MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Doctors & Psychotherapists: Butchers & Liars

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:29 pm Sun 19th June 2022

I pen this because a huge number of fathers have no say in the crap being dished to our children.

Dr Peterson says medial doctors have moved from doing no harm to doing outright harm. We here in New Zealand are teaching outright harm.

To install the idea to our children before they are teenagers into gender reassignment. Peterson says those acts deserve a prison sentence.

I stand with him.


  1. He is correct, with outcomes of not having surgery.
    In that inevitably, the result is a gay person.
    With 100% functional, genitals.
    It makes no sense to remove, the ability to orgasm.
    It makes no sense, to sterilise oneself.
    It’s also unlikely there is, longitudinal studies on surgery.

    Is it desire, to have sex like a man.
    Or to have sex, like a woman.
    To be desired, like a man or woman.
    To be accepted, like a man or woman.
    Or more strangely, only like not gay people.
    So you have to alter yourself, to be attractive.
    If you think your a woman, or think your a man.
    Surgery does not change, what you think.

    I can accept, using hormones.
    The body developed, to be more feminine.
    Or developed, to be more masculine.
    But surgery, is a very drastic thing.
    I struggle, with it being a rational thing to do.
    And agree, with his do no harm comment.
    Don’t the psychologists, fail with competency.
    That if they don’t have surgery, things will still be ok.
    But say you need surgery, to be ok.

    I have never seen a study, of gay people.
    Suiciding, because sex changes didn’t exist.
    It’s a different argument, for the child with deformed genitals
    And by losing a cousin, suicides for them was real.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 22nd June 2022 @ 10:12 pm


    Comment by Lukenz — Tue 28th June 2022 @ 8:00 am

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