halfway through the 3rd one, ‘suicide3’, the guys is relaxed and portraying his experiences of the subject very emotionally, you can feel it biting.

    I do not quite understand the lack of comments on this work.

    I say thank you and well done to MOMA.

    It would be fantastic to have a documentary made around all of this as it seems every one knows someone who has been through the ringer of these very same experiences.

    Comment by mama — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 1:32 pm

  12. I had to have a chuckle Mama, not because it’s a bad idea but the public awareness to that is because it hasn’t or isn’t done it’s not needed.

    Those of us involved in the ‘Court of Injustice’ article know how nuclear that got and where the fallout landed.

    And anyone that knows about that, well …

    It would be on a par with a documentary being produced in New Zealand about persecution in Tibet.

    You probably have to produce it in Australia or even further away.

    Comment by Downunder — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 1:55 pm

  13. The English video that John put up the other day was great,,, imagine the content though, a man burning himself at the very steps of parliament… too shocking?….

    Comment by mama — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 3:04 pm

  14. There is footage of the Vietnamese Fire Monks online

    As long as it overseas or we can’t see it were fine.

    Perhaps we lack some reality.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Tue 11th June 2019 @ 3:45 pm

  15. The power of well told stories…..

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Wed 12th June 2019 @ 12:11 pm

  16. I’m all for a good story.

    The untold story here is who has authority over the child.

    The executive on behalf of the Crown or the courts.

    And which way will this transistion from the previous position which is what is being fought over.

    The child is merely the object in this battle.

    Comment by Downunder — Wed 12th June 2019 @ 12:42 pm

  17. The fight over which hand rocks the cradle is alive and well.

    Comment by Boonie — Wed 12th June 2019 @ 1:17 pm

  18. The Boy Crisis: A Sobering look at the State of our Boys | Warren Farrell Ph.D. | TEDxMarin
    A talk by an expert ie in a similar vein to Hans’ talk about men’s suicide issues, but Dr. Warren Farrell is talking about the plight of boys. In many ways, these issues are the other side of the same coin, to what is happening to men…

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Wed 12th June 2019 @ 7:09 pm

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