MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:33 am Mon 9th September 2024

Streamed live on 31 Aug 2024

Contains victims of false allegations, domestic violence, police coverups.

This is 7 hours including a lunch break. You may want to skip that.

The clip is ideal to run just audio in the background.

00:00 Event commences
03:00 Welcome – Peter Deakin KC
06:35 #MeToo Attack – Vanessa Scammell
37:20 Men Under Siege – Bettina Arndt
1:06:30 Domestic Violence Orders Violate Human Rights – Professor Augusto Zimmermann
2:03:30 My Son Was Found Not Guilty – Dr Debbie Garratt
2:31:30 Trial By Media – Damian Coory
3:09:10 Punished for False Allegations – Ian Jones
4:55:10 Male Victims of Coercive Control
5:03:00 False Rape Allegations Aren’t So Rare – Tom Nankervell
5:19:45 Faking the Stats
5:55:30 ASF Panel Discussion
6:27:30 Fathers4Justice – Nadine Taylor
6:52:00 Call to Action Panel


  1. Thanks Lukenz for the new topic, it certainly says a lot of things.
    It is good to see people working, coming together talking.
    The results of there work, is people quoting them in media.
    When making another comment, I will likely do the same thing.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 10th September 2024 @ 5:15 pm

  2. Interesting post, I enjoyed it. Injustice is never acceptable and it’s apparent the principles of natural justice have been both bent and forgotten in NZ’s DV and Family courts ( and yes the two are often one in practice) as protection orders are often used as a vexatious means to force an established pattern of care by fowl means to an applicant’s advantage in FC proceedings. Everyone knows it, everyone sees it , it’s all too often an elephant in the proverbial family court room

    Comment by Jim — Fri 13th September 2024 @ 9:33 pm

  3. I have just watched the first person, what a fighter.
    If she was a politician, imagine her arguments.
    Geez some was funny, especially having a go at the judge.
    Magically there was three complaints, all at the same time.
    How then in all the accusations, was none of them proven.
    She points out a villain, someone getting paid to prosecute.
    They decided they had proof, but everything was shown to be nonsense.
    Look how opposite woman can be, they can be good or evil.
    One scorned does evil, one scorned fights like Vanessa.
    Hell may have no furry like a woman scorned, I like the good version.

    Wow, they then went to a balance of probabilities court.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 18th September 2024 @ 6:25 pm

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