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What Men Have Lost

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:23 am Wed 25th January 2023

I’m cautious about memes, they can often have multiple meanings and liking them reflects your personal point of view, and sometimes not what the meme is trying to achieve.

Sometimes one that I think has a genuine well intentioned perspective will catch my eye, such as this one.

Feminists have wasted our time.


  1. Hindsight is the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened.

    Baz Luhrmann says wear sunscreen.

    Comment by Lukenz — Wed 25th January 2023 @ 3:44 pm

  2. I like the meme, and it does have meanings.
    Why have I made the assumption, it’s an older man and boy.
    Is that the grandfather, why did I think it wasn’t the father.

    The least contact with a child statistically, is the fathers father.
    Is that what precious is, something that rarely happens.

    Is the image that’s rare, trying to normalise something.
    I can think of a few subjects, with that happening.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 25th January 2023 @ 6:57 pm

  3. Western society, has ruined the family.
    Not just due to women’s rights, but with seperate living.
    First the child is made fatherless, then also not seeing grandparents.
    Yet biologically we evolved, living with all ages.
    We evolved, with thirty year old grandparents.
    The picture is the age, of the modern grandparent.

    Slowly civilisation, radically changed normal living.
    Except with birth control, with its rapid change in family size.
    Normal was not the lonely child, isolated in there bedroom.
    If you could have kids, you inevitably had lots of kids.
    Kids today may never meet another child, until kindy or school.

    So whatever we evolved into, can’t evolve in response fast enough.
    What is normal for child development, is not today’s environment.
    How much time is opposite, the child living alone except one parent.
    Just with the single person, only one influence on development.

    Can you link depression, to flaws with children living in isolation.

    Philosophy wise, there’s lots of arguments.
    Putting seeds in good soil, or in bad soil.
    Clearly the seed evolved to be its best, in the good soil.
    Futher in the argument, you can have life or death decisions.
    The fish from the sea, evolved to live in water.
    But certainly they won’t grow up, if you put them in fresh water.
    Can the seed grow, if you use the wrong water.

    How is the human body responding, to the changed environment.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 26th January 2023 @ 6:46 pm

  4. If it’s policy of the crown, to have a outcome.

    Banning men from relationships with children, is a crime.
    Society went from little fatherless children, to lots of them.
    Laws were made, protecting the solo mother.

    Society then, changed the rules.
    And it did, with the Guardianship act.
    If humans could write an evil thing, it happened in NZ.

    Humans with a dirty secret, law is sexually bigoted.
    The males excluded, far more than the past.
    Men have lost, a basic human right.

    The right, not to be treated differently.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 18th February 2023 @ 2:11 pm

  5. Ownership of the child is still contested and probably always will be.

    Comment by Downunder — Sun 19th February 2023 @ 8:07 pm

  6. I agree, humans are involved.
    No matter how hard you try, some can’t be parents.
    Inevitable that a process exists, for that to happen.

    But I would argue, that’s not a custody case.
    That’s a removal of a right, to be a parent.
    Just as boys not in relationships, had that right removed.
    So custody is an argument, when that’s not happening.
    They can be a parent, and are asking to be a parent.
    One human judged, in a contest with the other human.

    That’s a sad way, to term the relationship.
    The parent, owning the child.
    Like the Taliban, selling daughters.
    Adults with rights and responsibility, but want everything.
    The child’s rights, not considered.
    What about the right, to have a mother and a father.
    Maybe humans don’t like the word, obligation.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 19th February 2023 @ 11:04 pm

  7. Men have lost, and lost badly on some subjects.
    But men have also won, many things have happened.

    Think of the life in just a few hundred, a few thousand years ago.
    Life was very different, we have so much more.
    We have sport, many men are devoted to it.
    Hours upon hours, watching TV even participating.
    Golf and sport fishing, cars and music from the stereo.
    Education and documentaries, science and spacecraft.
    Fly a plane even build one, and go surfing for fun.
    We have motorcycles, and groups to ride with.
    We made robots, and machines that made the world.

    You could make a list, for women.
    Just like for men, life has greatly improved.
    But somehow for both genders, something still breaks us.
    Take the children away, it’s like we lost everything.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 21st February 2023 @ 10:28 pm

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