The Rise of Father Absence and Its Attendant Social Ills
Fatherless children are at higher risk of delinquency that undermines their own prospects and disrupts the communities in which they reside.
Published by David C. Geary at Quillette 7th March 2023
Men’s investment in their children is one of the most remarkable features of the human family. Such investment might not seem unusual to readers with engaged fathers, and it might seem wanting in comparison to mothers’ investment, but it is an evolutionary riddle, nonetheless. This is because male parenting is uncommon in mammals, and doesn’t occur at all in our two closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos. Although the evolutionary history of men’s parenting lies beyond the scope of this essay, one aspect is relevant: men’s parenting is facultatively expressed. This means that men’s engagement with children is more sensitive than women’s engagement to the dynamics of the marital relationship and to broader social and economic conditions. The result is that social mores and broader conditions impact men’s engagement with children more than they impact women’s engagement, for better or worse.
What a great graph, in the article.
That’s not NZ, but It should look similar.
For NZ the law change, was 1969.
Guaranteed motherhood, and banning men.
So maybe globally, they all changed at the same time.
Women’s rights had arrived, legislatively.
Two parents are level, at 70%.
Mothers 20%, and fathers 5%.
Kids with no parents, is 5%.
The start was women 10%, men maybe 2%.
So even before feminist socialism, society was gynocentric.
“a good relationship with dad is more protective against engagement in delinquent behaviors than is a good relationship with mom, especially for boys.”
That explains a lot, as that was about parental monitoring.
One parent watching, vs two parents watching.
It’s no contest, the outcome.
One parent can fail, and the child misbehaves.
With two parents, one can fail but the other doesn’t fail.
The odds of both parents failing, is much smaller.
If the father is watching, the mother can relax.
If the mother is watching, the father can relax.
The single parent, cannot relax.
“Overall, 11 percent of US children were living in a father-absent household in 1960 as compared to 25 percent in 2020.”
From another source, on fatherless children.
So for NZ, we are at the extreme of feminism.
“Research in Christchurch revealed that 65% of youth offenders were not living with their father.
Ref: Kids In Trouble, NZEDF, 2000.”
“New Zealand has the developed world’s highest rate of births outside of marriage (44%), and the third-highest teenage birth rate (after the USA and UK). Nearly a third of all children grow up in fatherless homes.
Ref: Statistics NZ, 2001”
“For youth aged 15-24 years, New Zealand has the second highest rate of suicide for males among selected OECD countries.”
How can anyone, think society is healthy.
That is from 2001, so what is it actually now.
How many have a father, but with little contact.
How can that be good, 20 to 30% fatherless.
Plus, part time dads.
An example, of profound change.
“Maori children are the most likely to experience father absence. The proportion of Maori babies born to married parents has fallen from a relatively high level of 72% in 1968 to just 20% in the June 2022 quarter. Maori children are the most likely to experience living with a sole parent.”
Anyone comprehend, how crazy that looks.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 9th March 2023 @ 11:15 pm
Joining the dots and the way to political reform.
Comment by Downunder — Tue 14th March 2023 @ 10:51 am
My kids school, gives certificates for attendance.
So the article is correct, that’s a big problem.
And I guess, politicians should help solve that issue.
But how far, do we let politicians decide education.
Education, can poison the mind.
If you don’t learn, how can you do things.
Think of reading, words naturally forming in your mind.
Things you learn, are affecting your subconscious.
In speaking, where did that idea come from.
Is it how it’s taught, or what is taught that politicians want.
The event is a few years ago, who knows what’s taught today.
Who taught the girls, to march on the boys school.
Teaching girls, that boys are violent and sex offenders.
Someone filled there minds, with ideas.
The best outcome, must be no political influence.
You think a political party, could change education that well.
The world with examples, of politically motivated education.
NZ children not immune, to meddling politicians.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 14th March 2023 @ 8:44 pm
There is a Free book, “The Education Delusion”
If you have a particular interest in educational reform in New Zealand.
Comment by Downunder — Wed 15th March 2023 @ 6:46 am
#3 interesting point.
Just look at the way dv is portrayed for example. The poor education around that. Poisoning of the minds. Back in 2007 I had major concerns over my daughter’s safety with the mother. No one was interested. And yet 9 years on “the child is lying” “the father is the abuser”. Yet never once ever even after the criminal court accepted the mother’s quilty plea.
So the family court then “listens” to these so called expects and the father and child are separated no contact allowed between the two.
Not there was any “evidence” of what they thought was true. After all its there opinion.
Bad education and poor reporting of the truth were seriously lacking.
Just cause they say it happened doesn’t mean it did. You can’t turn fantasy into reality. Morally and ethically wrong
Comment by 2c worth — Thu 16th March 2023 @ 9:20 am
With the teachers strike today the education debate is definitely back of the table.
Working conditions are set to be an election issue.
The long story is that with men gone from the education environment women can be paid less.
When many of the good teachers take their talents elsewhere cheap replacements can be imported.
Don’t say that this wasn’t predicted on MENZ.
Comment by Downunder — Thu 16th March 2023 @ 12:37 pm