Male Friendly New Zealand Men’s & Fathers’ Support Groups
One of the biggest mistakes NZ men can make when their relationships break down is to try and handle it on their own. Non-judgemental support from other men who understand what you are experiencing is available – take advantage of it!
Should your group be listed here?
Groups which hold regular public support meetings for men in NZ can have their own free page on this site.
Email me: [email protected]
Papa Aroha Dads Connect
Join Zoom Meeting every Wednesday 7pm – 9pm
Local Groups
The South Kaipara Men’s Trust (a.k.a The Men & Family Centre) was registered as a Charity in March 2008 (CC21857) and has operated continuously since that time.
Hillsborough, Auckland:
Hillsbro Parents’ Support Group
Hawke’s Bay:
Union of Fathers Taradale Rugby Club Rooms, Taradale, Napier, New Zealand Every 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:15pm
Contact Ken (06) 878 3580, answer service on 0508 2255 323 (0508 Call Dad)
Manline is a DV Court provider for Stopping Violence programmes but also offers counselling and education services for men. Operating for 32 years, they are a service run by men, for men and advise men on looking out for their own interests. Phone: 06 3581211
Union of Fathers Natural Healing Raumati, 22 Margaret Road, Raumati Beach, Kapiti Tuesdays 7.30pm (except 1st Tuesday of month) – No Meetings from Mid December to Mid January Contact Allan (027) 242 0112, answer service on 0508 2255 323 (0508 Call Dad)
Canterbury Men’s Centre 8:30-5, 357 Gloucester St., email or phone 03 365 9000
Too remote or live overseas?
ancient links to international sites (probably mostly dead by now)
Some old 20th century posters celebrating dads that I found and scanned in 2023

Laying strong foundations

Doing the walk of life

Ready to face the world

Making heart connections