Police Officer Daniel Keneally – Perjury
This was first brought to our attention last week by Hornet. But I feel the matter is so serious and the latest news is police officer, Daniel Keneally is still at large as of a few days ago.
Daniels’ mother was a senator in Oz lost her safe seat, returned to her home north of Sydney. Her son Daniel is in the photo and video.
Police officer Daniel Keneally at large here
This little shitwit lied his ass off to put a man in jail. Daniel Keneally belongs in jail for at least a decade. Other police officers dished out taxpayers hush money to his victim. They should go to prison too.
Actually there is an error, in the court’s decision.
It’s was only an allegation, of statements.
The accuser having bias, in being believed.
Hence the ability to lie, will easily work.
If he didn’t have the recording, he was in big trouble.
Even though no evidence existed, other than a statement.
Who does the jury believe, if there’s no evidence.
Endless cases, have the same problem.
A similar example exists, in the Depp case.
With his and her, version of events.
Many don’t involve, anybody else being present.
Stories become irrelevant, to the recordings.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 26th May 2022 @ 10:24 pm
You do have to ask, what occurred psychologically.
Because the officer dreamt up, pedophobia arguments.
That police were offending, and he wanted them dead.
I listened to the conversation, and that’s not said.
He does mention, strip searching children by police.
In fact he makes, very challenging arguments.
Arguments about consequences, to wrongdoing.
With lawyers, making fortunes.
And the wise criminal, getting payouts.
Judges ruling things illegal, but the police continue.
So why the conflict, with what is in effect a conspiracy.
Because strip searches must happen, and the rules are wrong.
I watched the politicians, and they played ignorant.
As the protestor points out, it must be fixed in some way.
Lawyers making fortunes, is always a motive for corruption.
So they will want, nothing to be changed.
Politicians avoiding bravery, just let’s things continue.
Can they not have a new law, so everyone knows the rules.
The police may have less power, and that’s also a motive.
Even a single officer, can take the conspiracy to last resorts.
If you looked for the seconds from disaster, moment.
It’s when the police policy, failed in court.
It didn’t automatically trigger, obligations to act.
Because nothing was done, and wrongdoing continued.
The protester was made, and armed with the win he acted.
The police couldn’t win, so cheated to win.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 27th May 2022 @ 12:49 pm
Turning down AU$170,000 and accepting an agreement that Daniel Keneally made a mistake rather than fabricating his statement is costly for Luke Moore. And it is not just a false statement. It went to court so that makes it perjury.
Mr Moore gave up a massive sum of money to expose the police, their position to serious crime committed by a person, a massive bribe just because he is a police officer. To give up his right to prosecute Daniel Keneally.
Their parliament sat 24 November 2021 (6 months ago). I note one of the comments was Daniel Keneally aged 22. Not long enough in the police force to be thoroughly corrupted. That writer believes he would have had assistance from senior police to help engineer a false statement to bang up Mr Moore in prison for years. If that has occurred, I suspect Daniel Keneally has been threatened or paid not to tell.
Oh, what a wicked web we weave when we first begin to deceive. Describes how complicated life becomes when people start lying. It originally referred to a love triangle in the play “Marmion” by Sir Walter Scott in 1808.
It remains to be seen if a junior police officer Daniel Keneally is going to expose who helped him or wear it himself.
The complication starts if a convicted police officer decides to rat out his fellow senior police officers to reduce his sentence or take the cash. How they plotted and planned such a nasty outcome for Mr Moore.
In my view, this will not be the first time this has happened. That it is likely there will be others who did not record their phone calls who are in prison who may make a claim.
My hope is the court is brave enough to order a release of every single letter, every single offer the police have written to pay off corruption.
Comment by Lukenz — Mon 30th May 2022 @ 6:55 am
I suspect the higher officers, can plead ignorance.
They believed the statement, and acted correctly.
Your correct, with the need for physical evidence.
Like a recording, admitting assault for example.
It actually imposes, lots of intrusion to life.
To stay safe, how much evidence must you collect.
Is the extreme, everywhere is a camera.
Would there be no need, for the Depp and Heard case.
If the truth is men’s problem, is that not the solution.
Can we even stop it, the percent of life recorded.
Is it not now, ever increasing.
For bad men I suspect they like secrecy, except if it’s nefarious.
But even for an essentially, good person.
Even they have errors, and mistakes.
What could be used, out of context or with bias.
Even for the good man, a recording even truthful may be bad.
I suspect for women, the argument is the same.
Heard may regret all the recording, as will many other women.
While for a real victim, it’s great for convictions.
Even helping, in preventing offending.
It is a very paranoid, perspective of life.
There seems no limit, to ones privacy.
Will the house not be intelligent, and monitor you.
Calling for help, for crimes and emergency.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 30th May 2022 @ 7:25 pm