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45% Of older women will be single & Childless by 2030!

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 6:18 pm Tue 28th February 2023

Link to NZ’s path to United Nations Agenda 2030 – Dr Muriel Newman

Last year, the then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was the guest speaker at a private gathering in New York hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates.

Ardern said “My Government is doing something not many other countries have tried. We have incorporated the principles of the 2030 Agenda into our domestic policy-making in a way that we hope will drive system-level actions… I believe that the change in approach that we have adopted in New Zealand is needed at a global scale.”

If empowerment means being old and childless by 2030. I’m not with that. What is life without children? Money, travel, food and belongings?

I don’t recall Ardern telling us those plans in her last election campaign. Is that where her alleged $25 millions came from?

I’ve always wondered why there are laws to lose your home, kids, house, belongings and future income after separation, and now I know. Population reduction.


  1. Some things it says.

    “The prime minister has released an international human rights plan in which New Zealand promises to take the lead on, among other things, gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment.”

    Sorry, but how can that be explained.
    Gender equality in a sentence, that’s gender bigoted.
    Why don’t men and boys, need empowerment.
    What is it about power, and control.
    The sentence, as domestically violent as you get.
    Humans never fail to surprise me, with really dumb things.

    “a true international leader who understands that the future of the world depends on eliminating inequality.”

    Its talking about NZ, the feminist republic of NZ.
    Gender equality in NZ, is simply nonsense.
    And they expect the world, to be like NZ.

    “New Zealanders have remained largely unaware that we are being used as a guinea pig in an international socialist experiment.”

    What happens, when you make a fatherless society.
    What happens, when women control a legal system.
    What happens, when education works for girls but not boys.
    What happens, when you persecute males but not females.
    What happens, when you only prosecute males.
    What happens, when you steal men’s incomes.

    You can say socialist, about NZ.
    We have dependency, as a supported choice.
    A large % of GDP, is government.
    It says what you can do, on your own land.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 28th February 2023 @ 8:39 pm

  2. That’s a sad statistic, for women.
    Think financially, the advantage of a partner.
    Does that mean, less home ownership for them.
    Maybe it’s the opposite, no kids an advantage.
    Women with five kids, starting young means no home.
    Rent and costs, preventing them saving.
    The motherhood tax, changing behaviour.

    If 45% don’t have kids, what must the 55% do.
    They must have 3.6 kids, to get a 2 average.
    That’s a hard task, if you assume things.
    Say 10% have one child, and 25% two kids.
    The remaining 20% of women, must have 7 kids.


    The world population, is still growing.
    Even NZ, is still growing.
    So we have no real problem, we also have immigration.
    Maybe that hides, the mess we are actually in.
    Growth cannot be, an endless thing.
    How many more millions, should NZ have.
    Maybe we could have, tens of millions.
    Land just a sea of houses, and concrete.
    Why isn’t the aim, stability.

    Growth becomes wrong, because you can’t do it.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 28th February 2023 @ 10:20 pm

  3. These issues are not new.

    On the Greek peninsula during the democratic period the rapid of female property ownership is considered one of main causes of social collapse.
    It was a consequence of war dead soldiers inherentance going to the wife.

    Similar situations were avoided in Rome with restrictions of female property ownership..

    Rome however suffered the decline in willingness to raise families.
    A symptom of the aristocracy who expected the rabble to produce children.

    It’s estimated that a slave family would have needed to produce 11 children to maintain the population.

    A consequence of self centered thinking rather than a new trend.

    Comment by Downunder — Wed 1st March 2023 @ 7:15 am

  4. The world population, is still growing.
    Even NZ, is still growing.
    So we have no real problem, we also have immigration.

    The world population is not still growing.
    We passed peak population years ago.
    That’s to do with rate of growth being in decline before the highest population figure is reached.
    Japan is the worst case of massive decline in the Western World.

    NZ hasn’t been able to grow its population for 20 years because of birth rates.
    Crazy ideas like saving the world by only having one child.
    If it wasn’t for immigration our population we’d have a much smaller population.

    Comment by Downunder — Wed 1st March 2023 @ 7:24 am

  5. Every nation, has a birth rate.
    Some nations, with real problems.
    Maybe they don’t have immigration, to help.
    Like us, many are below two.
    But many, are above two.
    Globally, the birth rate is above two.
    The highest is 6.9, the lowest is 0.8.

    New Zealand is 1.6, but less die than are born.
    The numbers for births, is nearly double deaths.
    So there is a lag, in peak population.
    Nations like India at 2.1, that becomes a big issue.
    Because our population rises, then inevitably starts falling.
    There’s rises, and does not fall.

    Your argument of peak population, ages ago.
    That’s assuming the global birth rate, goes below two.
    It hasn’t yet, the graphs trend may change.
    You could be correct, in 50 years the peak is reached.
    Population finally reacting, to birth rate declining below two.

    Some nations like us, must attempt to fix the birth rate.
    Some may be successful, getting back to two.

    Nothing wrong with immigration, replacing people leaving.
    If NZ loses 100,000, immigration should be 100,000.
    It’s not, immigration is used to make GDP growth.
    We were a few hundred thousand, then in no time 5 million.
    The cause was babies, and net immigration.

    What’s the aim, the perfect NZ population.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 1st March 2023 @ 8:44 pm

  6. Population reduction wasn’t the only reason why I posted this clip.

    Women are discovering it is difficult to find a man. Men know they are opening themselves up to a repressive and expensive future if things go south. I suppose if it happens earlier in life a man will have enough runway to recover.

    If it happens when you are old, well you’re going to have fewer choices. Have to work longer, be a little less comfortable.

    Comment by Lukenz — Wed 1st March 2023 @ 10:29 pm

  7. If you look at Japan they are an isolated country by culture and language.

    They struggle with immigration and have a dramatic loss of faith in traditional relationships.

    Men are generally not interested in women in Japan in the rising generation.

    NZ on the otherhand and it has been often mentioned here has more women than men in the population.

    We were getting down to around 90/100 ratio in the adult population and that has been mentioned in the mainstream media as the man drought.

    It affects voting outcomes as well with a 53:48,split.

    Comment by Downunder — Thu 2nd March 2023 @ 6:03 am

  8. Without help, children stop at about 45 for women.

    “If empowerment means being old and childless by 2030. I’m not with that. What is life without children? Money, travel, food and belongings?”

    Life without children, is a dead end.
    Your genetics stops, never to return.
    Those choosing not to have kids, know that.

    Men choose, not to have children.
    Men choose not to have children, then are made to have them.
    But as I understand, it’s always been a high percentage.
    Does the research for 45%, say what’s happening to men.
    Certainly the census, can’t tell us.

    Maybe once child support, ruins your life.
    Why not, just have a dozen kids.
    It’s not like they can ruin your life, more than they are.
    Maybe male demographics, is very different to females.

    More men with one child, but no more.
    They learnt the lesson, and don’t do it again.
    Females resorting, to 3 kids and 3 dads.
    Then a small group of men, with lots of kids.
    But we wouldn’t know, men don’t have babies.

    The census, has a bigoted question no 28.
    Where is the same, male question.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 6th March 2023 @ 6:37 pm

  9. Why not demand, government gives us Utopia.
    A perfect society, with no offending.
    No homeless, or jobless.
    A no delay health system, and free dentists.

    Many are achievable, some can’t be stopped.
    The list is long, Utopia to human to be true.

    Half of women not having kids, is no Utopia.
    It’s a miserable place, what an example for the girl.
    Does she want to be a mother, society saying no.
    Born into a world, and what is natural is wrong.
    No wonder they are depressed, they teach a false Utopia.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 11th April 2023 @ 7:20 pm

  10. To fix a problem, sometimes you do the opposite.
    To fix a males problem, you then support women.
    Men can be violent, so society funds services for women.

    But you can support the same, like a women’s problem.
    Women have babies, so do deserve time off work.
    So to fix the woman’s problem, society funds women.

    Not having babies, is a problem.
    So who do you fix, is it men or women.
    Men for reasons, choosing not to father children.
    Can you fix that, by helping women more.

    If men are not consenting, to having babies.
    And half of pregnancy, already didn’t involve male decisions.
    Incentives for women, must involve less consent to work.
    Something that’s wrong, becomes the solution.

    Society must help men, to consent to have babies.
    It must look at why, they are not consenting.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 16th April 2023 @ 6:51 pm

  11. This like a giant experiment, NZ a test to see what happens.
    What happens when pregnancy has no rules, no policy.
    What then are the results, what happens to society.
    In only a century, students will be shocked.

    Women gained freedom, from marriage and men.
    They can have a family, without that responsibility.
    So fatherless children, increased as a percentage.
    Woman can have a child, completely excluding the father.

    What is known, is that increases bad outcomes.
    The children more likely, to experience bad things.
    And somethings clearly wrong, with emotions.
    Fatherless children, have less empathy committing more crime.

    So logic dictated, we naturally tried to solve the problem.
    We evolved we made marriage in the past, so you couldn’t leave.
    The father trapped, with the wife he gets.
    The mother trapped, with the husband she gets.

    And hate that or not, it was very successful.
    As a policy, it made a more stable society.
    The children better developed, more successful.
    The modern world made, slowly with marriage.

    Yet here we are, with very hard questions.
    Freedom and rights, made marriage irrelevant.
    Because think of the right, to have children.
    You cannot stop women, getting pregnant if they want.

    We need them to have children, not stop them.
    So that’s the response, to feminisms demise of marriage.
    Everything supports pregnancy, and freedom from marriage.
    But society went backwards, by ignoring the reason for it.

    The child’s rights were ignored, over women’s rights.
    Fathers rights were ignored, and replaced with child support.
    And now we see, it’s not working for women either.
    They gained freedom, but now men have it also.

    One problem called marriage, got made into many more.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 28th April 2023 @ 7:51 pm

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