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Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan creates new new role of Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 6:21 am Sat 1st June 2024

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A new low from women’s activist Jacinta Allan.

Comments by others were.

‘Are you for f***ing real? Do you despise men that much? Have you observed women’s behaviour as well? It works both ways,’ one woman commented.’

‘We need a minister for men. Not this! This is more posturing which will do nothing to solve the violence issue,’ a second person wrote.

Another woman claimed the role was ‘demonising men’ and urged the government to focus on bail laws and keeping offenders in jail.

‘You’re serious? What an absolute joke,’ she commented.

‘You’re demonising men when a very small percentage are offenders and almost all of them are people you’ve already let out on bail or are known to police already.

‘Most men don’t go around bashing women. We despise men who do, they are considered the lowest scumbags,’


  1. It’s so bad they smile, they think they do good.
    They as government, are spending your money.
    They spend to change men, but don’t look at women.
    Nothing is spent to change women, it’s blatant bigotry.

    Men should stop raping, everyone demands.
    One look at the research, and the culprit is easy to find.
    Mothers should stop having sex, with their sons.
    You can raise the odds, just have more solo mothers.

    Men should stop being violent, everyone demands.
    One look at the research, and the culprit is easy to find.
    Mothers violence is ignored, the boys see it all.
    They learn the odds, they get treated differently anyway.

    You can’t fix problems, with a sexually bigoted government.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 4th June 2024 @ 6:38 pm

  2. A minister for men’s affairs is urgently required not only as a matter of principle but is essential to draw attention to the numerous blind spots in public policy formulation. For example when prostitution was legalised, this legislation was formulated almost entirely through a feminist lens with no thought given to the reality that men are as much victims of this pernicious trade as woman. Research clearly indicates that the Pareto rule applies to consumption of sex work services, that is to say much like gambling or drinking or any other vice, 80% of turnover is from what are effectively addicts or individuals who are consuming services at an unhealthy level. Until we start balancing policy decisions with input from a men’s welfare perspective our policy makers will continue to paddle an unbalanced waka with only one arm and we as a society will continue to go around in circles forgetting the essential reality that both men and women are in essence flip sides of the same human coin.

    Comment by Jim — Sun 9th June 2024 @ 11:56 pm

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