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Imagine the outrage, the feminist will surely march in protest.
How dare the government, legislate laws only for men.
Haven’t you watched the action movies, woman can do anything.
Men get to become martyrs, becoming a hero is only for men.
It seems men pay a price for living, that women don’t pay.
Then it’s also the easiest political target, the young male.
You can do anything to them, nobody represents them.
Can you imagine protesting sending old men, 40+ your going to war.
Why are the young men not protesting, war is pointless evil.
Look at the hate of Israel, there is no draft for the dying.
Any male is a legitimate kill, children and women are acceptable losses.
See the law is nonsense, in war nobody escapes the draft.
There is plenty of jobs in war, there’s no reason to exclude women.
And why waste young lives, the old men have had a good turn.
But there’s a far better solution, war the old fashioned way.
The leaders out front, leading the charge and first to die.
Immediately draft the politicians, all of them straight to the trenches.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 24th June 2024 @ 6:38 pm
I tend to disagree with you DJ, to bend the clear division between men and woman in war , with regards to the draft is a slippery slope , woman bear replacement citizens after the smoke and carnage of war pass, they and the children they bear are the reason men willingly die in battle. Sending woman into battle is a communist tactic, it requires a certain disregard for the essential centrality of the family as the basic building block of society, to draft women in a time of war ( to combat positions at least ) flys in the face of our core Western values (in my view). I woman and the children they give birth to are the future of any society worth fighting for. Only a morally corrupt, Marxist regime drafts its woman or children into front line military positions.
Comment by Jim — Mon 1st July 2024 @ 9:11 am
The argument about having babies, is a very good one.
In most of history, men only going to war was normal as culture.
Every single one of us, has a family history of men and war.
Countless millions of men are dead, and the women were prizes.
Like a Lion, the winner probably killed the children.
The womb is a great weapon, for example it was Palestinian policy.
But it’s not all cultures, woman fought in wars well before Marxism.
The argument is also flawed, when losing means Genocide.
Young men’s sperm is good, old men’s sperm is bad.
If it’s about breeding for survival, then send old men.
Young men go to war, so the world has less of them.
It’s about the men who survive, war was bred into the human race.
The young man is a person, who then demands they obey a culture.
If you accept women are not men, then they are also not equal.
Physically men are perfect for war, woman are perfect baby makers.
How can women demand equal rights, without equal responsibility.
What was the young man’s sacrifice, he could lose his life.
If you are correct, do you then make young women pregnant.
If that’s the role in war, they must have sex even if they don’t want to.
If young men must sacrifice, so young women must sacrifice.
Otherwise your culture is a sham, young men are being ripped off.
War is very primitive, as a culture it’s doomed.
You can win wars a thousand times, but you will eventually lose.
Think of any war the odds were always 50:50, someone lost badly.
When it destroys the world, it’s not a strategy for survival.
Take all the culture you want, a culture of war has one ending.
Maybe that’s the test, can we evolve from primitive apes.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 1st July 2024 @ 7:25 pm
There is obviously no equality, and war is the role of men.
If WW3 starts getting worse, do we also resort to the draft.
The politicians will draft young men, history will repeat itself somewhere.
Conscription is like slavery, you’re not in control of your life.
There’s plenty of jobs in war, most are gender irrelevant.
Women and scopes, is no different than a man doing it.
Who makes the things, heals wounded or gathers resources.
I am certain in all wars, women were helping behind the lines.
Or on the front line itself, victims to the invasion.
How many military men, have taken power by force.
Got voted in, then became dictators by force.
Inherited peace, then invaded the neighbours.
It is our gender that’s the problem, some men lust for fighting or power.
It’s more than just psychopaths, it’s a natural response genetically.
Our DV rate is about 1/4 of men, how many similar bad traits exist.
The world can have hundreds of good leaders, then just one bad one.
When do we all say no to men, leaders who even talk of war.
Think of Boudica even Thatcher, it was still men’s fault.
Men are the problem, the draft is the punishment.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 9th July 2024 @ 7:30 pm
The post points out differences, they certainly exist.
Gender is not imaginary, virtually everyone is XX or XY.
That has real results for your body, including the brain.
Look at any subject, statistics show the differences.
Even if you imagine your gender, you have babies or sperm.
The law can be arbitrary, you cannot change being XX or XY.
We allow birth certificate changes, how would the law then decide.
If XX imagines being XY, do you send them to war.
If XY imagines being XX, do you send them to war.
If everyone imagines they are XX, you can’t fight a war.
Is the draft, what gender your sexually attracted to.
Do you toss a coin, a person can be bisexual.
Do lesbians go to war, technically they cant have babies.
Do gay men not go to war, they are sexually attracted to men.
Do you discriminate, transitioned stay home but others go to war.
It’s not an easy subject, because the person’s experience is real to them.
Just as you can’t change gender, you can’t change imagination.
I am XY and imagine I am XY, nothing’s going to change that.
I can’t say what it’s like to imagine I am XX, or that not changing.
Think of Mash looking at the subject, but it’s not comedy.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 10th July 2024 @ 7:28 pm
It’s a very in-depth subject, the evolution of gender.
Two different creatures, made completely dependent on each other.
Without men women go extinct, without women men go extinct.
There is even a beginning, some ancient moment gender started.
So ancient that maybe it’s unique, it only has one beginning.
You can do maths to explain miracles, evolution has only so many.
Think of the spider and eight legs, while insects have six.
You don’t have vegetarian spiders, there’s only one evolution event.
All spiders have one ancestor, the Adam and Eve of spiders.
What was the statistics for the insect, to be born with eight legs.
What is the statistics they survive, then breed becoming a spiders.
The odds may be trillions to one, to even have an eight leg insect.
But it did happen, so statistically it must be explained.
There was billions of insects, billions of roles of the dice.
Millions of years of chances, evolution is more rare than trillions to one.
The same would be true for gender, it only happened once.
Maybe we are unique, gender happened once in the universe.
Everything else in the universe, has no gender or have sex.
They instead got evolutionary miracles, that earth never got.
In the beginning, you can assume genders being equal.
The beginning creatures, were essentially the same.
Look how different we are now, one gender is expendable.
The story of our success, only the fittest men survive to breed.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 17th July 2024 @ 2:43 pm
I heard a comment today, “you can’t talk like that about women”
Someone is getting fired, for saying the wrong thing.
Geez I’m lucky then, I would be to scary for the media.
I would quote some statistics, and stereotype women as offenders.
That’s the problem with the comment, it is a demand for censorship.
Somehow some topics are off limits, even considered offensive.
Slowly over time everything becomes a lie, you can’t tell the truth.
There is a difference between men and women, to the speech police.
If the persons comment was truthful, why is the person getting fired.
Was it just stereotyping, one woman’s act was used as the example.
I wonder then the media’s police, what about stereotyping men.
It’s like there is no limits, you can literally say anything.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 29th July 2024 @ 6:35 pm
Criticism can be easy, but sometimes you can’t change things.
It’s only girls who have babies, and for society it’s a necessity.
Anything that makes that harder, is no good solution.
Culture has changed, women are delaying pregnancy until 30.
That’s great for choice and freedom, but they have less babies.
The reasons may be many, but you can’t avoid age limits.
That’s a big issue boys don’t have, they can delay having babies.
So culture in society is wrong, having children young is good.
You can’t change girls biology, but you can change culture.
How do you make that the good choice, it makes life better.
You can have your houses and cars, I have my children.
If only they could teach that, the meaning of life to girls.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 1st August 2024 @ 7:48 pm
The genders are clearly different, girls are different to boys.
My children play soccer, even as children sport is gendered.
At six years old there’s little difference, by ten it’s obvious.
What will the best team be, if gender was banned.
You may pick any gender player, but they must be the best.
It is a one sided argument, allowing men in women’s sport.
Think of the opposite happening, a woman in a men’s team.
Think of pool or darts, women can be as good as men.
There’s no outrage at the woman, we respect her skills.
But if a man goes in woman’s boxing, then suddenly it is very wrong.
Personally I was beaten once, one on one with a woman teammate.
The sport was tug of war, and she had better endurance and skill.
So I could out strength her in the beginning, but not at 2 minutes.
It was a very important lesson, you can’t underestimate women.
She was in my men’s team, but no men could be in the women’s team.
There seems no need to protect boys, but we must protect girls.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 10th August 2024 @ 11:46 pm
Can you think of a world, where all the nations are defined.
Territory for fishing and mining, there’s no more arguments.
The world without civil wars, but governments for all the people.
There’s no news of rioting, things are never that bad in society.
That’s really just utopian, as what is the perfect world.
We certainly are not in that world, there are lots of arguments.
There are civil wars and new nations, riots and falling government.
While in NZ we look safe, really we are not safe at all.
If all hell was to break loose, we inevitably pick a side.
The idea of a draft, is used like comedy in the post.
It’s not happening now, so the argument is funny.
If you are 18-26 and male, things can get very real fast.
Think of our world wars now, they can’t seem to get them to stop.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 17th August 2024 @ 3:07 pm
There’s a big difference with boys and girls, it’s called empathy.
Young men have the draft, because there’s no empathy for them.
Think of the male DV victim, vs empathy for the female victim.
Young boys may get empathy, but as they age it disappears.
Yet males must have empathy, it’s generally bad if they don’t have it.
I have a story that may be true, certainly it happens.
And old man goes to court, thinking his kids are not his.
Still in the marriage together, he just has to find out.
The children are aged into there thirties, him working to raise them.
But as they aged it plagued him, the kids didn’t look like his.
So in his old age he had enough, imagine that plaguing your mind.
One by one the verdicts came, none of the children were his.
The wife pled in response, please don’t leave me I love you.
Can you think of anything that bad, that men do to women.
If there was such a bad thing, there would be no empathy.
It would be a crime, yet all men have are stories to tell.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 26th August 2024 @ 7:31 pm
hey DJ,
you’ve really changed my life. I’ve spent the better part of my life happy, and unaware of what is going on in the world right now. since reading your posts, I have broken up with my girlfriend of seven years, moved out of my parents house, and cut contact with my family. They never believed in me like you do. The truth is, DJ, I love you. I have loved you ever since I found this site. I have dreamed about you every night for the past week. (not in a gay way haha). I told my buddies about you and when they said that you were weird I cut them out of my life as well. I don’t need anyone but you. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
-hugs and kisses
Sigma Grindset Jedi
Comment by Sigma Grindset Jedi — Wed 28th August 2024 @ 11:51 am
Dj ward, i completely agree. why do these females insist on having children far after the age of 30 instead of the prime age of 10 for baby making! as Andrew Tate so beautifully said “18 to 19-year-old women are more attractive than 25-year-olds because they’ve been through less dick.” we should all take notes from our lord, the founding father; Andrew Tate.
Comment by rizzlerofyourdreams555 — Wed 28th August 2024 @ 12:46 pm
Dear rizzlerofyourdreams555,
I am so glad another one of my brothaz respects our founding father Andrew Tate. He understands the trials of the everyday man, and is not afraid to call out the woke agenda for what it is. #seymourstan #seymour4life
XOXO, Engelbert
Comment by Engelbert Humperdinck — Wed 28th August 2024 @ 12:55 pm
Tate has more ego, than probably anyone else.
He stereotypes men, he says how he expects women to behave.
I have seen some videos I don’t like, as in he is wrong.
At times he helps feminism, with examples of misogyny.
His fruits are violence sex and money, seems good enough for lord.
His religion may be OK with ten, but I’m certainly not.
So I think you read things wrong, if you think I said that.
I don’t think Tate has said that, I haven’t heard that said.
Certainly males do like younger females, that’s evolutionary.
Ten is a child, no philosophy or religion is changing that.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 30th August 2024 @ 1:04 pm