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A useful link
Comment by Lukenz — Fri 13th March 2020 @ 5:51 pm
Far away people are searching the universe for any other life form, but here on earth people search for the last roll of toilet paper. I have seen disturbing violence in supermarkets as women attack each other for groceries and toilet paper. In Europe ‘feminists;’ are wearing the hijab, the symbol of their opression. The real face of feminism is not about ‘rights’, it’s about being an idiot who does what mainstream teaches them
Comment by Jed — Thu 19th March 2020 @ 8:15 am
Only safe way is to break up live apart for over 3 months every 2.8 years. Write an end. Write a restart of the clock abd document why it is being done. That you dobt want to be under PRA law. 90% of prenuptial can be set aside.
I will never live with a partner. All u do is romance when you want. Safest asset protection ever.
Hones in trust in prenuptial must contain the newer disclaimer agreed to.
Google LATR
Leave you partner independent and not dependent on you. By law you need to meet 5 parts of 2 a 2b 2c 2d 2e. For it to met the threshold. However watch lawyers feed off your hard accumulated assets while thetmy play around.
Do the 2.8 year stop start again. Never ever be with the live in person for over 3 years. Outline your purpose and what you will do and stick to it.
Comment by Nzs Legal Generator COURT. Caught — Tue 24th November 2020 @ 5:34 pm