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Power and Control

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:37 pm Sun 25th December 2022

A century before Duluth.


  1. Notice the striking difference, in the genders.
    One is not controlled, one is completely controlled.
    It even has casual violence, the slap normal even a woman’s right.

    When you think about it, it’s just one example.
    Regarding sexual behaviour for genders, the rules are opposite.

    Females can sleep with drunk males, and it’s prison for men.
    Females can remove condoms, and it’s prison for men.
    Females can climb in your bed, and it’s prison for men.
    Females can grope you, and it’s prison for men.
    Females can slap the partner, and it’s prison for men.

    She makes an interesting conclusion, and very contradictory.

    “It’s a messy business, thawing out women’s souls. But I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

    Notice how men, are not considered.
    Men are the nasty side, of business and life.
    Maybe to her men’s souls, don’t exist.
    Women so in need of saving, even from responsibility.

    Is she saying the casual sex assault, is something she would not change.
    That while it’s wrong, it also makes her life better.
    By allowing it, making the gropers life better.

    But cannot view the mans actions, in exactly the same way.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 27th December 2022 @ 8:23 am

  2. What does the photo say, about the present.
    Men doing the work, women in control.
    Does it show us, there is no equality.
    Genders inherently, have different roles.
    Certainly the woman can pedal, the man controlling.
    But we know which version, works better.

    So for every task, one gender is better.
    For every outcome, one gender is better.
    Who pedals best, who crashes less.
    Whatever task you test, one gender is better.
    And certainly in all cases, one gender is worse.

    So complete control by one gender, is inherently flawed.
    You will not achieve society’s potential, but fall short.
    Because maybe with half the tasks, the other gender is better.

    Demanding equality in things, is then flawed.
    For maximum performance, you have more of the better gender.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 6th January 2023 @ 1:39 pm

  3. I watched some of the spectacle, and some speeches.
    The strange culture of clapping, and who makes more noise.
    The century’s old way of voting, and it’s painfully slow.
    With a small margin and dissent, it looks like a fragile win.
    Democracy and small margins, are not always good.
    They have power and control, but just can’t use it.

    One of the dissenters was a women, but most involved were men.
    Now each vote by McCarthy, is borderline passing.
    That Is important, when trying to do budgets.
    The US may see many episodes, of a powerless government.

    This is not all good news, for the democrats.
    They have lost control, of the things investigated.
    Some desire retaliation, digging up past events.
    As they persecuted Trump, so can Biden an others be persecuted.
    Trump the example, of not needing any actual crime to investigate.

    Would that be a sad end, just more political pageantry.
    Like the Democrats using power, to persecute the rival.
    Can the republicans resist, wasting power on revenge.
    Two more years wasted, with no progress.
    Worse I see the US in crisis, one crisis after the other.
    A broken border and drugs, homeless and dependency.
    Humans allowed pistols, gangs and armed police.

    I will be watching hoping to see honesty, from a leader.
    Politics keeps serving up, a string of disappointment.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 7th January 2023 @ 10:37 pm

  4. Somehow, society has lost its mind.
    Look at the desire, for complete power and control.

    “UN Women Aotearoa New Zealand upholds women’s human rights to ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential in Aotearoa, the Pacific and across the world.”

    Nothing wrong with that, you would think.
    But society, doesn’t blink at no male equivalent.

    “UN Males Aotearoa New Zealand upholds men’s human rights to ensure that every man and boy lives up to his full potential in Aotearoa, the Pacific and across the world.”

    Nothing like it, is written anywhere.

    “amplify the voice of survivors and activists to reduce and prevent violence against all women and girls”

    Nothing like it, is written anywhere.

    “taking up spaces that should be for women.”

    Are there spaces, that should be for men.
    Where are these imaginary spaces, gang pads maybe.
    Geez, prepare for a leap in intelligence.

    “given the event was designed around gender equality and inclusivity.”

    Yet a male speaking, is now abhorrent.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 13th March 2023 @ 6:54 pm

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