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Another link with a version, from the finding of the miscarriage perspective.
So this is not a false accusation case.
It did happen.
The police were however corrupt.
They chose to change her lineup choice.
It begs the question.
What story, did the prosecution, make up.
Today I would assume DNA evidence, can prove innocence.
Or if they were actually present, at the crime scene.
Even that is not safe, to guarantee guilt.
Can you not think of a way, that is better to be silent on.
Where DNA can be planted, to frame a person.
Is that not what the police did, to frame him.
To have found a suspect, among many.
They then did a version, of a DNA test.
The lineup, the test failing.
Then they lied about it, by changing the result.
To the jury, was the lineup choice, like DNA.
Falsely, irrefutable evidence.
I am not convinced, it’s a flaw of feminism.
The crime deserves contempt, by both genders.
Humans and racism, a more likely flaw.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 7th December 2021 @ 10:34 am
#1 I disagree. It WAS a false allegation. She accused him of raping her and he did not. The writer of the article says he does not blame Alice Sebold at all. He probably doesn’t blame Alec Baldwin either.
Comment by golfa — Wed 8th December 2021 @ 4:52 pm
From the males perspective it’s false.
But she didn’t make the false accusation.
Or make up a story, in her book.
She was attacked.
The police made the false accusation.
Knowing he was not picked, in the lineup.
The honesty of the books writer, shows this to be the case.
Because she wrote the truth down, in her story.
A person lying, will know what to lie about.
Itself the evidence, that exposed his innocence.
It just needed a person external from things, to see it.
The police were lying.
And knew what to lie about.
When they made up there story.
So I don’t see this as a false accusation, by the accuser.
We can look at this, as a men’s issue.
Would the police ever do that to a woman.
I doubt they would.
Are men then subject to higher rates of corrupt policing.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 8th December 2021 @ 7:05 pm